ITT: We Reform the EU

Get in here, Eurobros!

First step: Remove Juncker, Schulz and Merkel.

Other urls found in this thread:

Second step: Create new EU government under control of Poland

Third step: Kick out Poland

Third step: Bomb Paris, Belgium and other Islamic state territories within the EU.

Make Irish the only official language

Fourth Step:
Return Merkel,
I like her tits.

we gotta fixit desu

Federated state of Europe.

First step:

make it economy and infrastructure only, no foreign/social policy bullshit

Reform it only with dark blue countries. France and Germany become a single state.
Light blue countries are the next candidates to join the new superstate.
Requirements to join are much harder than now.
One single language obligatory in all the regions.
Harder inmigration politics.
Kick out Merkel and the rest of shit politicians.
Stop the american influence in the continent.

Please don't leave me trapped here with boris

pls ;_;

To me it's amazing how Juncker can blame anyone but himself for the things that go wrong with the EU.

EU needs to be like an ordinary government. If things start going wrong and the European people demand it, they should resign accordingly (the whole government if necessary) after which we would elect a new one.

Right now they're like ticks sucking fresh blood out of Europe's host body. They know they can do whatever they want and they will be guaranteed a comfortable position for decades. It's a recipe for stagnation and it's not acceptable.

Fuck France is even more Eurosceptic than Britain was. Wheat the fuck are you doing?

Many are eurosceptics because they don't like the way the EU is right now, not because they don't want it.

You did good. You took one for the team. Now the EU will change, or fall apart.

You can join again later when it make more sense.


Let them have a referendum of their own then. I'm sure they will stay in, just as we were all sure Britain would.

What's wrong with Boris?

Build a wall around europe.
Commision is now getting elected burger style.
Implement a "Europe First" policy.
Federal army wich is big enough to beat Russia+1/2.
Create a protectorate in syria+iraq to stabelize the region and to settle muslim refugees.

Simply apply harsher immigration measures and provide for the deportation of unsuccessful immigrants.

Here's how you do it:
Subject every immigrant who has been in the country for more than 3 years to a language test requiring CEFR level C2 or native level.
Those who fail can fuck off, 3 years is enough time to learn any European language.
Then deport any immigrant with a criminal record.
Then deport any immigrant who has been using government funds for 5 years or more, yet has been unable to get a proper education or job.

The rest must swear complete loyalty to their host country, and renounce their other countries.

People can be allowed work permits or non-permanent residence outside of these terms of course, but we should under no account allow people to hold permanent residence or an EU passport if they do not add to the country.

About the issue of deporting people who could be identified as non-European, has not successfully immigrated, jet does not hold any other nationality any more: their old countries will definitely provide them with new passports if we pay their governments some money. See it as an investment in the future.

This will satisfy the working class.

We can't leave at this point fammy, we're even more fucked if we do

>make constitution that STRONGLY defend freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of Internet, the right to bare arms and freedom to trade with no exception
>get rid of Euro requirement
>remove all tarifs
>scale back subsidies
>remove ALL price fixing
>stop price dumping in third world countries
>strictly limited immigration
>establish defence requirement but keep national armies

the EU was a great idea until they started to force countries to do what they don't wanted to
having exlusive trade agreements between members or allowing students to study abroad is great though

Kill all the french and germans and boom you've fixed the EU.

Make it a purely economical union and don't let it become political again.

And? Do it anyway.

Europe genocide when

>Italian now becomes an official European language, effectively making italians unable to communicate with anyone.

>Remove Merkel
Want help with that german-bro?

write a policy that doesn't allow countries to leave after they join

stop taking in migrants

the new EU will be born through war

Strip the EU down to just 3 things:
Free trade zone, no involvement in foreign policy of members including other trade agreements. Only entry requirement is agreeing to standards and free flow of goods and services between every members of trade zone (no protectionism/discrimination).
Standardisation agency, easier and cheaper if all countries have the same requirements.
Europol/extradition treaties, not part of EU but thought I should mention it anyway as it is a good thing for international crime fighting.

Everything else goes. Migration/travel is through case-by-case bilateral treaties rather than a europe-wide treaty. Any trade disputes between countries can be settled by international arbitration or simply be kicked out of trade zone.

We are eurosceptic, but not to the point of leaving. Many of us like Europe but not how the EU policies or how its run.
My main problem is the naivety of EU deputies and their amiability to lobbies and big corporation.

Second step: Remove EU.