With UK out I believe it's time for the EU to become what is what meant to be...

With UK out I believe it's time for the EU to become what is what meant to be. The EU should have been a federation of western european countries. The first members of the EU clearly were part of the same cultural sphere : the remnants of the carolingian empire. Letting the UK, Spain and then the East join was a mistake. The treaty of Verdun must be undone.

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you forgot a good chunk of Italy

Lol no.

What a shame.

They will be part of EU since we obviously can't force northern italy to secede from the south.

>including Slovenia into core EU

thank you based frog

Slovenia is a good country

Ok gonna be that guy and ask something shitty: any chances of neocolonialism happening in North Africa?

>going into Istria

Here's what I suggest you do. Go to a nearest flower shop and buy the biggest cactus they have.

Then stick it up your ass.

no, he picked real italy. They have already enough arabs, terronia can fuck off.

>any chances of neocolonialism happening in North Africa?
I doubt it. But if Algeria has to experience a civil war, which is possible, similar to Syria it will be way more worse for Europe in temrs of migrants.

Istra is the best part of Croatia exactly because it had absolutely nothing to do with Croatia or Croats before 1945.

Why letting Spain was a mistake? Keep in mind my frog friend that Spain and France are way more similar than France and The Netherlands or France and Germany... And I know what I'm telling, I travel 4 times a year to almost every western European country

And now it's a part of Croatia that will stay a part of Croatia. I really don't give a flying shit about anything before 1990.

Dark times are coming. There will be more and more ludicrous demands of independence and various territorial schemes. If Istria asks for independence, I will commit shichinin no samurai.

This would be a good federation. However, we have to secure the existance of the Frankish dialects in Lotharingen and Flanders. I propose a union between Germany, France, the Low Countries, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Vatican City, Liechtenstein, San Marino, and perhaps we have to get Silesia, Pomeriana, Bohemia and Moravia. That all we can expand.

ok we have a huge empire int the world, we dont need you and your EU

I for one would rather see it destroyed than independant.

Not for long.

I agree 100%
I propose France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, BeNeLux, and throw the Nordics in too.
Orange and up = good to go.

Africa starts at the Pyrenees.

>he fell for the Šešelj meme

I'm more afraid of monsters under my bed than Šešelj and his joke supporters.

The treaty is signed. There will be no going back.

I'm rock hard user

>wanting krautz to ruin us

Fuck you, leave France "ALONE".


This so hard

>it had absolutely nothing to do with Croatia or Croats before 1945.
That is incorrect.

Sauce for pic?


It's a book cover of a science fiction novel about Istrian separatists.

I wish I was joking, but I'm being serious.

>I wish I was joking
Why? I always liked ucronia / fantapolitics stories. Do you know if there is an English version?

No, didn't sell well enough in Croatian to get one

No idea. The translated title would probably be "Battlefield Istria".

It didn't because the novel is really really bad. You can google translate this review and see it for yourself. I made it half way through the book before dropping it.


Thanks guys, checking it out right now