Riddle Me This

The picture shows the location of bridges in the city of Königsberg in XVIII century. Can one walk through the city and cross each bridge once and only once?

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>it's an user outsourcing his graph theory homework to high school dropouts episode

Go on and ask euler

euler proved it's impossible, listen in your classes

Start World War
Two Bridges are destroyed in bombings

Take that Euler.

No, because it would collapse under your weight.

Fuck you, Euler.

>a vertex of odd degree
I forgot what it means.

No, because Koenigsberg no longer exists.

Degree is how many connections (edges) come off any one point (vertex). So how many bridges on that shore, how many on that island etc

Of course, if you know how to swim.

German science is the best in the world


Too easy

I love these autism threads.


this is super easy op




eat shit and die mafioso



If I paid attention this semester in uni I could prove whether or not you could, but I didn't.

what do you study?


>post the konigsberg bridges problem on /sci/
>blow dozens of FILS autists' minds
>post it on Sup Forums
>lol euler a fag

>using a touchpad

Sup Forums is a wonderful place of bright minds

I mean, we even have Japanese so efficient they use earthquakes to please themselves

maths first year

Yep, just swim across once.

I can't remember how you prove this shits, something about even and odd number of gates....shiiiet i can't remember

good think it's only 11 KB, should take only an hour for an Australian to download it.

Well well well

this counts as one crossing.

am I autistic

But what if swim? Too many variable here.

Why people use red to draw the line?
What's the etymology behind it?

because a red line on a white/black drawing is easier to see

>Can one walk through the city and cross each bridge once and only once?

No, he can't.



I went to kaliningrad and I don't remember these bridges

Every time I see a thread like this, I get an obsession to try and solve the problem, even though I know it's impossible. Usually I spend 15-30 minutes trying though I never succeed.

Am I autistic?


>wait for winter
>river freezes

You can leave and re enter the first and last points an odd number of times because you can just go out on the first point and in on the last. Every other point has to have an even number of connections because you have to go in and out.