Trip that depressed me

Born in Poland, spent half of life in Germany due to family, never visited any other countries except Netherlands. Poles say that Poland is shithole, Germans say that Germany is shithole, but believe me guys that you didn't know what shitholes meant yet. I just came back from my trip to baltic states, it is fucking tragedy. Fucking Poland looks like a milk and honey land in comparison with this shit. Capitals look like zombie-movie scenography, you feel commie atmosphere of 70s, so little people, cars and movement. Wooden hats even in strict centers, i was getting such impression of poverty, dirty and deserteness all around. I can only imagine how shitty must look smaller towns and villages there. Should i even bother to visit other Eastern countries?

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Having traveled in Estonia and Poland I must say that Estonia looks a lot better. Better infrastructure and buildings.

Fuck man, i don't defend Poland, i simply describe what i saw. Stop being so defensive about this estonia shithole.

>Better infrastructure and buildings.

You must be fucking blind by the way

germany is a shithole, when you look carefully we have lots of dogshit on the streets and people making sign not to shit on the streets with "cam watvhing yoou" stuff but people still shit right at the place where the sign is.

we have even rap about it.

Poland is a shithole compared to Baltics..

>Poland is a shithole

when will this meme end?

Germany is shithole in comparison with Netherlands imo, Poland is shithole in comparison with Germany (at least some parts of it) and baltic states are shitholes in comparison with Poland.

men, you dont know how hard life in germany is, when i finish my beer it is empty and i have to go to refrigirator it is so frustrating.

i do not recognize netherlands or austria

men you cant imagine how life sucks at germany.

they make those fuking candy bags to hard to open, so i get exhausted and sweat like crazy before even open it up.

but you outbalance because of your beatiful kurvas.

i think poland looks like eastern germany.

>i think poland looks like eastern germany.

Yes, i would agree with this statement rather, but maybe because i don't live in shittiest part of Poland

You jest but it's actually pretty sad that germs drink alone at home and eat shitty bagged candy.

i dont jest, drinking alone and eating candy is lots of fun try it urself.

>Capitals look like zombie-movie scenography, you feel commie atmosphere of 70s, so little people, cars and movement. Wooden hats even in strict centers, i was getting such impression of poverty, dirty and deserteness all around. I can only imagine how shitty must look smaller towns and villages there.

This is all true and accurate. This place is a hellhole.

I still did not get the answer to the questions why do Lithuanians think that Lithuania is a hellhole and why is the suicide rate high. So, why?

>Not trolling, but genuinely interested

there is literally nothing wrong with drinking alone at home

yes there is, kill me

N-no there isn't

Another Lithuanian user here.

Lithuania is shit.

I tried being all like "haha, just memes, hard work and a smile will get me anywhere in this country" but the government continues to fuck everything up. Not in the every politician is a thief sense but I honestly am telling you the truth, the government is fucking everything up, down and sideways.

Massive alcohol abuse, violence, bullying. Politicians have done JACK SHIT to prevent anything. They continue to care for solely themselves, they are corrupt to the fucking core. Every single party has become a bunch of clown populists. Raising minimum wage while fucking over every single person that earns anything more is all they are capable of, no long term plan, nothing, they just care to be reelected at all costs, the middle class is barely existent here anymore. Laws are passed that are essentially new age slavery for workers yet they add specific clauses so that the government is excluded so they could continue earning more and doing whatever they please with no repercussions. Media, especially in rural areas, is owned entirely by party members and is used to push their agenda. Articles get taken down or artificially pushed of the front pages for "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" reasons if they respond negatively about high ranking officials.

This whole screw up of a country that is not capable of helping its own people is what makes the ones that can't afford to leave and have been convinced into thinking that the entirety of the world is the exact same is what makes people commit suicide. People do not trust that they can be loved anywhere, they are crushed, thus people drink themselves away or even abuse others.

A perpetual circle. People drink themselves to death, while abusing their children. The children are eventually, after suffering numerous traumas are taken away (mostly after the death of their parents, child services can't be arsed to ever take them away before something bad happens). They are put into conditions that help them in no way whatsoever. Said children grow up to be recidivists, spend most of their lives in prison. Eventually kill themselves or go out of prison and repeat the vicious circle of life.

You poor thing. Where can I donate so you can buy asian maid ?

You have just described poland, I am not joking mate.

Pics or gtfo

Atleast you guys have strong intellectuals and cultural representatives.

The terms your protesters used during some of the protests earlier this year, I believe, when something was happening with your constitution. They were the most fucking top tier words that anyone could say.
That would never ever happen here. Education is dead, barely anyone that is outspoken and educated is going out in the public to say something.