Company uses Linux, loses 1 MILLION DOLLARS
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how much you think wannacry cost companies?
>was on kernel 2.6
>tfw there are people on Sup Forums who is younger than that kernel right now
>tfw op is one of them
Retina Macbook doesn't have this problem
Nice server MacBook
Rocks have no problems either.
you're shitposting on one now. :^)
+20 shekels
>Web hosting
>Doesn't use encryption
They got what they deserved.
>Linux kernel
>NAYANA’s website runs on Linux kernel, which was compiled back in 2008.
>Additionally, NAYANA’s website uses Apache version 1.3.36 and PHP version 5.1.4, both of which were released back in 2006.
about 150k dollars last i read
the fuck
do they sit on their asses and eat dogs all day instead of securing and monitoring shit? what the actual fuck
>use 11 year old software
>get malware'd
Wow what a surprise
This is like using XP (no service packs) and complaining you got a virus
>do they sit on their asses and eat dogs all day instead of securing and monitoring shit?
Pretty much.
T. Samshit tv
I member when Sup Forums legitimately thought he was being serious and for so long memed this shit.
All it took was a quick whois search to prove the servers weren't even near that faggot's home.
Total ransomed: $141,384.29. Last payment made at: June 20th, 4:51 PM
So wannacry on Linux confirmed 7x worse than Windows.
Wow, he only made 140k? What a waste.
>ancient kernel and apache versions
>may have been local attack
>same ransomware also works on windows as of at least feb this year.
I've seen an IIS servers hacked.
Nothing to bitch about.
>Still use activex for transactions
>This happens
Get your shit together south korea
>they were using an outdated kernel
Holy fuck. This is as retarded as using windows xp for servers.
linux is a meme. it is not more safer than windows since android.
Jokes on them. Should have used GNU/Linux instead.
>kernel 2.6.xx
Newsflash: Company uses Windows XP Service Pack 3 in 2017, loses money in vulnerabilities!!!111