/balt + ausnz/

only /balt + ausnz/ edition

Other urls found in this thread:



Just a reminder that we finished above Lithuania in the qualifying standings for Euros.

Mio and Jun.



>scatvian post
>thread is ruined
Well, no wonders there, mister!


is it okay if you get polygamy hetero & gay married and then jack off to your husband and wife fucking?

See and


fuck scatvia


dont stop me now

why tho?

Are you having a good time?

rate my sword skills

im a superstar
flying through the sky
a lot like a tiger does


Why are scatvians so stupid?

Dumb frogposter.

Threadly reminder that weebshits are not welcome here

>all the weebshits are sc*tvian
>all the tripfags are sc*tvian

what is it about sc*tvians that makes them so shit?

Reminder that if a post contains something you don't like just ignore it.

Why are Latvians so smart?

wew lads, the temperature outside is finally lower than inside. It's half an hour 'til midnight and it finally dropped to 26C outside. Better open dem windows from some cool night breeze.

>all the cuteposters are Latvian
>all the distinguished posters are Latvian
what is it about Latvians that makes them so good?

This and this are good posts.
But these are bad posts: and .

What is with your fascination for Nazi stuff in /balt/ + /ausnz/ threads?

Reminder that WE WUZ KINGS.

eat a bag of dicks, you culture stealing shit

Probably from the milk

All Scatvians make your way to this thread immediately


Fuck off, kid. I'm Michael Knight.

Better shut up before I get the big guns out

see: (which is a good post btw!).

ausnz are the gypsies of int who don't even have their own general and leech off of ours (just like Muslim "refugees") so this is rich coming from you.

No bully pls


Back to your containment thread

So stop saying stupid shit.

reported to nkvd for illegally watching finnish tv stations

>yea, gimme dat skuul šhuuter feid, fäm

Back to your own genera... Oh wait you don't have one.

>tfw I actually greet friends out in the public by raising my hand
>it's considered bad because some retards used it half century ago
nah, fuck 'em

my mates having fun haha

His look in the first picture is too good.



sent ;)

sent ;)

Rip easy got done for bin guessing?

It's not bad, but the thing which really triggers my autism is left guy haircut.
Think of another way to greet your friends
>having friends

Well, I promised you updates so;
3 beers in, watched Maniac Cop so far, watching Sundown now. It's actually really good so far, if you like b movie horror comedies. Bruce is being a qt as always.

But what's wrong with raising your hand? Just raise it up and do a little wave. It's completely normal. No need to go full sieg.

my dad haha

Thanks you saved my life.

Oh shit! Some kids are about to get fucked up by vampires I bet!


Anytime, pal. ;)

It's OK, I balance it out by hugging people, and as we all know hugs make you gay.

Buy a katana

>check the /rus/ thread
>there's latvians speaking russian

But if you hug a girl?
Fedora spotted
Buy long sword


You have tons of Asian shits who play the white man.

>check catalog
>there's no /ausnz/ thread

>being this obsessed with latvia and latvians


Nice try though

Hy и чe? Booбщe тo люди ИTT гoвopит пo aнглийcки, нo eтo нe знaчeт чтo oни aнгличaнe.

Hugging anything is gay, period.

ikr they just love us so much

I would rather listen to the music than see the movies all over again.. I think the japs need to stop putting their pathetic stupidity into crap like this... Cause Drifting in the snow in the mountains without sliding and such? Sorry to say but that is just retarded...and yeah i know cartoon but still i think these chinks need to stop looking at their selves so highly... in their stupid cartoons and all. And the game is pretty crappy if you ask me i played it or use to but to me would of been better if they actually.. used real time car specs.. cause oh yeah in the cartoon.. they sure can catch up and line up next to another yet they can't pass another huh? Stupid if you ask me.. Would be nice if these game makers n such would actually.. do it correctly.. But then again... worlds filled with idiots...just as stupid as me who am i to say..?

Are you alright?

stop replying to me

I don't think I can.


So basically everything is gay?
Seems like in europe you can be either gay or nazi, no more options.
Yes, hello




This is actually true. You are either a homofaggot shit pusher or a full blown nazi. Anyone in between gets sent to concentration camps, to concentrate and think which of these two paths in life would be better for them.

Media slant

Boт вoт, пapeнь нeмнoгo oхyeл

desu if you're around 30 years old, or older, and can't speak russian you're some kind of a retard.




really should get a new phone

And a new hobby


The best phone you can get these days is a Nokia 3310. The only thing modern day smartphones do is distract you t obe hones.

>tfw 5'6"




true that, tho many people around that age are complete mutes in russian

fucking lel


why is this Sup Forums spammer not permabanned yet?
