What the actual fuck? Are the britbongs retarded?

What the actual fuck? Are the britbongs retarded?

The EU was the fucking opportunity to install a European Federation. LePen, Wilders etc. should've focussed on PAN-european nationalism. But no, instead of turning Europe into a nationalist christian Utopia they decide to break it up, making us dependent upon the US or Russia, and be busy with local feuds.

Europe could've become something, but the only idealistic fanatics we have work towards the wrong goals.

Europe is dead, thanks to morons

Brits you should be ashamed

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>But no, instead of turning Europe into a nationalist christian Utopia

How would pan european nationalism.work in a leftie union?

All the nationalist parties want to leave the EU anyway.

>Europe is dead, thanks to morons
Said the german


When will this meme stop
My family is 100% leftist and they poped champagne after Brexit

t. abo high on petrol fumes

>The EU was the fucking opportunity


The EU's various offices are rotten with, but more importantly run by, Merkel types that sincerely think "European" is merely a geographical expression, Islam has been as integral a part of European culture as Christianity, and that borders really have no place because [current year]

You'll have to burn the whole thing to the ground first Johan

>When will this meme stop
When the EU stops crying for not """"""enriching""""""" our country.

fuck you germany.


>The EU was the fucking opportunity to install a European Federation
yeah I'd say people like you (Germans who need to direct their nationalism towards something that doesn't get them arrested and people from non-countries that identify as Europeans first to make themselves feel important) are a pretty big reason why people want out of this shit.

>treat britain like shit
>they leave
>t. germany

Do they hate shitskins?

If not, then they're full leftist scum.

>>But no, instead of turning Europe into a nationalist christian Utopia
the fuck are you on about?
Islam was and still is on the rise in the EU far greater than Christianity
if anything brexit will hinder the spread of islam and encourage other euros to do the same
t. leb
most remain voters were leftist, the same would go for most other countries that tried to leave. its hardly a meme

How did the UK fuck up if they are the ones trying to stop the mass influx of non-Europeans?
Just thank Ante Merkel for bringing fucking mongols in your teritory because of a larger workforce.


hes right though

it has long been dead. Tell me if you know of a lot of groupment on 27 countries who can all agree on politics at the same time?
The only viable euro, was the original 6 members and anything bigger than this is pants on the head retarded.

So you would left them on Syria and do as if nothing happened ? I'm against too much unregulated immigration, but if we ignore it it will get worse.

Britain had a special snowflake status.

>Europe is dead

It was never alive to begin with. It's just you are cucks and can't into nationalism so you turned to the idea of "Europe".

Your idea works only if you live eating chips in a basement. Leaving is a much more pragmatic option

Were they trying to do something like the USA?

At the time of the articles of confederation, the US had a decent demand for labor (see: slavery) and was a grouping of British diaspora who were culturally identical.

Europe is completely different and opening borders (which I really can't understand) only guarantees that wages in successful countries will drop as migrants come in from unsuccessful ones. What you'll get is some country with an unsustainable population boom that spills into decent balanced countries and undercuts their workers, undoing decades of improvement to the standard of living and labor rights.

I don't see why it was so easy for UKIP to see this (We've had politicians in America talking about it from Ross Perot to Bernie Sanders) when everybody else just pulls out "RACISM!" to try to put it to bed.

What the fuck do I have to do with Syria. This is exactly the leftie bullshit I'm talking about.

>But no, instead of turning Europe into a nationalist christian Utopia

The commission doesn't want that

And your country's leader inviting a horde of Muslims for no reason.

>So you would left them on Syria and do as if nothing happened ? I'm against too much unregulated immigration, but if we ignore it it will get worse.
Most of the asylum seekers in Europe are not from Syria, in Finland abou 5% out of 32 000 were Syrians. This year most of the people crossing the Mediterranean have been Africans.

Dont try to talk reason to retards they won't understand anyway. But there is also a fact that eurocrats fucked it up as well by approching it from wrong direction promotion of african immigration and lgbt is not something that is well seen in many places. Those are small issues in grand scheme of things especially since commision can be just replaced but as it was proved by brits bigger picture doesnt matter people will vote because
>muh 350 billion
>muh migrants
ignoring the facts

>it's an "American compares an entire continent to his country" post

The EU is full of anti-whites from top to bottom, it is too rotten to be reformed.

Not to mention the complete lack of democracy.

It has to go.

You're a beas of shit and need to check yer privilege

Mom is teacher in a, say 50% Arab and Black very poor high-school and she does think "sometimes I feel like a stranger" but her students love her, they gave her many gifts and she likes her job, even if it's harsh.

Dad is a teacher in a more middle-class area but also see a handful of middle-class Arabs. He never had any problems with them.

They don't care about race, and as mathematicians they know that Arabs will always remain a minority (they looked at stats) so why bother

I bet your mom gets culturally enriched regularly

Here in Poland we care only about money that being in EU generates. We don't give a fuck about refugees and muslims, because they won't come here even if we paid them.

If we find out that money that Poland receives is lower than usual, we are out.

your mom's a slut

t. literal algerian

Hungaranon, I thought you were talking about refugees.

Wasn't a big reason of the butthurt against Germany 1 million SYRIANS refugees ?

Also, Eritria is in the same shit.
I'm for limiting economic migration, not for letting people die at our borders or at sea, because that would be pretty edgy

I bathe in frustrated polack tears

Also, not an argument

You said "as mathematicians they know that Arabs will always remain a minority" so there is not an argument to be had with someone with sub-saharan IQ.

Are you sure that your mom is not actually a nigger herself?

They wouldn't try getting here if we didn't let them in. It's your fault, who support taking in asylum seekers, that thousands of people are drowning. Eritrea is a safe country. War is not a justification for a refugee status according to the UN, only personal persecution. And mos of the refugees who came to Germany weren't Syrians either.

Are you dumb, then? Harmonization makes Poland a much more lucrative trade partner than the likes of Belarus or Ukraina.


According to every statistics in the Nordic countires, schools with high number of immigrants are shit, literally. Even if they got more money and teachers.

One set of idealists have the advantage of already being in power.


Gerus soon

> 50% Arab and Black
>Arabs will always remain a minority
tippity top kek
It was mostly the french and germans pushing the hungarian government to the point where it went from reasonable border control to fuck you all no shitskin sets a foot here. If they supported border control we could've had negotiations about refugee placement and such but the rabid leftist bullying pretty much drove Orbán into a corner of no negotiations no surrender.

>a European Federation

If you wanted this you are an insane authoritarian. It is worth the economic hit to prevent this horrible future ever occurring.

Nobody who loves Europe wants it to be ruined like that.

I'd support that

there are poles in uk who voted for leave
some of us are simply that retarded
>all of you
10-15% i would say looking on our elections


fuck your centralisation

now that post was a fucking emotional rollercoaster

>European Federation
>PAN-european nationalism
>nationalist christian Utopia

OP, shut the fuck up and go back to Sup Forums, stormfront or whatever shit you're from, because I'm quite sure you're one of those digital equivalents of a "boat person" in Sup Forums.

The fault is all in the hands of the EU's incompetency and inability to reform and adapt through the years

Well, most of you isn't too flattering either. And that's the ultimate problem with democracy, less intelligent people will always outnumber both the extremely smart and extremely dumb.

Für Nord Stream Bruder!


>a fucking intelligence organisation destroyed his entire continent

Bulgarian education.

They are at best 10% with roughly the same birthrate as us.
They are less numerous than us (about 55 millions white Frenchmen in France for 40 millions Algerians in Algeria)

>Yer mum is a niger
Insult is the last resort of the ignorant

>Eritrea is a safe country
Really ?
And you're right that the solution is not boats, it's safe zones in countries themselves

Yeah, EU is privatising, destroying worker's rights and enforcing competition everywhere but now it's """leftist"""
I'm pro-leave btw, just sad to see immigration was the main issue

and also the smart ones are herd animals who may hold stupid beliefs if they think other ones are holding too

In Norway the left side is dominating against EU, it's a meme. Dividing politics in left and right is amerilard tier to begin with though.

>Europe is dead, thanks to morons
Yes, the morons in EU

t. Dumb person pretending he's better than smart people

Not an insult, must be nice to be stupid enough to delude yourself to that degree.

>Really ?
As safe as 50% of the countries on the planet, most Nordic countries classify it safe. Most of the "refugees" coming from Eritrea are just trying to avoid their conscription, which, of course is against human rights, but not so big issue that we should treat them like the 80 million real refugees here.

Her highschool in the poorest district of Soissons and this district is 50% Arabs.

Soissons itself is like 90% white.

And yes our governement are technocrats social traitors. I'm sorry about that.

is this why it's so hard to see a white person in Paris?

or why London became minority white in just a few decades?


What's the logic, anyway? The privilege of trading oil with new worlders and the advantage of being too damn cute to sanction?

Well, TIL.

The Guardian says otherwise, though

Pound up
Stocks up
Blue chips higher than before the referendum.
Euro economies shitting the bed

Fuck the EU

we aren't united by cultures, nor languages, nor religion. so... what exactly constitutes the european identity? a thousand and a half years of wars between each other?

The logic behind what? We are not ashamed of our country in the same way you lads are.

Yes. They are basically reactionary retards.

The thing Sup Forumstards don't understand is, even though they support them, they are also seemed as degenerates by those reactionaries. Those delusional foreverteen faggots mistake real life with their cardboard paradox games.

Smart people have always been eager to support extreme ideologies for some reason, Nazi leaders were intelligent and so were Communist ones I suppose. Even your intellectual upper class in Sweden was fully involved in human breeding fantasies. I'd say that smart people are as sheep-like as stupid ones, our ancient human instincts are so strong.

>reactionary retards.

An islamic communists talking about retardation, lol

>this district is 50% Arabs
And how many arabs was it 10 years ago? Being a mathematician doesn't make you a population dynamics expert you know.

So leftists, just like everyone in the EU leaders.

Ignore them m8. I'm a teacher myself (kindergarten) and I teach at a somewhat poor school. A lot of my students are (white and non-white) immigrants but I love them irregardless. The fact that these losers can't see African or Arab without sexual connotations means you shouldn't give a flying fuck about their opinions in the first place.

Kebab btfo no UK for you stay in your sandhole and get bombed to death.

London is 60-70% white m8
Paris is about the same

Capitals have always attracted migrants from all other the world and it's not going to change.
Non-white in Paris intramuros are pretty friendly and productive members of society. Outside it's moee violent because of poverty.

I'm sure they love you too, and they'll love you even more once they hit puberty. They gonna love you real good.

EU is a failing system. Any country that is thinking about its people's future should stay away from it and the members should follow the example UK has given.

And if anyone should be ashamed, it is you and your people, you sold your country to Islam and you let Merkel force you into cultural suicide long before Brexit

>London is 60-70% white m8
but less than 50% British, 100 years and whites are 20%

>Capitals have always attracted migrants from all other the world and it's not going to change.
Well there has and always will be more job opportunities in the city than anywhere else.

>But no, instead of turning Europe into a nationalist christian Utopia they decide to break it up, making us dependent upon the US or Russia, and be busy with local feuds.

The EU destroys the very notion of a 'nation', they even admit to it. Everyone who's not mentally impaired can see this.
Futhermore the EU is the US's lapdog so in this regard nothing changes.
Nothing is more dangerous to freedom than a content slave.

Either bad bait or stupid shill.

In East End it took only 25 years, in 1990 it was 50% white and now 12%.

Get chalga'd you stupid cigan fuck.

UK is fucked and I hate them from the deepest part of my heart, so I am glad for this result. Yet they doomed themselves. And Le Pen and that halfbreed Wilders are just meme politicans, and no other party would follow a thing they support.

I have EU residency so I can move freely. If you follow the example of your kangaroo brother, who knows maybe you can also join Eurovision next year, as it is the most European thing you can ever get :):):)

>a nationalist christian utopia in the 21 century onwards

ahahahahaha how fucking delusional

Communists did nothing wrong

>UK is fucked and I hate them from the deepest part of my heart, so I am glad for this result. Yet they doomed themselves. And Le Pen and that halfbreed Wilders are just meme politicans, and no other party would follow a thing they support.
Is there a thing you Muslims don't hate?

>turning Europe into a nationalist christian Utopia
The EU itself might disagree with that

Thank you very much :)
Yeah she finds her job hard but she really like her students. She have a mug the class offered her.

10 years ago ? Roughly the same. Soissons doesn't attract and people come back to the bled or Paris. Sarkozy restricted immigration a bit also.

Now 30 to 50 years ago maybe it was not Arabs.

>I have EU residency so I can move freely
yet you choose to live in turkey

If the EU was a Europe First organization, that would have been a dream worth fighting for. But it's a god damn disaster making us weaker and weaker every day.

less QQ more pew pew


There is a different between attracting different cultures and becoming those different cultures. I think Germany is the only example that literally asssimilated or cucked the fuck out of those immigrants and minorities. But even at that level, they will start failing if they don't take any cautions for their increasing numbers. UK, Belgium, Netherlands and France were always the greatest examples of fucking it up. And again UK will get rid of Poles and other poor Euros, while Pakis and Indians will keep coming into their soils.

>Roughly the same
So roughly the half, I got it.
Runs in the blood I guess.

Indians are not a problem, they're more educated than slavshits, only if they could deport all the inbred Muslims.

>Europe could've become something
Yes, could have. But they fucked it up.

Vicious cycle of poverty and gentrification

It won't IMO. The price of housing is way too high. Immigrants will populate poor districts or suburban areas like they began to do in here.

I choose to spend my holiday with my family. It is a thing that you can't understand since there is no family values and such in your desertic, arid shithole.

Your moether.

>oy wey goyim, why would you leave our failed transnational experiment that was leaving you with less power over your country and being flooded with migrants, we we just about to make a 180 degree turn into a nationalist christian utopia, I swear, but now it's all your fault that it will not happen


Man you are so assbandaged.


Maybe because it's a completely idiotic union has an even worse idea of how to organize itself than the US?

I mean, it is exactly fucked.


Gee, really? We had to intervene and save those people you bitches. I mean, we had to send our most elite soldiers in and a lot of them died.

Guess they got tired of that.

EU reminds me of the Galactic Republic in Star Wars
t. assburger