Other urls found in this thread:
Diversity is our strength
>More than a meatsack made for having sex and kids with that has to cover his head in submission to her male and god male.
Tech companies supporting this fucking joke...
You should take English classes
How can a tech company support feminism and muslims at the same time? Anyone finds the logic here?
how is this related to technology?
because ((((youtube))) (a tech company owned by (((google)))) endorses it
feminists want to be raped and are frustrated they don't get the D
Why is Sup Forums always shitting on other boards with its bullshit?
Why are you always crying about Sup Forums when someone posts something Sup Forums related?
comments disabled in 3
Fuck off back to your containment board
like bar disabled in 3
Huh there's a containment board? I see (((echos))) on every single board I browse. You must be confused.
Islam is clearly the closest religious ideology to feminism. Quit being a bigot shitlord.
>Sup Forums related
>liberals push their propaganda through every medium they can
>tech isn't a focus of this propa- I mean video
More than a refugee
Less than a human
This is Sup Forums you fucking nigger. Go hate on the jews and liberals in Sup Forums
jajaja XD
You don't have to live like a refugee
>he was a big guy, for me
go love niggers and muslims in their countries.
>implying I live in cuckland europe
I read that as
>More than a meatsack made for having sex with kids [..]
I didn't imply that but I get your joke.
>my wife's son
>not a single 30 year old lonecoming refugee child
I thought they were supposed to show off the refugee demographics of Europe
>those comments
>that like/dislike ratio
im optimistic for the future
I know I can't believe how retarded they are. They want the right for Muslims to oppress women.
because they think supporting muslims will smash the patriarchy/capitalism so they can have their feminist utopia which is being raped and controlled with a real patriarchy. or it's like women who think they can put the bad boy on a leash and have the best of both worlds
I don't give a shit about this on Sup Forums. I know how to vote for my interests while not wasting my time on polshit.
k..keep me posted
>he was a big guy
>for me
This is fake
It's almost like it's the entire site now and not just Sup Forums
hmm really makes you think...
From Sup Forums to /x/, welcome to the digital Lebensraum.
This doesn't have to do with technology pls leave.
>This doesn't have to do with technology
Tell that to google.
Google/Youtube are private entities. They are free to spend their money the way they want as long as they aren't hurting anybody.
If you don't like something, just close the tab and move on. Man up.
>digital Lebensraum
ok so stop bitching about pol crossposting and hide the threads
>tfw already fucked 3 sandnigger refugees and the summer didn't even start yet
Why was he such a sweet man Sup Forums?
Fuck guys Arab girls make me question my views. I met this gorgeous Saudi girl and I've been talking to her every day for two months. She even convinced me to fast for a day.
the world is pol, time to visit other places besides silicon valley. faggot.
Yes that was my point user.
Because he actually cared
>tfw there was a time when silicon valley was cool
I, for one, blame the jews.
Nah. Sup Forums's traffic is atrociously insignificant. One Sup Forums thread will help the board more than anything else.
>those comments
t.inbred Drumpf voter
see: Laci Green
yes merchant
Jews import the muslims and now using reverse psychology to goad us into genociding them.
I've unironically started thinking about becoming a muslim just for all the sexism.
yeah some user submitted it to them and they published it
Godfrick Elwick got published on the Guardian on more than one occasion, it's actually not that hard to troll lieberals
>Fatima Gassem
Every time
Is this real? How you not read this text and notice that you are being memed?
kek jewtube is mass deleting comments and even downvotes 66k vs 67k 5 mins ago vs now
I find this mildly amusing.
If I take off that hijab will you die?
why is it covering a nail bomb?
>Saturdays are for the boys
let's cracking, boys
>current topcomment
lol, no way youtube is going to let that pass. They will disable comments AND the likes/dislike bar soon.
>my wife's son
I am refugee and I got a white to write this for me. Fuck computer.