First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win edition
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korean pop + brexit
the fire rises brothers.
Next up: English and welsh independence referendum please
Thank you for all your hard work Nigel, you're the best x
Soviet Union and liberal tears
at least northern ireland are leeches upon our economy
fuck off
good job brits, dont listen to haters
Ah yes.
It's racist to want your country's own parliament to have sovereign authority over your own country.
>Cameron right now
Brexit is a political zenith for the right wing in Europe in the same way Obama's election was a political zenith for the left wing in America all the way back in 2008.
The tide is ours, lads. Dance in it.
Well done, Brits
I'm so happy
Make no mistake, the elite are not going to let their goals crumble just because of a referendum. Even if our government do let us leave, they will do all they can to fuck up the markets, bring us economic downfall just to make it look like brexit was the bad idea.
They are going to fuck our shit up
>All lefty remain voters are suddenly extremely concerned about the economy
Why are they such hypocrites?
Good show Brits.
i liked being european desu
Holy fuck what have we done
Nigel Farage was responsible for this, single-handedly... fuck Boris Johnson.
J.K. Rowling is a shit writer and her opinion counts for nothing
Can anyone who voted leave give me an honest and serious answer why they did so?
Not memeing or baiting, I'm just genuinely confused as to why you're all so delighted
>Derby still not voted
do i bus it to the council and tell them to hurry their shit up lads
>"We must protect the banker's bonuses at all costs"
It's fucking over.
Wales saviours of Europe edition
Thank god for Wales.
I tell you what, boys. Er, um, you see, now you brought me in, I’m, I'm, I’m wellin' up, right. What you gotta realise is, we’re, we’re a million votes clear. I’ve been redpilled for near enough twenty years. This is the first time, the first time I’ve ever seen anything like what I’ve seen this year. This year is… just… unbelievable, man. And I mean that, Dimbleby. Listen. With all due respect, Dimbles… *sound of item dropping* loved you to bits. Loved you to bits. But I tell you something. Nige, Govey, Tommy Mair and all the boys, are, are, are, are, are putting it… on the next level. And it shows in the referendum; we’re now, we’re now a million, we’re now — hold on a minute — we’re now a million votes clear. A million votes clear. I, I’ve… brought my wife’s son up… When he was, he was in school… god. Bremain. Reddit. Corbyn. Reddit. Bremain. Corbyn. Reddit. And I stuck, I stuck by my guns, said, "Listen sunshine. Wear the purple, vote for Brexit, w-wear the purple, vote for Brexit… and… we will come through." And all of a sudden, my wife son’s turned around and said to me and looked me in the eye today — LOOKED me in the eye — and turned around and said to me, "Dad? DAD?" …Amazing. Absolutely amazing. Honest to God. Now, tell me, you cannot, you cannot, you CANNOT… tell me, we have not got a chance to leave the EU. And listen, this… And this is, this is, this, I was, I grew up watching Question Time, Dave. You cannot tell me, you cannot believe, we cannot leave the EU. Please…
Thought they hated the bankers, dunno why they're so upset they're losing a bit of money currently
you guys should've known something was up when Leicester won the league.
>we leave the EU
>become an irrelevant shithouse
>Scotland leaves the UK
>norn iron leaves the UK
Honestly feel awful rn
I'm suicidal and I couldn't care less if the world goes to shit.
Honest to God.
I am literally going to get plastered for Britain tonight lads
made a cheeky $26,000 and leave won, best day ever lads
what happens now?
leftists are celebrating though
>ThunderCuck tears
I like the guy, he's interesting and knows science shit, but he can be a pompous prick.
its official
leave wins
remember remain backers, while it is the easiest way out, suicide is not always the option!
well i hope you do more with it than obama did, all hes done is make most moderates more conservative and the backlash happened within a decade.
He wasn't
Without boris this would've been a joke
The fire rises
Are nige innit lad
Get the pakis out
control by a democratically elected local representative parliament is better than an unelected mess of bureaucrats from across the sea
i regret not voting
>Always been rude to the Welsh
Sorry lads.
look at this butthurt
Sovereignty mainly
I accepted a short term economic downfall for the long term success it will bring this country
Did a big laugh at this
lads it's all cool and all we left the eu but what about our fucking economy?
Reaaaaally don't give a shit about the state of the pound right now lads
We're Great Britain. We'll recover. For now, we celebrate independence.
you and 2 million others
Can't read this because of all the autism
How will we have an economy if we don't have an industry?
The pakis didn't come from the EU
>yfw you realise that this referendum was literally the working classes rising up and voting against the establishment
knighthood when?
Consider moving to Ireland
We just friendzoned a continent
they're like infants in a playpen
Commonwealth free trade agreement when?????
What happens to Scotland now? Even if they hold another vote and leave, wouldn't it take them years to rejoin the EU? Aren't they screwed either way?
got me
I remember an user saying he would eat his boots if Brexit passed.
Now I'm waiting for it.
>Wanting celtic bloodsuckers to be part of the union
Scots posing as Englishmen, all of you.
Fuck off Yank
im tired when's cameron's live seppeku
Europe: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Craven mentioned
So will every EU citizen that is in Britain only by the grace of Britain being in the EU, no visa or citizenship, get deported?
Farage!!! I'm literally crying
I don't know what you think a union is, user
So when is Boris our Prime Minister?
Who is that pair of tits?
BBC confirmed a LEAVE victory. Mathematically certain.
>that turnout in England/Wales
yeah why not
You all shilled with 100% capacity when the poor Scots were voting, threatening, manipulating, and being an eternal anglo in general.
Even your Queen was shilling.
>lose Northern Ireland and Scotland
>bad thing.
I hope you become Atlnatis 2.0 to be honest, anglos are scum.
same as that pretty much
>Nigel Farage has become one of Britain's most influential politicians without ever winning a seat
make sure you get Trump elected! It's your turn now
We get to celebrate our independence day from now onwards
>always noticed that GBP were worth like double USD
>converted all my saving to GBP so I could instantly double my money
>now this happens
I'm fucking broke guys, why did you do this to me?
So is this a good thing or a bad thing?
I hear people saying this is bad because it fucks over treaties and businesses that need the UK to operate, but then why can't they continue operating?
It's still the UK, it's just not attached to the EU anymore.
England and Wales are the heroes once again.
thanks pal
I posted it on Sup Forums but I'm not expecting much. Probably not worth the 6 minutes it took to edit
majority of uk has celtic dna
unless you're from the danelaw, you're probs celtic desu