What race from Warhammer Fantasy your country is? Finland is pretty much Ogre Kingdoms

What race from Warhammer Fantasy your country is? Finland is pretty much Ogre Kingdoms.

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The Empire, with all its good and bad


Don't you mean Age of Sigmar OP? :^)


Eldars before they collapsed. I can see my country men making a huge planetary orgy filled with vices and shit. Sound fun

Sweden are the Troll countries invaded by Skaven and Orcs & Goblins.

Kislev is Ukraine. Russia is Chaos

How are we Ogres? That'd be Swiss (mercenaries fighting for any side). If anything we are Wood Elves, or Norsca.

Wood Elves

Thanks for keks, Wladimir. Kislev is a mix of Russia and Poland.

Norsca, obviously Norsca.
Is it ever explained how the viking-era Norsca can stand up so well against the gunpowder age empire?

Kislev =/= Kiev

Chaos bullshit

Shouldn't Chaos be the various Horsepeoples who lives/lived at the edge of Europe?

Magic? And Chaos never really achieves anything in Warhammer before the end times so I wouldn't call that doing well.

Norsca is Denmark, since it's Danish vikings who were conquerors and pillagers of the western world.

You wish

The Empire is a burgeoning hegemony assualted by Orcs and Skaven from the South, corrupted to the core by religious fanatics and powerful lords. It fits.

The Empire is quite clearly HRE

Bretonnia :^)

Those little rat people who live in tunnels.

>Tfw we got Age of Sigmar before we got official armies for Araby and Cathay

The what what what ?

Wouldn't have a clue.

You lot are Kurgan.

Zee Empiah

While they were maybe the most prominent due to their geography, Swedes and Norwegians would also send pirates to raid the coasts of Western Europe.
And the Norscra never really conquer anything unless I am wrong.



Is Brettonia supposed to be France?

Come to think about it, there's no France and USA in WFB. British banter the way I see it.

Age of Sigmar is shit and I quited palying when it came out.

USA=Dark Elves
France= Bretonnia


Pretty self-explanatory.

I guess so

England is Bretonnia.

>coming from the ice north

Nah, you are from Araby

It is.

>goat tier knights
>literally named BRETONnia and not BRITANNIA

Norsca - Norway, Sweden, Finland
Empire - HRE/Germany
Bretonnia - France
Kislev - Russia
Estalia - Spain
Tilea - Italy
Lizardmen - South Americans
Ulthuan/High Elves - Atlantis

Bretonnia is France, no question about it.

Nah Turks are goblins, they infest places others have built and come from the bad lands and east of the worlds edge mountains


>legend of arthur
Besides Bretons lived in England too. It's probably a mix of France and England like Kislev is a mix of Russia and Poland.

>frenchies will have to buy DLC to play their nation in both Blackfield 1 and Totally Warhammer
>me too
Fucking eternal anglo.

BF1 is being made by Swedish folks, isn't it?

It's supposed to be France/Arthurian kingdom.

>England is nowhere to be seen

I sure wonder.

Albion it's an island where it's always rainy.

Owned by EA though.


There's a place that's basically pre-roman Britain and the Empire has shades of the British Empire.

But EA is American.

>pre-roman Britain
So...Bretons, again ?

Orcs and Goblins?

Yes. It's literally called Albion and it has druids.

More like Picts and Gaelics.

Hi guys, what's going on in this thread?

>Don't you mean Age of Sigmar OP? :^)

Let's call it Age of Smegma



The map of Warhammer roughly correlates to our continents and so do the people.
You're probably whoever is where you are.


And this is Europe/NA in profile.

>a huge land mass in the north
Man, the ice ages in this world would be even worse than ours. No doubt stuff like Elves, Orks and Dwarves do exist

Yes but everyone will still blame us.

are Badlands and Border Princes... Balkans?

Badlands are filled with Orcs, so yes.

All EA will ensure is it gets rushed out with bugs and will have pricey dlc.

bit rude innit m8

I can't read what we are.

Well, Canadians are clearly Dark Elves

Wasteland filled with Dark Elves and Chaos tribesmen

That's it, Naggaroth is probably the most boring of continents.

Marienburg. A proud, independent state.

Actually they are Hung. Primitive chaos worshiping ASIANS.