So, when is the last time you upgrade your pc Sup Forums?

So, when is the last time you upgrade your pc Sup Forums?
I just very recently change my mobo and cpu

So do I fell to Sup Forums meme?


Looks like it's original product.


I'm not sure which mobo I should buy so I just picked the cheapest in store


Should I buy a new casing?


I think it's bent a little bit



You may need a bit more of light.

Quite surprising that everything installed easily, I don't even have to reinstall the os and everything run smoothly



Holy shit, user
Your case needs a fucking good clean

I'm writing this on a thinkpad x60. Upgraded to 3GB of ram 2 years ago.

oh man that reminds me of my old k6-2 build. I really need to get a replacement motherboard for that one day.

Sold my pc in March. Bought a t420 instead.

Changed CPU a bit under two weeks ago.