What is the most beautiful language?

What is the most beautiful language?

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the one your mum involuntarily speaks when I'm in her


how the fuck would anyone ever know? nobody can speak them all, and even then it's highly subjective.

Québécois detected.

Italian by far.



I've always loved German, I think it gets a bad reputation. It's logical and quite fluid.

Aside from that I'd say maybe Norwegian or perhaps Polish.

When will these meme end? Languages like Norwegian or Swedish have far more logical grammar than German. Compared to most Northern European languages, German grammar is very nonsensical and in no way 'logical'. Hell, Italian grammar is far more logical by comparison.

Can you give example?

Speaking a language actually makes you worse at judging its beauty, because you now understand it and are not good at judging it purely based on sound. It would be like asking you how beautiful English is, how would you know?

German grammar is rife with strong verbs, which are verbs that indicate their tenses through vowel change. Their formation of plurals is also highly irregular, to the point where you must just memorie the plural form with the noun. This also goes for gender, because you have to learn it with the noun. Italian almost always reveals the gender of the noun based on the final sound of the word, and the rules for forming the plural are quite regular.

German word order can also be a bit strange, though whether this part specifically is illogical is up to your native language.





Also, here are some examples of plurals.

Mädchen - Mädchen
Hund - Hunde
Hause - Häuse
Kind - Kinder
Mann - Männer
Frau - Frauen
Prinz - Prinzen
Drache - Drachen
Onkel - Onkel
Lehrer - Lehrer
Vater - Väter
Heft - Hefte
Sohn - Söhne
Gott - Götter
Licht - Lichter

You can look up more things for yourself (verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc), but in the end you will realise that German grammar is very irregular and 'illogical'. Now, German is still a beautiful language, and I definitely enjoy it, but this whole 'logical' thing is a meme, and people who have studied German as well as various other languages would likely never call German a 'logical' language.

French sounds like someone hocking spit

Disgusting language

cannot go wrong with latin. is useless most of the time but sounds smart as hell

Ecclesiastical or Classical pronunciation?

Icelandic or Brazilian Portuguese

i've got no fucking clue
probably classical

Would you pronounce the C in Acinus as an S or as a K?

I like Italian, and French can sound nice depending on who is doing the speaking.

Definitely Hungarian

pronounce it as a K
but i do not know latin

r8 how Venetian sounds: youtube.com/watch?v=6gyKLNQH44I

Beautiful language is a meme, depends on the speaker.

Case closed.

Okay, good. That is Classical, which is how the Romans actually pronounced it. Ecclesiastical is just modern Italian pronunciation used with Latin, which is used by the Roman Catholic Church.

Sounds great, friend, like everything on that peninsula :)

i do not like it as much as i like the italian i have heard. but it is good language, i like it more than say german or dutch, fucking dutch


Sounds likes spanish a lot. I understand so of it.

would romans pronounce caesar as see sar or kie sar?
and thank you user, today i learned


With the 'ae' being pronounced like 'eye.'

No problem.

Italians sound more singy-songy than us desu.

Isnt italian really like german where each regional accent can really be its own langauge.

thanks again
i rather like how it sounds, like every sentence is a fucking opera xaxa

Yes. However, regional dialects are being slowly washed away and becoming more and more just accents of Standard Italian with a few lexical differences. This is by no means isolated though, this is happening to most European languages.

I can't really tell the difference between it and Italian tbqh, but I can pick up ~1/4 words and the gist of what he's talking about like I can in any other latin language.

Arabic, the language of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala


I like Asian languages more than European ones. Maybe it's because they're more exotic.
I think Japanese is really interesting. It's so sharp, and kind of cute almost. Korean is also pretty gud.
Chinese, though, just makes everything sound like the person is angry.