Guitar Shaped MIDI Controller

why are MIDI GUITARS so FUCKING hard to find. all fucking SOLD out and shit. its twenty FUCKING seventeen why has no one made a FUCKING midi controller in the shape of a FUCKING guitar put some FUCKING buttons on a fretboard & SELL the shit holy FUCK

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Why would you want this?
Just plug your electric guitar in an AI & record

Any serious electronic musician learns to play a keyboard.

in an AI? i've tried plugins that analyze the sound but they're not entirely accurate and don't work well with chords. i don't know, it seems logical, there are MIDI keyboards galore, it'd only make sense that they'd make a MIDI controller in the shape of a guitar
yea well yknow im already famous get bent

AI = audio interface

oh. pf well that has obvious limitations i.e. everything's gonna sound like a guitar & will input as audio. none of the advantages of inputting midi. another five years & they'll be commonplace, surely ...... & then I'LL be the one laffin

totally janked my own thread with my nasty attitude.......

& ITS LIKE-- oh hoyp doyp every 'srs' electronic musician just ABANDONS their instrument of choice & sits at a keyboard. doesnt HAVE to be that way. it's only that way because no one got their SH•T together enough to put a cheap guitar midi controller on the market. 'sept for these yourock people but they didn't MAKE enough of em to go around and now they're a rarity. horsesh•t

Are you autistic? Get checked.

i approve of dis poster
i wanted me a midi guitar for a while too
i was gonna bring the weird music performance game to the next level

'doooooooyp autosem? lol autosem maybe' brosef several lifetimes have been spent enjoying the content i have put out into the world. you're trash by comparison. also s4s is my homeboard and sorta f•cked my writing style over but im stickin with it sitewide learn to cope.

hah hah, my noggo...

get a keytar you fucking faggot

>Ive got 10000 plays on one of my songs on soundcloud
>im famous
Sound like one of my dumb friends

I'm sorry you have had a hard life op.

Aren't MIDI pickups a thing?

Here's what you need

>using a guitar
>"everything's gonna sound like a guitar

just learn how to play the keyboard chordlet

na im on a label ma dude keep seein the worst in everything it mite work out for ya someday. im likin that moderately high number tho that was a cute move. ultimately bunk tho dont kid yaself im on vinyl this summer bitch the world is my oyster

'hoyp doyp with four or five cpu-intensive plugins a guitar can sound like aaaaanything!' beside the point anyway, i don't want to record audio. i want to record midi. quit tryina win internet points & try to look into the crux of the matter one day
yeh i mean im o.k. but guitar comes much more naturally. 'you callin a f•ckin chordlet im fucken sexy wit ma voicings & sh•t. so much pent-up jealousy in this thread its givin me a hearty chuckle

.......fascinating, thx. 'minds me of this n•gga

Roland GK-3

hmmmmmmmmmmm... so you put this on the guitar, & it interfaces with another piece of equipment? what else would i need to get sh•t poppin?

I think now it has MIDI out, but in past it usually had synth pedalboard too. Or it might always have had MIDI. If just a real MIDI out then you attach to any synth you have that has in. Which is most of them. For virt synths on comp just get a MIDI in/out for hardly anything. I'm sure more spendy variations on this are out there but this used to be it and the standard.

Nope still need the pedalboard to convert the pickup signal to MIDI. It's fun stuff but be prepared to drop a bit of cash.

Also you'll get a bit of lag it's not an analog signal. I bet it's much better now. I want one too haha..

but can't a famous guitarist like yourself just input midi via sequencer?

Here's some doofus demoing one

The thing is that a guitar chord although it has the same notes as a chord on a piano, has a much larger range. For example some notes are octaves apart whereas on a keyboard you'd play them within the octave. Playing them on a keyboard would be a total pain in the ass.

It's a subtle thing that will get you different results. Sure you could waste 10 minutes trying to play in the same guitar chord from the guits MIDI in on a keyboard, but then you just could have strummed the chord.

Also, you can connect to the "real" pickup of the guitar and the MIDI one at the same time. So you can create sounds much like Bootsy Collins who has a ton of pickups and outs on his bass. Bootsy though as far as I know always just used those normal pickups.

It's more of a subtle thing and it's a valid approach for a certain type of sound for sure.

it's also funny you asked here OP because everyone gets their full sip of hateraide before they make a post.
Like some faggot who worries about which linux distro he's running would know anything about this shit.