Linux Masterace Software

Window manager - i3wm
Text editor - Vim
File manger - Ranger
Word processor - LaTeX

What else? Any suggestions?

Other urls found in this thread:

Python for Ddosing Normalwares

get rid of vim for emacs

Distro - Gentoo

What theme are you using, and where can I get it? It looks cool.

Sorry. Picrandom, it's not my desktop


get rid of spotify client by using mopidy + ncmpcpp

Install - Gentoo

This is the ugliest thing I've never seen in my life.
And I love i3wm. But your colorscheme, uww

ed is the standard editor

What's a good GUI network manager for i3wm and its bar?

Not software you shitfuck.


>word processor

I use the same software as you, only not fucking disgusting
Plus I'm too much of a noob to understand LaTeX so pandoc it is.


back to plebbit

Ok, and what do you do with it? I mean besides ricing it, posting it in Sup Forums and fapping to chinese cartoons?

looks like a heavily customized tiling wm (one that allows window borders, maybe awesome?), custom term colors, terminus font, what appears to be a dzen bar at the top, but with the sys tray icons it could very well be awesome's widgets
if you like it, make it yourself, get a tiling wm (doesn't matter which, the one you're most comfortable with), and get to ricing is a nice place to pick and experiment with color schemes

mutt for email

Pretty much same as OP but use VIM for word processing

Install a real desktop environment and software you can actually use on a daily basis for more than taking "cool screenshots" for desktop threads.

Real niggas use ifconfig and wicd for wireless

mutt - email
links + surf - web
vim - every kind of text based format
mpv - video
mpd - music
dwm + st + tmux + pdksh + redshift - env
weechat - irc
vmm - running debian for old F# thanks to mono breaking it
aria2c - downloads
rest of suckless tools

rest is pretty much a bunch of scripts / programs

Use cmus if you want a no bullshit music player. It's not specific to GNU/Linux (I also run it on OS X and FreeBSD), but it's pretty great.

>VIM for word processing
jesus is this the last level of autism

Just use tmux for tiling, no need for a tiling wm.

xorg: i3, openbox
wayland: sway

file manager: mc, spacefm
editor: vi/m, sed



It's i3

And not a very customized i3 either

Sup Forums stuff I actually like:

Comfy stuff Sup Forums hates:
Nature photography instead of anime

why does your DE look like a gay pride parade shit all over it

I3wm configuration files can be imported into sway(tiling) for wayland btw!!!

mein niggere


I would like for you to start shilling Razer RGB products alongside images of that desktop.


i3 is fucking overrated garbage.

Nah, you just don't know how to use it to its potential ;)

Shit that Sup Forums likes that I loathe:
Night Commander
Window Tiling

Things that Sup Forums hates that I find acceptable:

Captcha: STOP Torrevieja

Mutt looks great. Thanks!

Stop ruining Mac Tonight, faggot.

Window Manager: None

text editor: Emacs

File manager: cd, cp, ls

Browser: fetching web pages from other sites by sending mail to a program (see git:// that fetches them, much like wget, and then mails them back to me. Then I look at them using a web browser

Word Processor: Emacs.

Distro: Trisquel GNU+linux.

A-are you serious?

>doesn't even rice his tmux.conf
on a side not how do you get a htop without the function key footer?

>Browser: fetching web pages from other sites by sending mail to a program (see git:// that fetches them, much like wget, and then mails them back to me. Then I look at them using a web browser
For what purpose?

>side side not
tmux.conf moded for combo's based on ctrl+s

>function key footer
tmux does that if you move it round enough


Lol at and

I get that it's for "browsing" the web, but I'm genuinely curious about the method. Or were you just memeing?

It's not a meme it's real.

Its what stallman actually does. Don't know why.

Oh, it's a Stallmanism.
*nods head sagely*
That explains it.

Welcome to the church of emacs freind.

The Open Source community has a notable man called Stallman. When he was young, he wanted to write his own software, but everything he wrote ended up becoming a notepad. Once upon a time, struggling with implementing the “onKey” event, he found a letter from a Finnish student who wanted to write his own OS. He wrote, in particular, “hello, I’m 17 and I wrote a bootloader, pls help me write the rest, my OS is almost ready. Linus from Finland”. Stallman responded: “Hello, my name is Richard Stallman, I’ve already written a notepad for Unix and I think I can help you write your own OS, young man” The first thing Richard did was to try write a kernel for Linus’ bootloader, which he called The hURD. Unfortunately, once again it ended up being a text editor. Linus was angry and then another person, called Cox, came and wrote the whole kernel. He was a very good British man who could not stand others feel bad. Stallman, seeing how his fame is being stolen by Cox, said: “I have already written many notepads for the Linux system, you cannot just delete it all”. Linux had to agree, due to their friendship, and left all the notepads inside the Linux. It was renamed to “the GNU’. To this day, even in 2015, we can enjoy the beauty of Stallman’s genius. For example, there’s a program which takes one file and renames it to another file. Also, there’s a program which deletes a file. Windows doesn’t have such things. Just imagine Linux without such software.

Stallman’s magnum opus is emacs. It’s one of his notepads where he put a scripting language into. Only a visioner is capable of writing a text editor and putting a scripting language there. Some may say it’s 1 grade students’ project, but they will be wrong, as Stallman didn’t put there Basic or Pascal — he’s put there Lisp. It’s a very powerful language, because it’s functional (Basic and Pascal are called dysfunctional). From what I understood reading Wikipedia, functional languages are very awesome because they’re very math. Only smartest people can code in them because it’s too math for common people. Basic is not enough math, C is not enough math, Lisp is a lot of math because it’s functional. So emacs has Lisp in it, so it’s a very good editor made by a innovator and a genius, who understands math and functions.

When he turned 62, Stallman got a bit tired of writing notepads, so he founded Free Software Foundation to promote his ideas. The foundation’s main idea is that you cannot use a program unless it’s written by Stallman himself. He believes that anything not written by Stallman is potentially a patent troll and a vendor lock-in, because there’re no guarantees to Stallman, and only Stallman gives guarantees to himself. And we again return to the topic of notepads, unfortunately. In a perfect world, there are not other programs, but notepads written by Richard Stallman. Preferably with LISPs inside (no less than 85% functional). Maybe Stallman is right, maybe he is wrong, I can’t tell for sure. What I know for sure is that he’s a visioner, an innovator, and we definitely should at least consider his opinion.

Stallman wrote more than notepads. He wrote a compiler and a bunch of other core utilitys of the gnu+linux operating system.

>vim - every kind of text based format
What about org mode?

>open source comunity
Its free software.

can someone help me figure out how to use emacs lisp? it's too math for me

Thank you for interjecting for just a moment.

You're very welcome/


how the fuck did they manage to make a tiling WM bloated, just use dwm

How is i3 bloated?

I'm talking about htop's function key footer
when you run it, at the bottom is pic related with no way to get rid of it
is there a version of htop without it? what am I missing?