How old are you?
How old are you?
stupid millenials have taken my Sup Forums
>18 and under
>97 votes
18 and under are only barely millenials
iirc millenial year range is 1980-98
>most of Sup Forums is teenagers on windows 10
Oh that's why Sup Forums is so stupid
>be 27
>voted "18 and under"
When you cant tell if people are being ironic or not
I don't like that you don't list individual ages after 26. It's like you're assuming it would be trivial because most of us should have grown up and left Sup Forums or something
i've done this poll several times using a broader range of numbers or more specific numbers. Then I looked at an age thread on a different board and realized a majority of the people were 18-mid 20's. this poll makes it clear that most of the people on Sup Forums are 18 or under, 19, 20, and 21
>36% 18 and under - 14% 19 = ~22% underage
This actually explains a lot.
> - 14% 19
Why? How do 19 year olds subtract from the number of underageb&?
>still on Sup Forums
because on Sup Forums anyone aged 18~20 is guaranteed to be an overgrown child
It's just a very rough estimate of the number of people that are 18, by saying it's the same as 19.
Then subtract that from "18 and under" to get the "under 18" number.
not fair 2 do this during the summer you will make me depressed
Windows 8.1 homie
>18 votes
Holy shit. No wonder Sup Forums turned into Sup Forums-tier garbage over the past year. What happened to bring all these fucking newfags? Was it the U.S. election and Sup Forums?
>18 votes
fuck, meant to say
>18 and under
This is true but unfortunately the term has been so bastardized it basically just means whatever someone wants it to. It has become a pretty worthless term now days and no one even bothers to look up (which takes 2 seconds).
>Younger than me = Millennial
>Leftist that someone hates = Millennial
>Someone under 30 (for the past 10 years) = Millennial
>Kids I hate because I don't understand them = Millennial
>Someone who is collage aged for the past 15 years = Millennial
Fuck off CIA nigger
t. mentality of a 12 year old
When obligatory anonymous age detector app for Sup Forums?
it became a generic term for "fucking kids"
but with the massive changes in culture and technology in the 80s and 90s, we're same "generation" in name only
I am very surprised by the results
20 yo btw
>leaving Sup Forums in 2007
Probably wouldn't have been a bad idea
babbies & oldfags?
only surprise (not really) was that there's so many Sup Forums babbies here
why do I get lumped in with the underages
lmao this