A toast to Britain edition
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not a union
god bless the queen of the pirates
The pound has already recovered half of what it lost after the initial panic.
need to buy things lads but worried my pounds won't go far enough
"Britain" doesn't exist anymore, you idiots fucked it
did this
kill me
>The Dow Jones has closed down more than 610 points (3.4%) following the UK's vote to leave the European Union
FTSE100 only down 3.15%
absolutely BONG'D
a-are we gonna be ok?
Lads what's that indie rock song that goes "ba ba duh ba ba duh ba ba duh dee duh duh duh". I think it's maybe by the arctic monkeys and is sometimes sung by sports fans.
Recovered against the dollar, do you even know how forex markets work?
We can't let him down after this
Question is where it'll stabilise.
Too many of our nation’s people don’t realize that even a single dose of MDMA—or Molly, as it’s known—has the devastating potential to make users feel like they’re part of one big human family, connected to all those around them by a single cosmic thread,
>why yes i love fucking over the whole of europe after stealing billions from it
>Russia says Brexit opens door for new UK relations
From America with love
>I thought America was the people that were so filled with hate, not us
You ain't see nothing yet, bitch
chelsea dagger, the fratellis
This is the exact attitude that caused it. Leftist middle class people trying to tell working class people how to think.
The working class did not want mass migration. Your ilk thought saying the word "racist" over and over again while ignoring the issues would work.
It hasn't.
And then they blame it on Corbyn and the Tories, ignoring their people even more
>"the UK is irrelevant!!!!"
explon this
Milo's mother is Jewish. Why is he being so antisemitic?
of all free people's what?
I believe you will like what just turned up on my Tinder...
Do we have a webm of this yet?
>A meeting of 27 EU leaders has been scheduled for Wednesday to discuss Brexit - but Mr Cameron is not invited.
Honestly lads I think this might be the age of meme magic
There's been so much of it lately.
Is Southampton a nice place?
**will be
Thanks anyway
this image doesnt even conceptually make sense
>Social media a year ago
>Bankers bonuses!
>Social media today
>Those poor banks lost all their money
At least we still have the Channel Islands lads. France without the French
that's not right, is it?
una vela hhahaah
>wait all week for the weekend
>weekend comes
>it's shit
Use the word "fade"
They want to get to UK for the Islamic environment
we are living in the age of meme power
anything is now possible
you can't blame them really
as if you'd stop off in some shithole balkans country when Germany is just another trot down the road
Does he ever not look like a serial killer?
>Be obese woman (260lbs at 5'3)
>Decided to lose weight recently
>Brexit today
>Posted this on facebook as a joke
>138 fucking likes
>ony have 220 friends from the last 10 years
>most of them never spoken to me ever
What the fuck?
Why does the world let fatties do this?
Listening to retrowave lads
Bit gay but I'm in a good mood from Brexit
would cum on her glasses and hair
twitter has single-handedly ruined the art of politics
Trump was right. You can get great deals if you're willing to walk away.
>no war
post funbags
And meme magic has fixed everything
post picture you fat slag
>UK is so small it needs the E.U. just like Greece and Eire do.
I made that post in the other thread
>Die in war torn syria
>Die of famine in a shithole middle eastern country
>Move to germany and get benefits
What would you do if you were trying to take care of your family?
The problem comes with discerning between migrants and refugees.
it's only in the east
Lol the banks haven't lost a penny of their money
No bank on the planet has bought shares of their own company on a market index
I feel quite bad, voted leave. Still glad the UK exited. I voted on very strong convictions.
But, my older brother's job might be in some trouble as he's a scientist and his lab got a lot of EU funding.
Hopefully the government in charge won't be fucking dicks and keep the money flowing as it was before. this was environmental science, so it's damn important stuff.
Campaign on both sides has been dumb as fuck most of the time but remain side takes the fucking cake in how retarded it was in its strategy. Project fear backfired so hard.
so many devvo'd lefties at work today lads
they all assumed i voted in just because i'm a very well travelled and well educated guy
the cucks didn't get their way for once
Haha let's all post our reasons to live guys! You go first though. Nah I definitely do have my own reasons to carry on living, of course haha yeah, but you go first let's hear them h-haha.
Germany invited them
Reeks of a parody 2bh, I imagine a fair few of the likes recognize it for what it is
bit bitter
Has Comrade Corbyn seriously not resigned?
What an arrogant twat
Me too
My one online friend
wtF. I love brexit now
Nicholas is more handsome tbqh
Today and yesterday have really showed me how stupid people actually are in this country
It's quite worrying, and not just talking about brexiters, people who don't have the slightest clue about economics really shouldn't be allowed an opinion desu
when did lefties ever get their way recently?
Did Lucy come
fucked off tony blair
2 weeks until chilcot, you must be worried
why do people block out the names on these things?
name an shame, I say
nice going brexiteers
Seriously, all Merkel had to do was try and control immigration and stop the refugees and the vote would've gone the other way. What an idiot.
he's not very bright
>well educated guy
Keep telling yourself that, bydlo
I bought my monthly cheese quota and I need to finish it
Bet she would've had a bit of a whinge tho
you know he was a brexit double agent right?
Will be fucking hilarious if its pretty equal.
just like with phone contracts!
Yes brother.
We are constrained only by the limits of our imaginations.