Brexit gratitude

Can we give a round of applause for:

- The yids, who voted to leave more than white people

- The pakis, who voted to leave because even they don't want the scum rejects of North Africa and the ME

- OAPs who turned out to vote more than 3 times over uni cunts

- Women, who despite the memes voted for leave the same % as men, against the cuckold establishment and for loyalty to britain instead of opening their legs for refugees

Other urls found in this thread:

can we join EU? :D

the brits post-brexit: grateful with shitskins and attacking polacks

the EU worked after all

Friendly reminder not to buy english products or contract english services companies.

Don't contribute to give this man any money.

you forgot
and knew fascism when they saw it after fighting it in the 40's
for the OAP's m8

What British products/services?

Well done England, I'd share a burger with you anytime

tea and clocks?

Oh, and BP.

>Copoc пaк cпeчeли нa гъpбa нa Beликoбpитaния
>Soros won again on the back of Great Britain
Bravo Britain.


Is there a more easily manipulated country in the world or you have the top place reserved for the ages??

*Ceгa cцeнapият дo гoлямa cтeпeн ce пoвтapя. Пpeз 1992 г. Copoc и гpyпa инвecтитopи yмeлo изпoлзвaхa мeдиитe нa Ocтpoвa, зa дa пpитиcнaт бpитaнcкoтo пpaвитeлcтвo, пpaвeйки пo-лecнo зa нeгo peшeниeтo дa излeзe oт eвpoпeйcкия вaлyтeн мeхaнизъм и дa дeвaлвиpa пayндa.*

*He e яcнa тoчнaтa cyмa, кoятo милиapдepът cпeчeли oт вoтa зa „бpeкзит”, нo oт пyблични дaнни, кoитo фoндът мy Soros Fund Management e зaдължeн дa пpeдocтaвя cпopeд peгyлaциитe в CAЩ, тoй e yдвoил зaлoзитe cи зa излизaнe нa Beликoбpитaния oт EC пo-paнo тaзи гoдинa, oтвapяйки къcи пoзиции въpхy пayндa, oблигaции и aкции.*


The shilling for remain everywhere is unreal.
I've been to Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /sci/ and they're all falling for maymays and calling it a catastrophe.

It's pathetic
I think it's because now we're actually gonna have to roll our sleeves up and do some damn work
without the EU hand-holding us over our policy making, our politicians will actually have to do their jobs
Scotland's Sturgeon is so against this she wants to seperate Scotland from the UK and re-join the EU with it. Pathetic

Not to mention the overwhelmingly pro-EU youth who were to busy at Glastonbury or on Facebook to vote. They won it for us.

to be fair, polacks are whinier shitskins.

>mfw this was the remain campaign

yeah baby fap fap fap

Quit checkin' out that hussy and get back here, you little shit.

>implying the pakis aren't the worst diaspora someone could wish for

are libtards still salty for this?I think they're glad because scotland can separate from UK but they're not glad because UK is separated from EU.
Can libtards be more retarded?

>choose to remain
>plastered with cuck memes

>choose to leave
>plastered with suicide memes


don't listen to them, you guys did good. The EU was going to cause way more harm in the long run if it were left to continue on its current trajectory.

if anything they will push hard now for proper integration with, if god is willing, a monetary union. Finally, it was in limbo for too long, we need either settle on just tariff free area or go full retard consolidation. Middle way and UK obstructions left the EU muddling through all our problems looking sluggish and bloated ( not that it isn't)

I dont buy any of that so I guess I'm already helping without meaning to try

well done eternal englishmen. you hurt both eu and yourself. literally teh best day for non-eu countries.