Brexit won't happen

>Brexit won't happen
>the EU will cuck us even more afterwards
>Merkel will get reelected next year
>same for F. Hollande and Hogfucker Cameron
>Killary will win in USA
>Poland and rest of eastern europe will get sandnigger refugees sooner or later
>Sweden Democrats won't win
>same for PVV in NL

You know it's true!

Other urls found in this thread:

>profits shall still be had.

Fuck off furfag

Oc I know it. It sucks watching the western world dying.

>Brexit won't happen


are there actually neo-fascist furfags in Germoney? Have you really fallen that far?

>iberia is still irrelevant
when will the pyrenees drop so we can finally drift alone towards the ocean?

Hollande will never get reelected, he's got like 15% of good opinions in polls

>same for F. Hollande
I doubt that.
Maybe another Socialist, but Hollande is done.

the number of refugees has surpass that of ww2
something to think about

>wanting the pvv to win

You know they're run by actuall fuckinv retards right? Like, I don't you'll find another collective of dumbasses besides pvv """"politicians"""" and their voters

>he doesnt know what banjo kazooie is
I knew vidya in germany was shit but wew lad

Yes, yes, well done, OP. Well done,OP

The UK cucks the EU either way, Brexit or no.


I know what Banjo Kazooie is of course but why would he choose this image instead of any other meme image

From every angle, it's truly ogre for Germoney.

I have dreams about explosions and I want to kill commies and eat their flesh.

Because its the greatest platformer of all time?

objectively, the first three spyros are better.

As an overall package BK is, in my opinion, better. The level design and atmosphere was much better, the characters were memorable and funny, and the soundtrack is GOAT

Why do you think it won't happen?

There's a good chance people will be afraid and vote for the status quo, but fear of what's happening in Europe might help.

I don't understand how he manages to still have 15% though.
I know the media are being extremely nice with him but still...

I can respect that. I am not saying BK was bad, But i enjoyed Spyro, Crash and Sly more, tbtqh.

Even if the Britburka majority decides for 'leave', it won't happen. They will find a way to prevent it.

If you speak German (or like to use a translator), then here's a good article about it:

>The majority of the British parliament is against the Brexit - and might ignore the will of the people. It wouldn't be the first time they did this.

Merkel is also hated or despised by almost everyone here, but was still reelected twice. Democracy is a fraud, just accept that.

>ignoring uk and moscow

Either way i think we can agree that its a shame 3d platformers are dead. Although yookalaylee looks promising

Idk m8, i'm not german and i don't watch german tv nor read german newspaper but the people i talk to don't seem to despise her.
Or maybe they just don't dare badmouth her. One thing i noticed is how quick people are considered nazis when they start having diverging thoughts


>Either way i think we can agree that its a shame 3d platformers are dead
it's a damn shame. all we are gettting now is sequewls and games that take themselves far too seriously. at least we'll have some remasters

yooka-laylee should be fun. or i will be sad. and go back to little big planet.

when will erdogan send syr*ans to where they belong (g*rmany)

when you take your diaspora back. Or when we stop paying you to keep them in

>Germany finally wins

>Poland and rest of eastern europe will get sandnigger refugees sooner or later

Listen here you edgy piece of shit, the European Union is the single best thing to happen to Europe since the rise of Rome.
Just because your poor ass can't get a job doesn't mean the economy is failing, just because you can't get a girl does not mean they are fucking refugees and just because your people vote in retards does not mean the Union is flawed.
Complain about cucks, multiculturalists, globalists, jews, Soros or whatever the fuck you want, but leave the fucking Union out of it.
EU was made to secure the future of Europe, it hasn't failed you, you fail it.

>it hasn't failed you, you fail it
It's a net loss for well structured and economically strong countries.

just like in most of empires
but you probably want to buy apples from china instead of poland

i thought china couldn't into fruits anymore because all their bees are dead or dying ?

Feels good man. God I can't wait, first Sanders lost, then Brexit will lose, then Trump will lose, then Merkel will win... we're in for an amazing time for Sup Forums butthurt and tears.

chink apples are made from plastic anyway

>Balkan shitholes want to keep wealthy countries in the EU so they can leech of of them

What a fucking suprise.

>>Brexit won't happen

>Poland will get sandnigger refugees sooner or later

Yes, we will, but only after Poland becomes attractive enough to be a better destination than Germany, UK, Sweden and all richest countries in Europe. We don't agree on forcing anybody to stay in our country against his will, it is a very clear position that we can defend anywhere. I am pretty sure that future US administration will also understand that freedom and human rights of refugees are too important to break them by forcing them to stay in Polish refugee-camps, closed and guarded so they didn't escape to Germany

That would be Super Mario 64.

Rise polish nominal salaries to western level, then refugees will start coming here themselves. It is possible. You spent 2 trillion dollar on equaling income levels in Eastern and Western Germany after 1989. If you gave us 2 trillion dollar, such a cosmic sum could seriously boost our economy. EU-money is beggar-handouts, it is not even enough for toilet paper in public institutions

>If you gave us 2 trillion dollar

Sorry, my mistake. It costed 2 trillion euro, not 2 trillion dollar

nah, mario peaked uin 2-D.

Western Germany was giving to Eastern Germany 100 bln euro / year for last 20 years. At the same time Poland takes only 12 bln euro. May they give 10x more, then Poland will take refugees after 20 years

exactly.. it is easier to be a good goy if you live in rich country, not in fucking struggle-arena like poland


>Bibi will either stay in power or be replaced by someone even further right

You should learn from your greatest ally goyim

If everyone is so rightwing in Israel and antiimmigrant why your country is so fucking brown? I also saw niggers in tel aviv all the time


>I also saw niggers in tel aviv all the time
40000 got in before the wall was completed
They too will be thrown out

You wont be producing any of them you filthy sperg.

You talk like fucking Trump, i dont trust you

why is he hated? seems like a nice guy

>Merkel has been the Chancellor of Germany since 2005

That's 11 years. What the fuck? STOP

>not trusting Based Donald J. Trump
Low energy t.b.h

How are they allowed to exist in Iran?

this guy lying through it's teeth. merkel is still pretty popular. her approval ratings dropped but they're still relatively high. she had putrin-esque approval ratings at one point.

Its 1979 all over again

>britain leaves eu
>domino effect sees far-right rising in EU countries, EU begins to disintegrate
>Trump wins US election
>no profit

We can go BACKWARDS guys. Although this time it seems to be out of spite. WW3 will be much like The Great War, in that it will be static and not seem to be over anything in particular.

Dude, even Trump knows hes in over his head and trying to sabotage his own election.

I hope so. AfD could additionally spoil relations between our countries because they are prorussian

>trying to sabotage his own election
Can he also sabotage the reawakened distrust of the media and political establishment, resurgence of patriotism, rejection of political correctness?
Pandora's box has been opened, its contents unleashed

He is so disgustingly arrogant that a lot of people who disliked liberal media begin to like them again only because they attack him

Political correctness is what keeps people away from killing Jewry.

This is true. In fact, while I loathe Trump, I consider this an extremely desirable side effect. He has disrobed the emperor so to speak.

>Israelis and AIPAC shilling for Drumpf.

>he has never played a Megaman game in his entire life


I wonder what the scapegoat will be when the UK economy slows after the exit.

Putting my money on brown people.

Dumbass american. Banjo kazooi is best platformer

Oh I am sowwy wittle gweek baby. Is mwega man too hard for you?

might as well title this "population density in europe" because that's what it really is

>Brexit won't happen

Are kikes really this stupid ??

>PCuck platformers

Will Brexit actually fail?

how are they allowed to exist


Strange coincidence, just went to a pawn shop looking for some old games, found Spyro: A new beginning. $2 on Xbox (I have a 360) hoping it's backwards compatible, get home home whack that fucker into the 360... it plays!

This made my day, even more so than the news that I'm not gonna get an audit from the tax office.

Good times.