I found a MacBook Pro on the ground

I found a MacBook Pro on the ground.

The asshole who dropped it locked it with iCloud. Any way around this shit? I can't boot to recovery. Always get the padlock. Image related.

return it tyrone

Seems as though I would have to call Apple and give them the serial number simply to return this idiots computer. You'd do that?

Give it back, Jamal

Yes, give it back

Return it Laquiesha

It's only good for parts if he password protected the uefi.

I wouldn't have picked it up in the first place

just go to the nearest apple store and give it to them.


I would rather part it out then return this idiots machine to them.

Someday you'll lose something and then you'll pray the finder will return it too you fuckwad

Stop being a nigger

I don't drop MacBook pros on the ground.

Maybe you should start

The owner must've missed the trash can. Toss it in there for them.

Im gonna use a service to do it. All of you can suck my ass.

here's what you do to unlock it. you can't, give it back and say you're sorry for being a thieving niBBa

Return it, D'Quan

what does CMD + Shift + R on boot do?

What happens if you replace the HDD?

What happens if you open it up, remove the removeable parts, leave it for a year to kill the battery to those removed parts and then reasemble?

brainlet, so these are my brainlet suggestions.

kaeshite jamaru

I removed the SSD and it the option key still comes up to a padlock page. It's a firmware password. I'm gonna pay someone to do it I don't have time for this shit. And fuck all of you idiots who say you would return it you're all full of shit.

Eh, probably has enough money.

Cant you switch the HDD on a pro?

>i am a thieving nigger and need to justify it to myself by asserting that everyone on Sup Forums is a sticky-pawed Jamal, as well!

>Gee I have loads of money

>I guess I'll just drop this expensive laptop right here. Who cares? It was just 2k.

It's pretty banged up. If I had to guess I'd say it fell off the roof of a car or out of someone's back pack.


Du'qual Latarius Jackson there's no such service. Anyone telling you they can break it for a fee is scamming you.

you don't even have to do that much, the monkeys will just unlock it for you

you can not unlock it from home without the iCloud account, but you can take it to the apple store and explain your situation and they will unlock it

Karma is gonna fuck you up, man. The universe knows of your misdeeds. At least TRY to redeem yourself before you regret it.

Also, peace to you.

Ok guys I changed my mind. I'm gonna take it to the Apple store.

Are (You) really this starved for attention?

No need to be so upset that you stole a locked laptop. Should've done your research first.

1. Stop being so fucking new
2. Apply kill to self

why are these threads literally never deleted?

Kek you're going to get scammed retard

But it's a Mac, they suck and have a real value of less than a Thinkpad

How can the laptop even lock if it isn't connected to the internet?

It only had to be connected for a split second. Macs phone home to Apple and the NSA every 100ms, didn't you know?

Yeah but
>take laptop home
>no known networks to connect to
Would be extremely unlucky to be next to a house the laptop has the WiFi password for

It's only 8 pins and $20 for a new one do it faggot

>damage it
>take it to an all purpose electronic store
>tell them you broke it and apple charges too much, ask them to repair it

>he thinks NSA doesn't have special piggyback data channel even on closed wifi networks


B-but that would be illegal