I love it when websites do what they're good at and leave politics out of it!
I love it when websites do what they're good at and leave politics out of it!
This is why links2 is the best browser.
not having this on my machine
Yes. A rapist parasite.
why don't you use websites that actually support your beliefs or make your own instead of complaining. you don't have to use youtube
Because only Google has the resources to run Youtube, which is a money-losing black hole they only keep because killing it would cost them far more.
its a privately owned business. they are allowed to have opinions and beliefs on certain matters. literally no one is forcing you to use it. your not gonna die without it
yeah because nobody makes money on youtube not even google
You're moving the goal posts, friend. You asked a question. I answered your question.
Also, the US Supreme Court has very recently recognized a right to use social media. So you can't hide behind the "private business" defense anymore than religious bakers can refuse to serve gays.
Individual content creators can make money, but Google is definitely posting a loss on Youtube. However, killing it would cause such a hilarious PR disaster it would make history books.
That has nothing to do with his post, but agreed.
YouTube sucks, but most of the best content creators use it. Leaving YouTube would mean I wouldn't see some of my favourite content creators anymore. It's a vicious circle that can't be fixed because of Google's miscalculated acquisition. If they could at least have no political agenda, like any conglomerate should, I think they'd make a lot more money and more people would be happy.
Amusingly, Google's increasing politization is going to hurt their ad revenue more than anything else. People with views they're pushing and starting to become advertiser-toxic (see: Kathy Griffin) while legitimate, non offensive videos are being "demonetized" because Google's "safety algorithm" was designed by braindead liberals and will often demonetize historical videos for having Hitler in the title or religious videos for "fuck you that's why".
i wasnt aware that i had set any goal posts that could be moved. and saying i hate gays is different from refusing to serve them.
i love virtue signaling
You misunderstand leftists
>implying Westboro wouldn't get taken to federal court if they created a God Hates Fags Bakery But Loves Cake even if they served gays for legal reasons
if you don't want certain content on your website then you can remove it. yt isnt an archive its a business. there are historical videos in the library or at the store.
>because Google's "safety algorithm" was designed by braindead liberals
ah. its a Sup Forumstard
**God Hates Fags But Loves Cakes Bakery
My joke was ruined by a typo
It's funny because controversy is what made people money on YouTube for the longest time. Now it just fucks everyone over, including the libtard owners. If they could just pull their head out of their ass they could make a lot more money, but they won't because they feel it's worth wasting money over, just to enforce their retarded ideologies a little more. It's no surprise YouTube's CEO is a woman.
What have I misunderstood? Clearly they only care about themselves.
>If you don't want certain people in your store you can remove them
lmaoing at you
>everyone right of stalin is Sup Forums
Kill yourself commie
i don't know enough about law to make a point about this.
you can use it if you obey their T&C's
product inertia, but you're right
someone should make a p2p youtube replacement
its not a fucking store. its a website which literally anyone can make. stop trying to make these stupid analogies.
Terms and conditions cannot be written with illegal provisions. Since the Supreme Court has decided "posting" is a fundamental first amendment right, Google will have a due process requirement.
>Since the Supreme Court has decided "posting" is a fundamental first amendment right
citation needed
As an apolitical this is just embarrassing. They're making television seem preferable.
A small image makes YouTube less appealing than TV. Sure, lol.
If you used the mobile client like normal people you wouldn't see it.
>lmao just maek a yootube dood xD
Stop talking about things you don't understand, child.
"Literally the first result on Google" should be accepted as MLA style citation desu
maybe they are trying to make the world a better place and believe that they are in a good position to do so. or maybe they want to destroy the white race and they are in a good position to do so. but they are not breaking the law. if you don't like it go elsewhere. youtube is not a human right.
>Now it just fucks everyone over
apparently not since they literally have no competition (this is a joke)
>Mass migration for cheap labour which literally only benefits large corporations and financial institutes
>"Make the world a better place"
I would go elsewhere but a lot of good content creators use YouTube. They're the ones getting fucked over; take a look at h3h3 - they've practically migrated to Twitch after what's happened with YouTube's new policies, and now when they do upload to YouTube it's usually pretty shit.
vote with your views. If you don't like a website don't visit it
Oh wait you're addicted to it. Retard.
youtube is a video hosting website. its not hard to make a website to host videos. sure its on a much bigger scale and the problems that they have to deal with are much more complex but its just a website. if you make it and it starts getting tons of users then you can go from there.
You are fucking stupid.
The GOVERNMENT can't ban them. But the COMPANY can.
I won you stupid fuck. You should kill yourself.
>Nobody is EVER allowed to publicly disagree with ANYTHING EVER
Oh look it's this fallacy again
>It's not hard to make a video hosting service
Jesus kid you keep swinging the bat and hitting your face, just stop
Refugees are not rapists. Fact: a refugee is twice as likely to attack you with a grenade than a rape.
No, you dumb cunt, if it's under the first amendment it's immediately considered a civil right and applies to companies through the standard civil rights legislation. Do you not understand that concept?
Oh wait
>I won you stupid fuck
If you're arguing on the internet to "win" you really need a psych exam. Not a surprise, most liberals do.
most jej
wow thats kind of impressive. i literally gave two examples which were on separate points on the spectrum and you cherry picked the one that would suit your argument. the point is that they aren't breaking the law. youtube is not a human right.
thats a valid point and i'm honestly not sure how it can be solved. content creators wont move to a platform if its not profitable. so theyll either have to suffer with youtube or lose income. a p2p youtube replacement would be nice maybe ill do some research and see what alternatives are out there.
liberals are fucking stupid but here you are whining about what they do with their own websites
you lost so shut up
You would need to go to court to win.
Peace out loser
Remember when git changed their top bar to black after Trump won?
>>Nobody is EVER allowed to publicly disagree with ANYTHING EVER
where the fuck did xe say that? its a valid point noone is saying you cant criticize. just do something that is actually useful like supporting content creators that move to other platforms or donating to other websites.
whats the point of this post?
I'd really really like to go to San Fransisco and ask a bunch of bakers to make me a "thank you president trump" cake
Why do the turbo autists here like trump again? He's even worse than obama.
I really fucking hate black(s)
Uh oh...
Someone made a political statement?
What will we ever do.
theyll probably say no which is within their rights to do so.
i fucking hate Sup Forums. why won't these assholes stay in there fucking containment board.
I like how every other population hates the idea of letting in refugees, but American hyper-left liberals push the shit out of refugee acceptance while literally bombing the shit out of the countries that the refugees are coming from.
Even as someone who leans left politically and believes in human equality this entire situation is fucking retarded and that video deserves all of those thumbs down. YouTube needs to focus on its content creators and not this sort of shit.
What if the next hashtag said
I wonder how people would react? Would they be considered "entitled to have political beliefs?"
I think this is called consensus led politics, and I think it's destroying our society. Nobody is allowed to have beliefs beyond the virtue signalling ones.
Like, if you think 9/11 is an inside job, or vaccines might be dangerous, or that importing thousands of immigrants a year might not be a good idea, you will get shot down and called crazy, and even though NOBODY really wants all these brown skinned people here, everybody is like "lalala no don't want to hear it lalalala you are a bad person lalala i will fuck a black guy so i feel like a good person lalala"
Its literally destroying our society - cowardess is killing us.
>m-m-muh Sup Forums!
>anyone who disagrees with me is Sup Forums!
You might as well call them JIDF, it's the same mindless paranoia and hate
:^) retard
>NOBODY really wants all these brown skinned people here
everyone is ignoring it because of societal pressure to do so
I'm not seeing anything OP
Why? Why do you think political discrimination is ok but sexual discrimination isn't? Either it should all be allowed or none of it shoud. Else you're a hypocrite
Try a non-localized YouTube
But when they don't wanna do it for a couple of faggots it's "hate speech" and they get shut down.
i do agree that it should all be allowed. didn't mean to imply that one is better than the other.
had to look up the actual definition of hate speech to see if what i was thinking makes sense and i think it does. Hate speech is speech which attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or gender. There is no hate speech exception to the first amendment in the US at least. but it is all about the audience that you are around. there are consequences for things that you say even if you are within your rights to say so. you probably think that its not fair and you're right its not fair. but these are the times that we live in.
Nobody will ever care about your opinion.
its almost as if gigantic coorporations, like google, and the rest of the MSM, have an incentive to spread pro immigrant propaganda so that they can force down wages for their workers
because they're the new furfags, solus users, and vegans. they have to tell everyone
Yeah and if my favorite movie or game franchise turns to shit I don't have to play it/ watch it either. No shit sherlock, Its still a good reason to complain. Especially when they are insulting half the population by misunderstanding the arguments against refugees.
>>Try a non-localized YouTube
No, I don't want marxist propaganda :^)
Why do you even come to Sup Forums.
NipTube is safe
We don't have this problem
was right.
>it seems like you got the link in the youtube icon if you choose any country with immigration problems
>Check Youtube
>Don't have this shit because no one gives a fuck about exploding towelheads over here
Feels great man
What are the alternatives to Youtube? I want to set up a channel for my hobby but fuck Google
>content creators
oooh oooh mommy give me content to consume mommmy mommy
fucking die botnet nuv idiot
> its not hard to make a website to host videos.
Retarded statements general. Lets play a game of who will bankrupt your first, Level3 or the RIAA.
>go to YouTube
>watch a video
>close YouTube
>don't get assblasted over a 20x40 png what has little to no bearing on my life.
Sure is fun not being poor.
>propaganda doesn't affect yourself or others
the israeli version also works fine
I didn't see it in the Russian YouTube yesterday. I'm sure its on the German version.
>he actually likes ali project
consider suicide
>h8s politics being forced into every topic on his anonymous website
>is okay with politics being forced into every topic in reality
Go suck the the spic cum from your wives cunt, cuck.
>libtards through their crony capitalism create monopolies
>said monopolies crowd out the market so there are no alternatives
I'm all for breaking up Google but most libtards would throw a fit if we tried.
>let's conveniently ignore the fact that google lies about their algorithm being purely mathematical based and not influenced by politics in anyway in order to further my baseless argument!
Nice try kiddo.
Meanwhile three refugees raped a 5 year old girl and pissed in her mouth 4 weeks ago.
Do you need help?
Please see: Vee's law
It's just part of google's hiring program.
>I love it when websites do what they're good at and leave politics out of it!
bummer you don't
>posts politics in a technology board, complaining about politics where it shouldn't be
the irony had clearly escaped you
I blocked the logo a long time ago
The technology exists. What lacks is the will to struggle out from under behemoth websites.
There is no agenda. We'll continue to intervene in foreign conflicts and create failed states and when we import millions of third world Muslims to replace the native whites you'll like it.
same goes for you, fuck off to pol
You're implying Sup Forums is good at anything.
current Sup Forums is good at finding designated streets
Rapefugees :(