Hyped by the newest Debian, Stretch release I downloaded my image and went on to install it in my laptop. Finally I was installing Linux!
There was an screen that reminded me of Windows 10 that asked if I wanted to opt in for a botnet like "feature" for "whatever repositories" program. That was weird since people here glorify Debian and Trash Ubuntu but well... So I just did every step on the installer and it was about to finish when it gave me an error "when installing packages", and prompted me to go back to the step and redo it.
As I imagined, once it failed, it never worked. That was frustrating as hell. So I went on and downloaded openSUSE Tumbleweed. I did every step in the installer, and it was installing, but got stuck at 87% and asked me for "nic1 disk" or something like that. Both pressing continue or cancel did nothing that made it work, why the fuck would it ask for a disk when it just downloaded all the packages it needed from the internet still makes me think about the mental health of the fucking retards that made this distro.
So I then downloaded Ubuntu 16.04 and it installed right away without any kind of problem.
These retards then will complain about windows when I haven't seen a blue screen since like 6 years ago when I still had windows xp. Windows 10 works like a charm, is like 999 times more pretty than any default distro gnu/linux has to offer and much more. Moreover the only distribution of probably the top three that works was Ubuntu for me.
Thing is, I really want to have a Linux system, and while Ubuntu works well, I feel like it's bloated with shit I don't want. I tried to install Arch as well, and did, but I don't they're also a bunch of retards that won't help anyone and just redirect them to their shitty wiki, written like you already knew stuff.
All I want is a fucking distro with just what I want. Is that so difficult in gnu/linux? lol Can anybody help me here? I only need to get xfce installed on the barebones Arch I just managed to put together. Once I log in as root, what steps should I do with an ati radeon card to get xfce working?
Cameron Reyes
At this point even installing gnome would be alright if I do it on Arch and more people know that desktop environment.
Gabriel Williams
Yeah, you should stick with Ubuntu
And you probably mean the 'popularity-contest' package on Debian, or something of the sort?
David Diaz
I refuse to believe the "easy" alternative to windows that many, many people online have told me, is a bloated piece of shit.
Arch should be equally as accesible, and you should tell the the 5 lines that get me to it instead of going the way of other arch users and act all "superior" about it.
Eli Edwards
Just install manjaro
Matthew Perez
it's not that bloated you can even uninstall the gtk modules unity uses for the global menu if you want
>As I imagined, once it failed, it never worked. what was the exact error? did you use a wired connection? did you get the installer that contains nonfree firmware? (even if you did, you might still need firmware files from the unstable distribution)
Brayden Brooks
Just install jewbuntu if you're too dumb to install anything else
Kayden Reed
>Manjaro provides all the benefits of the Arch operating system combined with a focus on user-friendliness and accessibility. >Available with xfce
Literally what I was looking for. Thanks user.
Also after having this name I googled and found another similar distro called antergos, which I will probably try if this one fails like loldebian and lolopensuse.
>you can even uninstall the... I know you can literally transform one distro into another if you want, but that's not what a beginner should be doing. Just like no normal w10 user should be using a router firewall to block telemetry.
>what was the exact error? I don't remember, I guess I could try again since I did a couple times and always got the error, but it was like a generic error saying "there was an error when installing packages" or something along the lines. Nothing specific.
"If you are too dumb to block w10 telemetry you kys and stop calling it a bad os when you're just too dumb to fix it" Does it sound stupid? That's how you sound.
Anthony Young
If you want xfce specifically, Manjaro might be good for you. It does come with some default packages like a web browser, music player, etc etc, but you can just remove them easily enough.
For Debian, you can do a minimal installation and then set up a desktop environment and whatever else you want yourself. It shouldn't be hard, but read up on that beforehand.
Oh, and if you want a pretty distro, try Deepin. It's also the easiest thing to install I've ever seen.
Cooper Cox
Manjaro is pretty based. I've been using it for a couple of years. Everything works out of the box, but doesn't suffer from random lockups and lack of programs like Ubuntu does. Its only downside for me is that I had to reinstall a couple of times because some updates made the icons and the theme look funny, but it's ezpz if you keep a separate home partition.
Michael Sullivan
just fucking kill yourself if you can't use a computer
Michael Young
It changed my wallpaper and splash screen back to default once, but that's the only wierdness I had upgrading.
Thomas Watson
Don't forget to use the freetard GPU drivers, they are better.
Gabriel Thompson
just install ubuntu noob why do you think you get to use hard linux first time
Joshua Russell
install cloveros
Asher Walker
The first GNU/Linux I installed was also Debian. Still werks on my machine pretty well.
Cameron Scott
Not knowing bash means not knowing how to use a computer, ok. What a deluded fag.
A basic barebones distro like Arch, coming from windows's spyware and bloat, should be like the most accesible thing in the world.
Instead I found it's the "leet level" and two of the major names don't even work, third working but has amazon stuff and programs I don't even want. You surely have complained about windows having telemetry and bloat, so this complain should be logical to you.
Luis Bell
>people here glorify Debian and Trash Ubuntu No they don't, Debian is broken freetard shit with no updates, everyone prefers Ubuntu to Debian.
Michael Martin
>actually replying to it neo-Sup Forums everyone
Nathan Murphy
>Debian is broken freetard shit with no updates >What is Debian 9
Ian Watson
By the way now that user awared me on manjaro, my google searchs have improved and besides antergos I also found this. Posting it in case anyone's facing problems installing arch and to make that elitist scum cry in his room: arch-anywhere.org/
Now every noob can install arch ;-D How does that make you feel, virgin-elitist-kun? There was one thing you thought you were good for in exchange for the solitude in your room. Now everyone can have install it :)
Weird, though I have definitely read that sometimes, in general lines I got the opposite image.
Justin Gray
Same type of morons that tell people to use mint and devuan. They aren't good distributions, not easy to use and not developed as much as Ubuntu.
Nathan Brooks
Caleb Reed
Let me guess, you picked the netinstall iso without non-free drivers which you need for installing the packages over the network? Did you even try to get some hardware specific info about your laptop beforehand?
Zachary Gonzalez
top kek
Jack Watson
>Windows users are stupid Yeah I already knew this, you didn't have to make a thread about it.
Justin King
I did, in fact address it as gnu/linux, but not everytime since linux is shorter and it's a habit.
It dowloaded the packages just fine, and did lots of "preparing/installing" things, but when it was about to end the installation that error happened. Anyways I'm dowloading Manjaro right now and already deleted that iso.
Your beloved OS is stupid, not me. I just did everything the installer told me, yet it couldn't even do the one thing it was programmed for. Go troll the arch or debian subreddits some more, retard.
Aiden Bennett
>Now every noob can install arch ;-D How does that make you feel, virgin-elitist-kun? Ha-ha, 'virign-elitist-kun', you heard that guys! Wow, you literally made everyone using Arch cry user! I bet they are SOOOOO upset, that now idiots can run a simple script without understanding how their OS works and come here on Sup Forums to make another fucking thread crying that their system crashed and gnu/linux is just a meme.
God, you're the reason this board sucks nowdays.
Aiden Perez
>Your beloved OS Linux is a kernel you mong. >Windows intelligence
Hudson Sanchez
>Windows intelligence Windows users are the Sup Forums equivalent of burger intelligence on Sup Forums, kek
Parker Hughes
>Your beloved OS I don't mean to nitpick, but are you 18 or younger? You can always tell from the way people talk when they're trying to make a point but aren't good at that sort of thing, so they resort to cliches like "Your beloved {X that I don't like}" as insults.
That's Debian for you. Less stable than Arch in my experience.
Alexander Peterson
>that now idiots can run a simple script without understanding how their OS works Seems that it really hurt your pride and now you try to deflect to other thing where you can feel like you are in control, so to forget those days in which you were bullied at school. My job here is done :)
I never blamed the Linux kernel for it, but rather the debian and opensuse distributions, read Operating Systems.
You telling me that I mistake a kernel for an entire operating system is just a strawman fallacy. Go kill yourself.
It might very well be that this isn't my native language, and thus I have to resort to some expressions to get my point across. Not bragging but in my native language I'm always praised for what you tell me that I lack in this one.
Caleb Sanders
>their shitty wiki, written like you already knew stuff
boo hoo I wanna be spoon-fed like a helpless baby boo hoo poor me :(((
Ethan Evans
You know you're actually confirming my point, you retard?
linuxfags actually think linux 'just werks' and doesn't need any improvement because it's literally perfect already
You will never convince them to actually get up off their ass to fix their problems.
Justin Garcia
I tried to install the latest Debian yesterday in Vmware workstation 12, and it did the same thing. Needless to say, I'm sticking with Kubuntu. I've been using this for nearly 5 years, and Ubuntu for about 11 years. I've successfully completed about 4 dist-upgrades of Kubuntu. This is a great achievement for all of the distributions I've tried. Nothing I've found is as stable. Sure there is probably something out there that might rival it, but I've tried all of the major ones over and over and nothing has worked like Kubuntu.
Levi Rodriguez
>Ubuntu Solus is the Sup Forums endorsed beginner GNU/Linux distribution. Please correct your mistake at once.
Luis Jackson
>Not knowing bash means not knowing how to use a computer, ok. What a deluded fag. That's literally what not knowing how to use a computer means. Just accept you're an idiot, install Ubuntu and move on.
Daniel Gray
just do pacman -S "package name of driver" "package name of xfce" and add the cmd to start xfce to .xinitrc in your home dir (~/)
Levi Phillips
Too retarded to use cron?
James Thompson
>So I just did every step on the installer and it was about to finish when it gave me an error "when installing packages", and prompted me to go back to the step and redo it. Did you select a mirror for updates?