
cara edition

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korean pop


qv good ediiton

Every /brit/ is Cara edition

ed balls




We're part of the EEA already as members of the EU. Would it be possible to exit the EU specifying that we aren't leaving the EEA?





Hmmm... I've seen a lot of shitty maths on Sup Forums, like saying cars that go 200mph are "200%" faster than what we evolved as humans to be, instead of 20000% faster and somebody saying that he's past 25 he can now say he's "a fraction of a century", while any age can be expressed as a fraction of a century.

Don't listen to this disinfo shill

2.4 million of the 2.6 million signatures are in the uk not 400k or whatever he keeps claiming

Check for yourself: petition.parliament.uk/petitions/131215.json

The difference here is that by leaving the EU, rather than staying, we are taking a big risk and I don't believe that 1.9% (edit: With a 72% turn out, it's actually only 1.368%) of the population, is enough to justify taking that risk.

The government ignores huge protests eg. Iraq war, tripling uni fees, so I see no difference when it comes to this.
And to be frank, it should never have been a referendum in the first place. Not enough people know enough about the issue to make an informed decision, so at best, it's letting hearts overrule heads.

And a reminder that the referendum was not a democratic vote. It's not legally binding, so at best, it was an officially sanctioned poll.

whats your lewdest cara

*points gun at you*



1. did you have any JF friends growing up
2. how raciss are you

1. loads
2. zero

>2 minutes and 7 seconds from OP

>tfw made a shitty pasta for /leave/ and got no (You)s for it
>tfw i was pro remain

this 2bh

filter is going into overdrive

and you faggots spamming dogs or cara?

you are

i might be a little durnk



this takes me back to the coloured boxes fiasco

wouldnt even kiss this pig for anything less than 100 smackeroos

her choice in adornments is deplorable

post toot

Ressentiment (French pronunciation: [rəsɑ̃timɑ̃]), in philosophy and psychology, is one of the forms of resentment or hostility. It is the French word for "resentment" (fr. Latin intensive prefix 're', and 'sentir' "to feel"). Ressentiment is a sense of hostility directed at that which one identifies as the cause of one's frustration, that is, an assignment of blame for one's frustration. The sense of weakness or inferiority and perhaps jealousy in the face of the "cause" generates a rejecting/justifying value system, or morality, which attacks or denies the perceived source of one's frustration. This value system is then used as a means of justifying one's own weaknesses by identifying the source of envy as objectively inferior, serving as a defense mechanism that prevents the resentful individual from addressing and overcoming their insecurities and flaws. The ego creates an enemy in order to insulate itself from culpability.


That's a big dildo

post me


Ah yes the petition that even the BBC is admitting means bugger all.

For you

post more from this girl

So black people are pretty cool right? R-right?

This is the disinfo shill I'm talking about: And pic related is the disinfo

VERY NICE webm lad

haha beat you to it loser haha i win /brit/ is now MINE

wow antisemite

i get u

EEA is basically having to accept all EU rules and freedom of movement without having a say in the matter. I really get the impression a lot of people in your country had no idea what they voted for.

>For EU
I literally set you up you dip

Never mind

The thread goes on

decided to buy a mac laptop for that crisp rendering

tired of this ping ling shite exploding and beeping at me



Yes 200,000 people are not from the uk but 2,400,000 are in the uk

It was claimed 2,000,000 weren't in the uk and 400,000 were

Don't even care about the petition I just hate blatant disinfo and lies

>cara will never get a nose job, boob job and a new jaw
Feels bad man.

where's that texan fuck

post your fucking cowboy hat

we are in a recession, stop buying luxuries

what is her name

>not knowing our resident Israeli fuck machine poster
Fucking weekenders.

hnnnggg C-CARA

Will house prices go down?

I'm sure a ton are bots too

>small breasts
such a disappointment

Unless we can change the rules.


Gonna need sauce on that m8

just doxed everyone who signed the petition.

If you enter in a UK postal code it enters you as from the UK.
It doesn't look at your IP


fuck off you hackney apple faggot neckscarf man-bun mochaccino hipster cunt, you are NO TRUE LONDONER

I bet you don't even have ONE immigrant parent

Did you vote leave or remain?

so am i lol

Cara's so multi-talented lads

this is from a second ago

Total GB count: 2,401,768
Total signature count: 2,505,181
Percentage of GB signatures 95.87%

save this pastebin.com/X1RzMhyJ as whatever.html and open it in your browser to see for yourself

Valentina Nappi

fuck off chubby chasing granny licker

Why are there so many countries in Europe? Why the fuck do meme nations like Scotland and Wales even exist?

Wrong you need a uk postcode to sign it you mong

Who is paying you to spread this disinfo?

My laptop is more broken than yours

she looks so fucking ugly

Last night I had a dream about you
in this dream, I'm dancing right beside you

virus don't do

get OUT you fucking dip I already told you small breasts are more fashionable GET OUT OF MY THREAD

hope that was a typo haha

>Relevance to question

very good lad, although new ones are coming out within a few months idk if you want to wait

miss my macbook desu

Cara is really cute desu



we need an actual fascist to impose a working solution on europe desu

you got me


no mine is

so thats remain

they are going up

Me right now 2bh.

Una vela

Why are JFs so interested in our politics?

Like I see Austrian posters on reddit talking in such detail about the EU referendum and I don't even know where austria is. (I know it's in the middle of europe somewhere)

>new ones are coming out
ahh yes 4 extra pixels yes ahh yes yes apple

politics is such a boys club


Shadow of Mordor is only 7 quid on steam
is it a good game?

>Select all images with a store front.
>Click verify once there are none left.

think I can actually do it this time lads

Good post

did lat leave you behind or something, why are you still here?

literal virus

what's got you down caralad

This is hacker code designed to steal nude photos.

its quite enjoyable desu

this fucking /lat/ meme is shit pedro

nah they're redesigning them, they haven't done so for years