JUST edition
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korean pop
we've made a terrible mistake
oh jesus CHRIST we've fucking fucked it haven't we
who /regretsvotingleave/ here?
>that bird on tv at like 5.30am saying it's "far too early to call"
just end it desu
if i move to scotland as an english person then they leave the UK and join EU what nationality does that make me?
as things stand there is no legal distinction between english and scottish residents of the UK right?
serious hypothetical ( i wouldnt mind having 2 passports)
Poleaboo has just received a letter confirmed his deportation tomorrow morning.
51st state when?
If Scotland wants we can split them off and make them 52 as well
way to fuck everything up numbnuts
r-rule britannia.. britannia rules the waves...
b-britons never... ever... ever... shall. be. slaves....
why are we all feelings this
This is what happens when you vote based on memes
>everyone at about 10:30pm saying remain will win and it's all over
only did it for a laff, didnt expect it to happen kek
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
only thing you can do is sit back and enjoy the ride
we've absolutely, unequivocally FUCKED IT LADS HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
Because you're the remain shitposters from last night trying to stir shit
>all of these fucking remain cunts false-flagging as leave voters
>"waaaa I regret it"
>"anybody else regret voting leave?"
>"I made a mistake voting leave"
Fuck off. Kill yourselves.
You've saved yourself from slavery, lad, you just might be poor instead.
fuck me i need to front £1200 for this flat
will make it a total of £1500 now with the referencing
I love how the whole mood has shifted from "OH ARE NIGEY DID IT" to "shit lads, what the fuck have we done" in a matter of hours
fear of uncertainty and change, perfectly natural
Holy shit. Why the sudden flood of remain trolls?
You caught me
unironic loosers
You fucking memers just tanked the world's economy for no reason
Thanks for being contrarian for the sake of it
Fucking faggots
Please for the love of god can France or someone do an EU referendum so I feel less anxious
>Normies never seen a uncertainty dip in the stock.
It's like what happened in china.
It'll pass.
such is uncertainty
You'll be right mates.
unironically not
>not only Sterling plummetting but the Euro as well
in one day we're gonna turn Europe into a failed state, ourselves included
>the entire world apparently bases its economy on us because we're that great
>somehow our fault
*induldges in one of my many vices*
they are only down a few percent, will be find in a few days
>see a poster supporting remain
>its a canadian
there's no distinction
it would be an interesting move
and I nearly went to Edinburgh for my MSc...
ah yes a newspaper who can't even get names of countries right sure sounds like a reliable source
>he did it in pen
Oh lordy
>see a poster
>its a canadian
like some lad in the previous thread said
Brexit was the single greatest act of banter ever
now we must pay the price
I just wanted to make waves
didn't think we'd actually get majority
everything that happens from now on is on ouor heads
Your economy really isn't doing that bad, and it'll bounce back. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if we help you out a bit.
The Sterling will become weaker than the dollar
Frankfurt will be the new economic power house or Europe
We will never over take the German economy, let alone France
Scotland and Northern Ireland will leave
canadians are by all meanings of the word, shit posters
some other fucking country hurry up and exit aswell
>but mommy, i don't want to lose my job again. I nearly killed myself last time i was unemployed
haha ... ha ...
Ordered some new nikes and they've just been delivered by a guy called Nick haha
Oi Nick, don't nick my nikes haha
>Be a part of an economic union
>Leave for keks and fuck it up
>Northern Ireland
Not happening.
>It'll pass.
It'll be fine
you let the Nige and Boris fuck you right up the ass
You somehow made us Americans look smarter then you chavs, and we have Trump
ah yes signing this online thing will surely make cameron reverse everything he said this morning!
i'll keep that in mind
seems chaosh is a laddah after all..
fucking hell same lad
I just wanted to be smug
In the midst of all this mess, Janny doing some absolutely sterling work. Good stuff janny boy.
this is the end of the EU, dw lad
>people claiming that leaving is a "win for racism and xenophobia"
>one bitch on twitter literally said "we have destroyed any economic future for ourselves rather than help a few immigrants get on their feet"
How is that even remotely true?
having a cheeky bum wank[1]
1: thats when you spread your legs and scratch your gooch
Why do people think online petitions are these magical things that will grant them every democratic whim they all collectively desire
are the nikes for sport?
You'd just be a UK resident in Scotland without euro nationality.
cheers, top lad!
literally can't stop laughing at how much I regret it
what have I wrought hahahahahhahahahaaaha
By the way, for those following my blog, the black gf found my half-and-half- UK/Euro pizza very adorable last night
Germany fixed there economy with National Socialism, give that a try
Gym mainly but I might wear them to footy with the lads
>w-we're only experiencing a mild bump on the r-road to freedom lads
Yes, yes Britlads you didn't shoot yourself in the foot at all. It's only us Europeans who are damaged by this.
Yes, yes well done Brexit, well done Brexit...
I wouldn't care if northern ireland leaves... but scotland....
Fuck off
>local cafe has a sign that says anyone who voted Leave is not welcome
>UK leaves the EU
>Scotland's mad
>leaves the UK
>joins the EU again but as a new member state
>has to take in a ton of refugees
>refugees start advancing south toward England and Wales
>UK has to build a wall
>mfw it's 122 AD all over again
wartime economies are not sustainable
We have destroyed our economic future though. Unless we establish ourselves with another trading bloc like the Commonwealth or some shit we're fucked. Also got to hope the whole EU goes under soon
I-is this metal gear? Are we truly ruled by memes?
Not the greatest business plan 2bh
Illuminati confirmed for Brawl
>Norn, Scotland and London are all going independent
what have we done
bit bigoted of them
That's illegal, I think
Can I still emigrate to UK while there is still time?
who here /dont care/ but vted leave anyway
>scotland leaving
I dont see the problem here desu, brits would save tonnes of cash and the scots would become the poorest country in western europe
Of course not, it's liberal fear mongering
charge your phone
>tfw seeing this clusterfuck unfold
What exactly did the UK gain from this?
What the hell were you thinking?
It'll be alright Britain. We'll find a way. We always do.