If Russians are so desperate to get out of Russia. why don't they flee to Alaska?

If Russians are so desperate to get out of Russia. why don't they flee to Alaska?

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yeah just swim through the most guarded border in the world through the Arctic

You understand that pretty much nobody lives on our side of the Bering Straight, right? There is nothing but military bases there

>guarded border

Sarah Palin is watching, she can see Russia from her house you know.

It seems like you could easily conquer it.

You could do what you did with Crimea

>Easily take land from a real first world country


Yea lets start a fight with the largest military in the world over some frozen wastelanf

They could just occupy it, then held a referendum.

No bloodshed.

Yeah because we let the south leave because they wanted to, didn't we?

If there's anything Alaskan separatists hate more than Uncle Sam, it's Russian gommies

we just need a bridge or tunnel across the bering straight and Russia and the US can finally unite, as it should've been many decades ago

hey you're a funny guy xd

frozen shithole

in 2018 i will surf at australian coast, drink orange juice and walk in sydney in white trousers

Alaskan here. Pls no. We hate Slavs.

They wouldn't even get 100 miles inland before getting BTFO

Why though? Any chance for advancing settlement or tourism?

>Alaskan separatists


>in white trousers

Because it's just as shitty as the rest of Russia, but all the way to the east. Why go all the way over there to be miserable when you could be just a miserable in Moscow or St. Petersburg?

))) People always want to live better. Many of that "desperate" people (except political and religion refugees) just want more: warm shores, less work, more money. Alaska is a rough place for that "desperate", it is like Russia.

> flee Russia
> Pick one cold and dark place that's so shit that even Russia sold it for two cows or whatever
but why? It's like Kamchatka only no vlocanoes, hot springs and there's a canada near. it's literally the only place worse than Russia itself

It's a real thing and a real farce

>political party that wants autonomy from the federal government
>quotes the Declaration of Independence on their website


in all russian military maps alaska is part of russia.

they dont need to flee. they already their with submarines.

beatiful. free alaska and free texas. slowly but surly usa is crumbling.

hmm gotta make some calls to fsb, might finance this party latter.

Did you see that maps? It's just a throw of shit on cooler. USA was always mentioned like a "potential enemy" in russian military documents.

lol no it isn't. The party has been around for over 30 years and has zero traction.

yes slowly but surely. just wait lil more. more niggers and more lations.


Why do you think they captured Crimea, but not Belarus or Mongolia? They want a warm country. They fucked your Alaska, it is sold and cold.

>The land taken from Mexico has Mexicans in it
really makes you think

Nigs are the least likely to want independence. There's a history of the federal government intervening when backwater states try to fuck them over.