What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Nothing, everything's cool dude

Getting rid of the union jack.

Pierre Trudeau

Most of our leaders before him were so red pilled they would post on Sup Forums if they were alive today

dude... Weed..haha..

There is literally nothing wrong with our current flag though.

Really, I have never seen anyone IRL or online outside of Sup Forums that thinks it is bad.

They didn't become a Republic.

No they weren't you are practically retarded.

Pierre was based, he re-wrote our constitution and flag and did more for canadian nationalism anyone else ever did.

>unless you are a muh monarchist faggot

yeah its a meme.

its more recognizable than most european flags imo, not a lot like it.

I agree, memes apart the flag's not bad, with just a fucking leaf you guys managed to sum the whole culture and 'feeling' of the country. I only think that the red should be a bit darker

We specifically avoided that due to the states civil war.

The 90s, basically.

>Getting rid of the union jack.

Not really.

loyalists didn't take control

Remember that time they burnt down our White house?
Can you guys do that again? Please? Thanks.

>did more for canadian nationalism anyone else ever did.

Are you retarded? He practically killed Canadian nationalism by engraving multiculturalism into our shitty constitution he also made

Fuck Trudeau Sr. He's still better than Justin though, at least Trudeau sr had a spine

Every European flag is recognisable

7 years war.

stop lying to yourself.

Isn't it better?

That's how it looks irl though

It never looks as bright as it does in OP's pic


The leaf

Their neighbor


RUDE desu

Chink immigrants and Gook immigrants

the eternal anglos

turned your back on the UK desu.

Not memeing now:

I know quite a few Canadian-Brits, but recently met a (recent) slav immigrant to Canada, who's very much like LOL fuck Britain, she ain't our Queen etc. And claims to be speaking for most Canadians, which I'm not going to dispute since I don't know your cunt. Kind of broke my heart a little tho.. Thought we had a legit bond.

Not enough Fancy. Not enough Homosex.

Why did Anglos ruin our only white colony ? Why, just why ?

C'est de votre faute. Vous aviez juste à envoyer plus de colons et plus de soldats.

je sais bien, l'ami...
Si j'avais à revenir dans le temps, pour le bien de mon pays, je reviendrais au 17ème siècle

Je suis bien d'accord, cousins Canadien.
(je ne suis pas ce gars)
Mais bon, je suis pas François premier, non plus. (si j'étais lui j'aurais envoyé des renforts).

Everything is profoundly spaced apart which makes it difficult and expensive to build metro systems in a lot of cities. Everyone here is rather prude about things like alcohol and sex/nudity because of early emigrants.