/asean/ stronk edition
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/asean/ stronk edition
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why is best girl the ladyboy country?
Singapore should be Nico. Worst girl, nobody likes her, thinks she's so much better than everybody.
Philippines is Honoka. They're not necessarily good but they're the happy, cheerful friendly guys that keep the group together.
Malaysia is Maki.
>move to Malaysia/Indonesia to work in Orangutan conservation and spending all my time to work with and towards the conservation of Orangutans
thoughts /asean/?
this pic makes me wanna pinch my mother's tits.
If you have the money to sustain yourself, why not
NicoMaki is my favorite pair
You're right about Singapore and Malaysia.
flip is a slut so it stays.
I want to work in a Monkey-eating eagle conservation center and unleash them all to your Orangutan center
what's with sea obsession with anime?
not that I oppose to it
>ywn work in a tiger conservation
>ywn sleep in a tiger cage or pet a qt tiger like those rich guy in dubai
Mahal kita maging sino kaman
They were our morning cartoons.
weeaboo is a global illness apparently
Japan propaganda.
>has abu sayyaf personality
>keep the group together
i agree
not everyone here is obsessed with chinese cartoons
putang ina mo
that's like idiotic insecure alpha animal obsession
>so tiny dick they have to spend all their money on deadly animals
>they feel manly having control of a deadly animal
>they don't realise they have no control at all
why would you want that? Tigers are dumb
Orangutans are intelligent and able to communicate and connect with humans
your taste a shit
Tangina. I should stop being a wagecuck and just sell my body.
We are cute girls, cute girls like cute things.
I'm sure, you just want to fuck those orangutans, Blake.
I give you suggestion, don't be like that Blake, remember you have wife and baby.
>wanting tigers
Cats are better tbhwy, they only shit on your neighbour's garden, they walk themselves, they clean themselves and feed themselves.
sino dito bakla rin hehe
How much for a kidney?
Timestamp tits or gtfo
Sorry, my lust for Orangutan pussy become so strong I forget about my wife and baby.
I will stay here and care for them
Putang ina, Im on my 3rd day of no fap because people keep going in and out of my room for some reason.
goodnight friends
always remember that i love you all except filipin
go to the CR, turn on the shower or tap and fap.
Fap in the toilet.
Anybody heard about that teacher who got jailed for rape of minor when he and his student got busted dating at 7-11?
3DPD not even once
>being a cuck in his own room
hi kuya :3
Goodnight indon
I also love you all, except for filipin
atas ane pedofil
>he and his student
This french teacher had sex with her student at the age of 14, she went to jail and married him when she got released. They have two qt daughter now. Why live? ;__;
Too bad the retard who got jailed believed the "Forever" meme
>two qt daughter
they hardly even have one
What's the markets price for that today?
Are you my imouto?
why Indon-chan?
t. chink
anything you want me to be,kuya
>Kuya, permanente ka nalang nakatutok sa komputer. Mag-laro ka naman sa akin
I want you ded, is that ok?
someone say anime?
Pervy here. I must be a machochist for keep returning here
I will shitpost on anyone speaking with ape language
Dumb frogposter
You serious?
who /girl/ here
Is having a child degenerate? Its kinda stupid to bring new lives to a shitty world.
Guys i'm curious- show me what you consider as a hot girl. I'll start
I would agree to you if you don't type in Indonesian in last thread.
>replacing desu with po and ho
holy shit, make this happen, MAKE FIRIPIN ANIME NAO!!
Entot ah
+1 filter
filter THIS nerd
*unzips kontol
How much do escorts earn in your cunt?
your filipino is getting there but needs more practice, it should / could be:
>Kuya, palagi ka na lang nakatingin dyan sa kompyuter mo. Makipag-laro ka naman sakin o..
Come on. There's NO local qtps where you're from?
tang ina mo po
s-soz I only had up until elementary to learn Filipino
She's cute, but is she flip?
tangina nyo rin po c:
laruin ko pekpekmo
>She's cute, but is she flip?
the problem with children is once you have children you can't really do anything about it
you can't just give it up for adoption you're stuck with it
if it turns out you love kids, great!
if it turns out you hate kids, tough luck. raise them for the next 18 years.
I'll never accept IN
Not my proudest fap
k-kuya huwag po
why are you doing that to yourself?
Bump if u guys are interested for more
Is it true that flip girls get horny easily? Or the girls that you know?
F-for research purposes :3
i think he was speaking in bisaya
>still not INC
>not joining flip OC religious org
why hadn't you converted to the most powerful religion in the world?
no he wasn't,that was Filipino you'd expect from toddlers
wtf man.
No, flip girls are prude and will only pretend to like you to steal your money.
And now with our new president they will plant drugs and call the cops
Its a cult to extort money they have no real liturgy and often change their bible to fit those agendas
oh I was looking at nakatutok which is a bisayan word.
>you can't just give it up for adoption
ask tyronne and my white buddy from the trailer park, james.
L-Lewd... I wonder if Filipino can make great anime
>Ayoko! a-anoba?! kuya huwag po
>hehehe, aba.. puki mo nga'y malusak-lusak na, gusto mo rin 'to no?
>sabihin mo na kaseee...
>h-..nde... K... ku-iyaaaa!!!
i think the best way to test out whether you'd be ok with kids is to sort of "test it out". babysit someone's kid for a month or something and see if you like it i guess
If you're a foreigner you wont get any quality pussy here if you're not a twink or rugged. At the very least you'll attract women mentioned here Though it's very obvious if a flip girl wants dick or not. But once in a while you'll find girls who secretly wants the dick.