Why Linux is such shit?

Why Linux is such shit?
1. Monolithic core - is fucking unbelievable stupid shit, driver failure = system down. Plus it makes very hard to provide their new drivers for hardware developers like NVIDIA and AMD and etc.

2. No universal API, and OS subsystems, for example today I tried to capture audio stream from some application which uses ALSA, I fucking spent 6 hours for it because in Linux there's no single audio system, it has OSS, ALSA, JACK, JACK2, PulseAudio, and all this shit if fucking retarded in configuration.

3. Graphics, fucking unbelievably bloated X server, wayland that's supposed to be a successor to that shit, but it still doesn't work at least to be able to work and things like usual on it. Fucking WM,DE, that don't still have normal compositor without tearing, ALL shit you must tune by yourself and spent days to make it work fine.

4. Okay no software for regular user, it's like 1000x poorer version of Macos where all program bugged as fuck.

5. if you have a laptop with wifi linux will be a nightmare for you.

Despite ugly very poor architecture of kernel, main disadvantage of this fucking bullshit system is bloated and hell amount of not specified shit, like 10 Audio API, 10 Graphics API, 150 WE/DE, AND NO FUCKING SINGLE SPECIFICATION FOR WHATEVER, that's why every single autistic retard writes every fucking minutes a new THE BEST startup system that has no analogous in the world. Every fucking retard thinks it's his duty to write his own fucking bullshit system. And the Chief Commander of all that fucking bullshit is fucking Linus.
I fucking hate this system.
I used it because of my work for 15 years. Fuck you. I wish you with your system will burn in hell.

inb4: No fucking windows is also dogshit.
inb4: No fucking macos os fucking gayshit.


Lost your prescription?

The doctor can usually call the pharmacy and have them give you a refill.

>t. mactoddler

Very nice post bringer of laughs.
Now please continue using Linux.
Thank you


can confirm OP

what you wrote is stupid.

Linux is fucking trash

>t. mactoddler

I'm not a mactoddler
I'm not a wannabe hacker nor a neckbeard and I use a normal OS for straight people Microsoft Windows.

>not just being me and holding my opinions
Fucking hell, OP. Get a grip.

I use Linux (Ubuntu) and I, so far, haven't had any of the difficulties you have listed

Hmm. Sounds about right. I can't for the life of me see a single reason to use Linux over MacOS. It's the same, just way way way shittier where all the drivers are homebrewn and half-assed. And your CPU is running at 100% at all cores before the driver for that is not working. Graphics card isn't working at all, so everything is lagging. No wifi unless you spend 6 hours digging through forums looking trying every possible solution out there. And obviously, all the application except for Firefox and fucking Gimp is missing.

Yep, pretty much like travelling back to medieval times. I don't see the charm.

1 is correct, monolithic design is shit, no way to fix it anymore though and it doesn't work too bad
2 is troublesome because of poetterings pulseaudio that recently joined the party but once everything uses pulseaudio it will get better again. windows also has a shitload of different audio APIs
3 yes X is shit, yes wayland is a poor replacement
4 no software for normies, who cares
5 is bullshit, wifi is working very well out of the box

>straight people
you mispelled "cuck"

>monolithic core
just contribute to HURD :^)
>no universal api
what is posix
>there's no single audio system
it's called pulseaudio
>wayland doesn't work
it does
>4. Okay no software for regular user, it's like 1000x poorer version of Macos where all program bugged as fuck.
>5. if you have a laptop with wifi linux will be a nightmare for you.
what is this, 2008?

>normal OS for straight people Microsoft Windows.
english is hard

I think that Desktop Linux is a fucking joke, but you literally have no idea what you're talking about in regards to kernel architecture.

Neither macOS XNU or Windows NT are actually microkernels in the traditional sense, because both Apple and Microsoft realized that microkernels are slow as fuck, and so they went with a hybrid approach where the internals are modular like a microkernel, but everything exists in kernel space like a monolithic kernel. This basically negates much of the stability that traditional microkernels offer, as anybody who has ever gotten a bluescreen because of a shitty driver can tell you.

The designs of kernels these days are implementation details. You as the user shouldn't notice a significant difference between them.

Also, Linux's ABI is stable. It's userland that fucks everything up. In regards to your specific complaint about sound, the correct answer in 2017 is "Use PulseAudio API's, unless you actually need low-latency sound because you're making a program for DAW use, then use JACK".

Troll harder next time kiddk

>Desktop Linux is a fucking joke

Because it's shit and nobody sane uses it.

>it's shit
>nobody sane uses it
I'm pretty sure that there are a few developers who do

i don't think he can try much harder

Because userland is driven by the community and has their priorities completely fucking screwed up.

Linux userland loves to bikeshed and reinvent the wheel for no reason. Even worse, when the status quo is actually objectively shit and somebody comes along with a solution, the solution will be bikeshed to death and more reinventing of the wheel for no reason follows.

Microsoft controls the kernel AND the userland. So does Apple. I don't agree with every decision they make, and sometimes you even get a little wheel reinvention in those ecosystems, but it's nowhere near the moving target slash trash fire that is Linux.

It's a shame, because there's nothing inherently wrong with the kernel either. Look at what Google did - they took the Linux kernel and wisely pitched the entire *NIX userland and came up with the unified Android userland.

GNU/Linux is "too many cooks in the kitchen" the operating system.

>if you have a laptop with wifi linux will be a nightmare for you

>wlan card doesn't work on linux
>does flawlessly on windows and even on a duct taped hackintosh

if it works on hackintosh, it would also work on linux
you just went with a distro that doesn't include the nonfree firmware for your card

>5. if you have a laptop with wifi linux will be a nightmare for you.

Assuming you don't have access to a modern phone and can still use the internet if need be.

but how am i supposed to use it then if i'm supposed to get drivers from the repos and the driver isn't there

it's a dw1510

So, how did this thread survive but the apple hate thread didn't?

Equal opportunity shitposting removal is a lie

put it on a flash drive? use a wired connection?

This might have been a valid post in 2005. Try harder, Winshill. You gotta EARN those rupees.

Because m0ds are paid Applel shills.

Continued from So this status quo really sucks, right? Well, there's something you can do about it.

Stop using obscure-ass environment with Linux. We don't need a billion desktop managers, or six different widget toolkits, or ten different process management tools, or honestly even 20 different linux distros that target roughly the same crowd. Use a normie distribution like Fedora or Ubuntu.

Why does other people making different choices than you trigger you so hard?

It doesn't. It's just the plain facts as to what needs to happen in order for desktop Linux to be taken seriously - you need as much unification in the userland stack as possible, and that's an attitude shift that that Linux as a community needs to figure out, one user at a time.

Or, you people can keep spinning your wheels, running in place in perpetuity. No skin off my back. I use macOS for work, Windows for play and Linux (Debian) for servers, and I'm fine.

what's changed since 2005?
Linux was shit
Linux is shit
Linux will be shit

2018 confirmed as the year of GNU/Linux, kys