What will become of Britain?

There is not a single credible party of government or credible Prime Minister for the UK.

We have little industry and a huge balance of payments deficit. Most of our money comkes from money-laundering and coke-addled Etonians playing shell games with imaginary money.

Our currency is dropping like a rock.

The 300 year Union with Scotland will break up soon.

The IRA will resume bombing, claiming that the UK has no claim to represent the people of Northern Ireland any more.

The life chances of young people, already hugely in debt to pay for university, are utterly blighted.

Even Johnson and Farage are backpedalling on their promises already - no gurantee immigration will fall, no guarantee of more money for the NHS etc.

I'm scared, lads. This is the biggest thing to happen in my lifetime, even bigger than 9/11. What the fuck are we going to do? Are we utterly fucked? It's like we've slashed our wrists out of spite.

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lol who cares, at least you still have wales

>our currency is dropping like a rock
I thought it was back to pre-Brexit levels this morning?

absolute madmen

Embrace are Boris


I don't blame you for hating us. I do too.

It's going to be okay. Enjoy your freedom :^)

she'll be alri la stop being a soft cunt

chill out you pussy, do you have a job, go to uni?


You don't understand, there is NO politcal party or figure who can lead us in this shitstorm. They are all worthless cunts with zero credibility.

Don't worry lad, my guts tell me you're going to be OK.

Or maybe that's the tacos I ate this morning. Dunno.

Take a drink and have a wank m8


stop crying and do it yourself if its that bad

Isn't it remarkable that the most conservative and nationalist faction in British politics are the ones who have killed the United Kingdom as a political entity?

They have achieved what a thousand IRA bombs couldn't.

At least Scotland will get what they want soon, they deserve independence after being lied to last year

>even bigger than 9/11

Absolutely not.

Jojo should get the Iron cross tbf.

>Our currency is dropping like a rock.
We envy it.

Look at the the positive side.Your country has many friends.

The bed has been made, now the UK will lay in it

I propose we build a wall around England and use it as Europe's muslim containment zone

I don't know buddy.

but I made you this flag for when scotland and northern ireland leave.

I might have a little bit of the autism, but I love you england.

How excited are you about the prospect of a reunited Ireland?

I think this calls for another election boys

I think the massive migration was there before the EU and will be there after

the difference is the local shop will not be owned by Radek but by Rajesh. I'm afraid not much will change immigration wise, the UK is a society built on importing labor

Surely, yet another vote will solve everything


>the difference is the local shop will not be owned by Radek but by Rajesh
Poles do physical labour mostly, shop owners were already pakis. They do a good job of it too.

Despite all this we will never go as low as Spain

>They do a good job of it too.
see, this is why immigration wasn't really the issue. I think the people who truly reject immigrants are afraid to be labelled racist and directed their hate at the white EU migrants

> even bigger than 9/11
bigger than some tame 3000 dead people in a country half the world away? no shit.

Yeah, I had a pretty good day after I came home from school.

And Poles do a good job of physical labour, Since when did I say I hate immigrants?

It won't happen as a result of this crisis. There's a very specific condition that has to be in place for a referendum to be triggered: the secretary of state (Britsin's representative in NI, appointed by the Prime Minister) has to believe that such a referendum is likely to succeed; i.e. opinion polls must show support for reunification reaching around 50%. In reality, support has hovered between 15 and 30% for the last decade. It is very unlikely the current secretary, who is a hardline unionist and a Leave campaigner, will trigger a referendum.

every time I try to read a russian post, all I see is "idi na hui blyat"

And the Leave side already backtracked on the migration issue anyway. They still want to go for freedom of movement.


I didn't imply that you said anything. My whole pint is that I think the central issue around the referendum was skewed

Will that continue to be the same now that you are no longer par of the EU? or...

>"The leader of the UKIP party said that if they are to leave the EU, there will be better chances for those from Commonwealth countries of which I am one," said Clement Edeh, a 29-year-old Nigerian studying for an MBA in London.

>Others say that, in order to boost trade relations with several African countries, the UK could make immigration for Commonwealth citizens slightly easier.

>Remaining in the EU implies that the UK employers have to technically give priority to 500 million members of the EU before considering say African immigrants. What chance do you stand in such?


>All these pussy Brits

Man the fuck up you faggots.

You used to rule 1/4 of the world, and you did that all without Europe's help. You don't need the EU. They need you.

Now be proud that you voted to get out of that shitty union and start working towards making Britain Great Again

We might, it could actually be that terrible.


Why the fuck did you niggers go and destroy the country we saved for you decades ago?

Literally dumped untold amounts of equipment and spilled an ocean of blood on your soil so you could throw it away without even having a plan first. The least you owed the world and the people who protected your dumb asses was an inkling of what you were going to suffer for, exactly.

Enjoy the dumpster.

>there is NO political party or figure who can lead us in this shitstorm

Fuck off you soft cunt, if you don't think they've had plans for years then you're an idiot.

The second they decided to call a referendum for the EU they will have been going through every scenario, Cameron resigning will have been near the top.

I have no doubt in my mind that the conservatives will have someone chosen already, they chose them a fucking year ago.

Britain is facing pretty much the same bullshit that's faced by all developed nations.
Blame the globalists.

>My whole pint is that I think the central issue around the referendum was skewed
Well no shit, the whole thing was skewed by both sides. Remain supporters painted it as tolerance vs racist nazis, which was just as ridiculous as the Leave supporters' "muh billion immigrants".

>I have no doubt in my mind that the conservatives will have someone chosen already, they chose them a fucking year ago.
the Boris and Theresa May camps are already tearing each other apart and Nigel was not even offered a seat at the negotiating table

>even bigger than 9/11


>Doesn't realize the significance of a first-world country getting a major landmark destroyed in its biggest city
>Doesn't understand the shift this caused in world politics

Of course you don't. You probably think Beslan was just another Tuesday, too.


This. You will always have Wales.

And a bunch of miserable conservative party pricks spewing shit and arrogant rants in power every ~10 yrs too, though.

pre brexit levels were the levels of staying in eu. so thats a pretty dumb argument by exiters

It's unlikely they even realised that all they'd do would be to stop white migrants. People here are really that stupid.

British Commonwealth will help you for thier queen

Hast du das gemacht oder ist das eine /deutsch/ meme?

>implying there are Brits capable of speaking German that fluently

Kek. The French are probly already at it once they're finished clearing up Calais and shoving those migrants up England's ass. Then time to build wall.

Viva Francia!

Ich habe 7 Jahre in Deutschland gelebt.

>people ITT keep saying "You'll be OK"
You don't understand. The political establishment will DELIBERATELY create an awful economy that forces British people to vote to go back into the EU. Virtually the entire political class are pro-EU from Parliament, to the civil service, to everyone.

Nearly all Parliamentarians are pro-EU so any "deal" with the EU will just get rejected when it comes to Parliament to be passed into legislation. Then they'll have to start a deal all over again. It will go on and on like this until everybody in the UK capitulates and says "let's go back in". They will never ever allow the UK not to be part of the EU. This is just a short term blip.