1. Your country

1. Your country
2. How do it feel to finally be free of the constantly bitching, whining Britbongs shitting up our Union?

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2.In this moment, I'm euphoric.

Somewhat relieved.
At least now we can focus on fixing the mess and advancing forward.
Nest step is getting rid of asshole Poland and kick Hungarian back to its Balkan shithole status.

Do you know that Ireland is going to be the country the most impacted by the departure of the UK ?

2.does that mean i can join now?

It feels really really good m8.

Yes, but you'll have to accept refugees.

1. Flag
2. I'm happy that they left, one of the main money sources of the EU is gone, hopefully Denmark will follow suit soon.

Death to corrupt bureaucrats
Death to greedy bankers
Death to dirty leeches

Freedom for the working, freedom for the democratic people!

1. Greece
2. It feels good because it takes attention away from us and we can get away with not paying

I don't understand the hate for bankers, so long as you can tax them they're a huge benefit to society. Blame the politicians who won't close tax loopholes.

Dem sour grapes

After years of bitching and moaning and pretending to be a special snowflake, now the brits will actually have to follow up with their bluff. It's even better than the oxi shitstorm with the Greeks.

>calls itself a union
>can't stay together

1. Russia
2. I am sad because brits betrayed the idea that countries can be united without war

Bankers only have eyes on money, a lot of them exploit people and they were the reason for the crash in 07-09.

Generally people who focus their whole life on capital profit shouldn't be trusted, and they have so much political and economical power that the people should ALWAYS be skeptical.



2.Pic related


forgot pic, I'm gonna seppuku now

1. Finland
2. Pretty good. Hope we leave next.

Horrible. Wish I could join the free brave Brits desu


>Copoc пaк cпeчeли нa гъpбa нa Beликoбpитaния
>Soros won again on the back of Great Britain
Bravo Britain.


Is there a more easily manipulated country in the world or you have the top place reserved for the ages??

*Ceгa cцeнapият дo гoлямa cтeпeн ce пoвтapя. Пpeз 1992 г. Copoc и гpyпa инвecтитopи yмeлo изпoлзвaхa мeдиитe нa Ocтpoвa, зa дa пpитиcнaт бpитaнcкoтo пpaвитeлcтвo, пpaвeйки пo-лecнo зa нeгo peшeниeтo дa излeзe oт eвpoпeйcкия вaлyтeн мeхaнизъм и дa дeвaлвиpa пayндa.*

*He e яcнa тoчнaтa cyмa, кoятo милиapдepът cпeчeли oт вoтa зa „бpeкзит”, нo oт пyблични дaнни, кoитo фoндът мy Soros Fund Management e зaдължeн дa пpeдocтaвя cпopeд peгyлaциитe в CAЩ, тoй e yдвoил зaлoзитe cи зa излизaнe нa Beликoбpитaния oт EC пo-paнo тaзи гoдинa, oтвapяйки къcи пoзиции въpхy пayндa, oблигaции и aкции.*


2. Death to the Union, long live Sweden!

ITT: Asshurt continental plebs experiencing levels of sour grapes not seen since the 19th century

Freedom for the people! Unless you want to cross a border
Freedom for the workers! Unless they want to work on another country

Nice freedom, fascist m8

>Nice freedom, fascist m8
shut up stupid podemos voter, they don't want that people like you, enter in their country

Brits gonna brit.

Ah, typical French. Wants to kick out those that actually work.

>they were the reason for the crash in 07-09.

They were the fuse. But the true cause is that Western Europe is colossally indebted.

2.Since I work for a British bank from here, kinda wondering how they plan to carry the BRexit