Why are Europeans intimidated by our food culture?

Why are Europeans intimidated by our food culture?

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>food """"""""""""""""""""culture""""""""""""""""""""

I don't consume any of the stuff on your pic.
And your burgers don't even look tasty. They look dry and cheap.

Ever heard of Schnitzelbrötchen? It's much better than your disgusting burgers.

amerikanische burgers sind lecker in meiner meinung
ich glaub du sagst das nur so du kannst anti-amerikanisch sein

Mexican coke is better


Ich kenne nur die Burger von McDonalds und Burger King. Und die sind scheiße.
Aber wie gesagt.. Ich brauche eh keine Burger. Es gibt genug gute, deutsche Sachen, die ich essen kann.

that shit is bad for you

but delicious

They are to busy sucking cocks to enjoy a pure fat burger with extra fat.

>le burger king und mcdonalds sind echte amerikanisches essen
echte amerikanische burgers sind super. burger king und mcdonalds sind so billig weil sie scheisse sind

t. nigger aqua

I'd love to try that butterfat shake.

And maybe the second burger. I don't know how the hell people can finish the third and fourth burgers.

>I don't know how the hell people can finish the third and fourth burgers.


Deutsche sachen wie Döner?

und vergess nicht currywurst :^)

Tja, das ist schade. Hier gibt es keine "amerikanischen restaurants". Noch nie davon gehört. Nur McD, BK und KFC.
Wenn ich was Ausländisches essen gehe, dann beim Griechen oder beim Italiener.

have you been there


Nein. Habe bereits Schnitzelbrötchen als Beispiel genannt. Außerdem Mettbrötchen, alle anderen Arten von Brötchen und Gebäck, diverse Sorten Wurst, Himmel und Erde, und und und. Gibt doch genug deutsche Speisen. Wenn Dir, Witzbold, nur Döner einfällt, dann bist Du offensichtlich kein Deutscher.

ja, es ist nicht einfach zum echtes (oder vielleicht soll ich gutes sagen) amerikanisches essen in europa finden. das einziges mal das ich kann denken das ich ein gutes burger in europa gegessen hab war in eddie rockets in dublin (und dublin war vielleicht 150 km von wo ich wohnte)
isnt it in vegas or something

>ate a humberger today
>got heartburns

is this the price of freedom?

>lucky strike

mite aswell vape m8

How much does a really good burger cost in the US?
Because you can find pretty nice burgers here as well, although hardly any place that sells them would market itself as "American food".

That place is pretty based.

The owner straight up says he wants people to come in and have heart attacks as his cynical way of educating people that fast food is bad. Letting the fat retards eat themselves to death and making boatloads of money off of it is fucking genius

Cooking the fries in lard is a healthy option though, it has less saturated fats than butter or cooking oils.

es ist nur ein witz freund wir wissen das deutschland hat viel gutes essen
emm, for a burger itself i'd say maybe $5, and from $10 to $15 for an entire meal
that is pretty based actually
betcha he's /fit/ as fuck too

how would you cook chips in butter?
genuinely curious
keep in mind they use big deep fat friers for chips in restaurants

>es ist nur ein witz
War aber nicht witzig.

I guess you can get a really good burger for about 1.5 times the prices you mentioned over here

A good burger at a quality place such as a local burger joint or certain chains that aim for higher quality food such as Smashburger and Five Guys costs ~$6 dollars, more or less depending on the size (both if those returaunts have sort of a small and larger size)

Yeah, here you can get decent burgers in any decent restaurant, but I imagine they'd be harder to find in the Netherlands.
oh shut up

I was talking in terms of cooking oils in general, but I have seen chips cooked in butter before, fried in a pan.

I have yet to try them myself.

Because your food is not only double the size of a sane person's meal, but in general it also contains either a shitton of preservatives, food colourings, genetically modified crap or about two trucks worth of sugar and oil or various hormones and to top it off it is of lower quality what you'd get in Europe.

Thus we're right to be concerned, when you want to push all that crap onto us.

>Taco taco, burrito burrito !

> deep fried in pure lard

wtf the jokes write on their own

>Butterfat Shake
Holy shit, that is disgusting.

>Quadruple Bypass Burger
How the fuck did you eat that?

This restaurant was created by a doctor for the express purpose of killing fat people. They had three locations, but two closed due to obese people actually suffering heart attacks after eating there.

how do you even eat that triple/quad burger
srs question

Can't be many restaurants that got their own kill count.

With your mouth duh

>Each patient dons a hospital gown before ordering and those who do not finish their meal receive a paddling by one of the "nurses" with the option to buy the tainted paddle afterwards.

People subject themselves to this.

Good question, how could that be?

How did the guy not get sued into oblivion by the fatties' families who died.

Do they make you sign a waiver before eating there or some shit


In all fairness, American bbq looks GODLIKE to me.
Your international fast food chains are all shit however, I find KFC to be better than the rest but even that is nothing compared to proper American restaurants.
Best restaurant I've ever been to however, is german.
Best food for the lowest price is definitely Czech.

What, no cornbread?

A good burger at a nice restaurant can be over $20.

Worth it fampai

y though?
If it would up to me I'd kill every single on of the fatties in this country and use their lard for energy purposes.
He's making god's work by stuffing people into dead.

dankest kek

>butterfat shake
>world's HIGHEST butterfat content

they're saying it like they're proud of it

the owner hates fat people and wants them to eat themselves to death while making a profit

he is truly based

aren't there services in America like giving you a bigass burger and if you can eat it under

their burgers suck ass

> food culture
> culture

>go to a place literally called heart attack
>not dying

We aren't talking about drug deals
