Do you love Argentina?

is my favourite country but they are pretty arrogant

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I love everything about Argentina so yeah

they hate chile, sorry nido


they're ok

no miguel
they've already declared independence 200 years ago

criminal niggers

Arrogant? For what?

What a bunch of brainwashed spics.

shut the fuck up you chink chonk nig, argies are bro-tier

the same goes for you tbqhfampai

I would like to move there.


>I would like to move there.
Why? Do you enjoy suffering?

i would like to live here. arg > chi


and I wish them the very best of luck in regaining the Malvinas from the perfidious even more arrogant anglo.

Love/hate relationship desu

I'm argie diaspora and I have the self loathing problems found in all diaspora, but I'm also thinking of moving to Southern Patagonia to escape the diversity

>moving somewhere to avoid diversity
>contribute to diversity somewhere else

What would they be arrogant about?

Is that place for retirement or is it better to just move to Uruguay

It's a spic thing...

but i'd rather live there than here desu

I dont get where this meme started, all the southern cone is arrogant, the only difference is that argies are outgoing and honest about being cunts, Uruguayans are passive aggressive as fuck and chileans pretend to be humble or nice just to shit on others later, we are all arrogant look at any thread here, Any latino can go to Chile and they will be polite and ask how could you afford to go there or of you have ever tasted safe tap water before, go to uruguay and they will barely acknowledge the existence of anyone and the same time deny they are just a province. Fuck that stereotype, it may be true but is a regional thing, it's just that argentineans don't pretend to be nice

So Argentina is arrogant, Uruguay is mature and Brazil is aggressive?
>argentineans don't pretend to be nice
that's really European of them

How an argie kills himself?

He climbs his own ego and jumps.


i dont really love them
but its pretty easy to fuck their girls here.
just as easy as fucking br girls there

Yes I do.

Bravo, Estonia