2 of top 10 richest 'Japanese' are Koreans

>2 of top 10 richest 'Japanese' are Koreans


you forgot bushijima aka zainichi. reserch before you post americunt

lol how are they Korean they escaped successfully from this hellhole, you have no right to associate them with Koreans.

literally who?

In Japan, all Japanese pay social security tax about 150$ per month.
Korean don't pay such tax but can get social security.
Korean don't pay corporate tax as much as Japanese too.

USA made such tax rule after 1945. That is why few Korean can become richest person in Japan.

>America did it

There are jews, there are caucasus jews(armenians)and there are asians jews. Koreans are asian jews. They also have their versions of self victimization and muh genocide.

A few Zainichi Korean are quite rich because of their Pachinko businesses.

>10 of the top 10 richest 'Americans' are Kikes

What's interesting is average Koreans are poorer than Japanese in Japan too.
Economic disparity is famous in Korea. 76.5% of GDP is monopolized by only 10 companies in Korea.
But Korean makes same situation in Japan too. Richest Korean is richest in Japan. But almost 90% of Japanese mafia's leaders are Korean too.

>tfw cucked

What Korean want to do is just monopoly.
If Koreans lost posts or money, they soon become crook or mafia.
Korean doesn't know how to help each other.

erdogan pls

But Jew help each other.
Koreans only monopolize money but don't help same ethnic group.

japan 1945- is all about cucked in the first place t b h

Is Japan a meme country?


>9 of top 10 richest 'French' are Jews.

How is South Korea worse than Japan?


That fucking comic Jesus Christ

>top 10 richest poles

that's how it is in whole western world

but shhh

Did you know that 100% of crime in Japan is caused by Koreans?

Depends, is rape considered a crime in japan? :^)

Come on. Most of the ones listed on wikipedia look like 100% Sarmatians.

If only I could read what's on that image you radiated slice of butter

What is SK?

Damn Koreans sound pretty badass