what am I doing wrong Sup Forums?


if you don't fall around this area you are definitely an edgelord


I think I'm in the green region. Can't be bothered to take the test though.

Politics poisons the mind.

Gibraltar for Spain

I don't like my results

what do you think lads


Anyone who votes authoritarian is an idiot who doesn't have the reasoning to decide for his own.







i remember when i was 18 too, always getting purple



Purple square bro


Who designs these things?
Katter is the RWDS party. How did he get authoritarian left here?

The fuck is that? I only got tweets by stormtards googling it


"Right Wing Death Squads"
He fucking detests the chinese, chinese lanowners, chinese immigrants, any non-Australian clogging the country and its infrastructure. He used to play anti gay propoganda near elections, like the famous obese men milking eachother commercial to show he recognizes gays are fucking disgusting. He recently implied he would literally shoot opposition for allowing further foreign ownership of Australian farmland. Guy is a legend, but not a leftist.

So they're anti-economic freedom authoritarians? makes sense for them to be in the red square then.


I never really thought of myself as libertarian before. I just think there are some things the government shouldn't get involved in.

the questions are phrased in such a way that if you are a person of good moral character you will always end up in the green square.


fuck freedom to the people

>Authoritarian Right
pick one

i would insult you but you'd call me an oppressor

literally the same

ironically it's just a name, they're our standard conservative party


>it's just a name
fair enough
our "conservative" party eroded a century of sovereignty rights, signing away border protections against American police, opening up markets for foreign land buyers, sucking money out of the navy while posturing about "canada's arctic STRONK"

imo the name of a party is about as meaningless as its "platform"



No wonder Spain is so fucked

heIIo reddit

>being anywhere north of the horizontal line


I thought they're called Liberals because they're about economic liberalism?

t. reddit

Wasn't expecting this :/


WHAT THE FUCK, the thumbnail isn't supposed to look like that

Wandering anarcho-communist just passing through.


Purple masterrace

thought i'd be way more authoritarian tBh but I guess not

How does that work?

think of it like a commune, like christiania, no government but the people

essentially it's completely fucking retarded, but I guess better than full blown fascism so it's the 2nd most retarded result you can get here




all good

all retards

>muh two-party system

Incoming feminazi


listed some leftists as retards too my man

the only non retarded political position to hold is center left, open minded but not so open that your brain falls out, if you disagree you're wrong and fuck off

hello friends


hello friend, green here. if you were american you would vote for pic, yes?

Easily put, society is reorganized into stateless voluntary communes and worker's councils. Market and currency are abolished in favor of principle "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". Private property is abolished, but personal property is retained.

pretty sure johnson would be purple though

FREER THE MARKET FREER THE PEOahahahahaha what the fuck honestly

>implying moderate green isn't the only way to go


better than trump or hillary though

It's a meme test anyway.

Come at me

How out of place do you feel in Russia by the way? You know, being gay and all.

hillary is corrupt as fuck sure but I'd much rather keep the current status quo and wait for an actual good politician than destroy the country with either of those two dipshits

at least johnson has some moral integrity and consistency to him though, kinda rare for a politician these days

What does each square represent?

I didn't know who this nigga was but his positions sound very convincing. Sounds like a trump with not so much shit talking shenanigans.
A shame he's basically a low energy meme candidate.

>haha leftists are gay fags haha fuck you mom you can't make me go to bed that's a violation of the NAP

I just masturbate to the Lenin portrait and my worries go away.

Is Mexico accepted ITT?


many things but put simply:

top right: hitler at its extreme, thatcher, reagan etc closer to the middle

top left: stalin at its extreme, uhh, I guess a nordic demsoc closer to the center? can't think of an example atm

bottom left: your local gutterpunk at its extreme, "normal people" closer to the center

bottom right: ayn rand on steroids at its extreme, "normal people" closer to the center

both of these "normal people" are noticeably different but neither are crazy and/or assholes for the most part

he's been the libertarian candidate lots of times, but since last year they got 1% of the vote, and considering that was the most they've ever gotten... hillary 2016

Only if youre from guanaujato

>Sup Forums is mostly left wing


what the fuck

being right-wing is just a meme

That got my attention too.
Maybe too much animu

right wing just likes to be louder, they have more things to yell and be mad about

it's not as fun yelling and screaming about corrupt multinational corporations as it is to yell and whine about THEM NIGGERS AND MUDSLIMES YEEHAW NUKE EM WHITE POWER FREER THE MARKET FREER THE PEOPLE


You can have leftist economic policies and still be racist.

Most of us are pretty nationalistic but know better than to have big daddy government/welfare state and don't fall by identity politics bullshit.

Thing is, in euro and americuck land most common sense positions these days like controlling immigration for example are seen as far right neo-nazi. If you want to keep the illegal (I L L E G A L) immigrants out it's like the second advent of hitler.

this test puts me in the red square despite being an advocate of borders and racial segregation.

>right wing just likes to be louder
Sure that's why nearly all protests are from the left.



because these are mostly authoritarian viewpoints

also you're a fucking retard and should probably die, like unironically die

right wingers would protest even more if they were to actually go outside my man

t. Gandhi

he ma nigga except for public safety issues (i think gun sales should be substantially regulated and i think state health insurance is the only way). he even likes hookers!

t. muhammed before he got syphilis