How much virtue signaling do we have to take?

How much virtue signaling do we have to take?

Obligatory >>Sup Forums

It's pandering, not signalling. Difference being pandering makes money.

>we have to take?
what we? You don't have to take anything. Does someone force you to use their services? Simply do not use Google products and be free.

Sup Forumseddit sure is leaking lately

>just don't speak up when a company is being horrible, just ignore it hehehehe
i thought you freetards were against corporations? guess not when it fits your agenda.

Oh good, the lapdogs are quick today. Good useful idiot, good boy.


Not everyone who disagrees with far left politics is Sup Forums you stupid commie.

Friendly reminder to be specific!


>virtue signaling
Isn't that a Reddit term? Head to Sup Forums lad, we're always looking for a good Reddit poster over there.

It shouldn't be allowed for companies to push a political agenda at all
By allowing them to shape public opinion you're undermining democracy and replacing it with a kind of soft-dictatorship of the people who run them

>reddit term
how retarded are you?

>It shouldn't be allowed for companies to push a political agenda at all
And yet Jeff Bozos bought the Washington Post exactly for that purpose. And he still failed against Trump.


not an argument.

Sorry, boy, we don't speak Reddit here.

The issue isn't that companies push a political agenda, it's that there exist many companies large enough where they can.

Go back to plebbit you fucking cuckold morons.

Hillary won the popular vote

>English is reddit
English has words for things. Wow!

>Actual words stop being actual words because muh sekrit cleb xD

Yeah, no. You're just pretending there isn't a name for it because it embarrasses you when it's called out. Stop being a commie.

you mean English? that term has been in public discourse for years, unless you exist entirely on Sup Forums you should have heard it.

>m-m-muh denald!!!
Don't you have cuck threads to spam and VONs to burn through doing it?

very hard to prove that's a result of corporate influence either way though, the argument is rather asinine.

Le no hable le Redditle.

These kind of companies will always naturally emerge though

>unless you exist entirely on Sup Forums you should have heard it.
Wow, nigga, you're good! Intel BTFO!

sure is reddit in here

well, it is being done right now by Google and I don't think it's a good thing at all

Will they?

Illegal votes don't count :^).

where do you draw the line though? im all for boycotts and social movements against this garbage but you start restricting what kind of speech people (or corporations) can have you have bigger problems.

I can justify limiting their free speech in favor of mine. They're an international mega corporation, not a blue collar American.
Their propaganda should be shut down.

How much Reddit do we have to take?

but then how do you classify it? should your local bakery be shut down by the feds for promoting a breast cancer charity? free speech is one of the things that has to be absolute, as unpleasant as it can be and i do agree that google is a disgusting company.

why are so many SJW's getting triggered over this?

>When people stopped responding but you just keep going anyways


Because they think refugees are a good thing and can't understand any objection, so they feel like they have to preach their religion.

Or did you mean "why are reasonable people upset a corporation is using a position of power to push it's abhorrent strain of neoliberal politics"?

Well, for one, these rufugees are typically sexist and racist and bring their oppressive religions with them, wherever they go.

>breast cancer charity is an equivalent to Muslim terrorist attacks brought on through unbridled and unchecked immigration
No body currently has an issue with your local bakery. The issue is corporations that run every aspect of human interaction on the internet taking a side that people recurringly vote against.

Don't downvote me, bro!

no when i go to the video there are a ton of dislikes and a bunch of people getting triggered as fuck in the comments

that wasn't the question i asked. you can't write a law for just google, so you have to legislate against all corporations. also you make the mistake of judging equivalence between those two statements. value judgements are subjective and for that reason all speech needs to be equivalent under the law.

friendly reminder Sup Forumstards


Mozilla > Google


>not SJW
If this weren't bait I might've been mad

>you can't write a law for just Google
Nothing is stopping that from happening. There should be steps to limit Google effects on the opinions held by their users on social issues.
People would go to your local bakery to support breast cancer. People don't go to Google because they support their latest propaganda piece, they go because they use a Google phone, or a Google laptop, with their Google email and Google sms service.
The UK is suing Google over using their search engine to interfere with public opinion.
Are we just going to sue them over and over?

Dude it's fake.

Stop it with your propaganda and just get with the times.


who even cares dude?

just install chrome and enjoy the superiority

It's real.

im not very aware of the case in uk so ill have to look into it. there could be a case for it since google provides services separate from politics, my biggest fear though is once you do something like that what's to stop gov from interfering with press outlets because they influence public opinion? i don't want my gov to have control over my information consumption. at least legally since it already is happening to an extent.

Until a competitor that can compete with YouTube in terms of videos available


in a free and open market google would not exist because it would have been torn up and sold off to encourage competition
your libretarian views don't stop what you fear from already happening, but you can rip a page from stallman's book and use the law to force your belief on everyone else

this kind of thing is precisely why I support Google and switched to a 100% google ecosystem, encourage everyone I know to do the same.

We can defeat bigotry together.

pol and reddit are going nuts over should have a look.the nazi larping is first rate.

>only Sup Forums and reddit use google and youtube

who said that? did I hurt your SJW fee-fees,m'lady?

>you can't write a law for just google
Dude, that has already happened several times. In germany e.g. in the "Leistungsschutzrecht" debate where or california where Google suddenly was being allowed to drive unsafe computer cars on public roads.

You seriously need to catch up.

This shit happened years ago already. Of course their latest movements in the political spectrum won't be as dumb/obvious. You can rest assured Google learned that influencing politicians is best done behind closed doors.

>Presidential debates of 2016 were shown often in yurop in the news
>Nearly always Google ads in the background scenery - sponsoring...
And what are we left with? People in denial.

apology accpeted