
Brexit was a mistake edition

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>not using the future uk flag as the op pic

Hilarious how out of touch labour are with their voters.

Even after labour heartlands voted for Brexit the party still aren't listening to them and blaming corbyn for not campaigning well enough lmao.


>It would be "extremely difficult, if not impossible" for an independent Scotland to get the necessary approval from the member states for it to join the European Union (EU), the president of the European Commission has said.

Over 60% of Labour voters voted remain though.


the EU was a mistake. You tried to be the united states of Europe, but you're too different for it to ever work

I don't care I made the flag and really like the design as an English/Welsh flag.

It's a nice flag :3


She is probably the only white person still in birmingstan

can corbyn be the stalin of the labour party?

>Using quotes from the referendum two years ago

Gee, I wonder if anything could have changed since then that would affect the process.

this abandoned mental asylum is near me
might take a squizz this week

Reckon she fancies paki dick yeah?

ta la

3000 hours in photoshop but it was worth it :3

care to explain to everyone how you got across british borders with a criminal noncing conviction on your name?

EUSSR was a mistake

fuck off you comie fuck

We shall see.

U choose it then prepare for it

One of the best bodies I've seen.

exceptional post

B-but she does get me off and I have foreskin, idk why I couldn't get 100% hard, I've been SHIT FACED and could still get a boner

Idk what went wrong with me

America works because east/west north/south we're 99% the same

The EU was fine when it was just a trade bloc but it ended up trying to exert governance over individual nations in terms of regulating everything from smoking to border control

i'm bloody BRITISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of the best bodies I've seen.
exceptional post and i without points, what a picardy

Why do lefties keep bringing up colonialism when debating brexit?
What has colonialism got to do with anything?


this desu

put a lot of effort into this post, would appreciate it if someone gave us a (you)

wouldn't mind if britain got a little closer to its former colonies desu
we kinda need to get the fuck away from china

As if anyone could even compare to how amazing California is...

Nothing but then a lot of the stuff they say doesn't make any sense, why should this be any different?

>Corbyn is purging the Blairites
Ayy lmao

>Implying Scotland and Northern Ireland won't leave together in order to join the Unified Celtic Federal Republic




Dunno lad, soz.

There's an urban exploration vid from an old /x/ lad, An abandoned institute in Mass I think.

We'll shall see

>northern euro in thailand

After reading all the toxic xenophobe crap from the UK on twitter, this is all I could think off.

Northern Ireland already said there will never be a referendum to join the South.

Stalin would be proud

Shame about her face though and she knows it too haha

Cracking arse though

hmm I'll look into it

Fuck off Australia, stop shitposting on serious stuff.

There's something wrong with the lad not with the market desu

Think of this instead


Scotland can clear to fuck

is it a woman at least?

thats from 3 years ago mate and the dm

Eh, I'm into the whole package.


What is the name of that butt beast?

dunno sorry ;_;

lystra faith

Before Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Master troll was Setti, came up with quality shit though.

The sub par face does give her an air of attainibility that would otherwise be lacking

She's dating a 40 year old hipster ponce though



Wait until the full effects of the UK leaving the EU start being felt, Scotland officially breaks up the "union" via a 2nd Referendum, and the reality of a true border between North and South starts having to be faced.

Discussions between the NI and Irish parliaments on the topic of unification will be on the table within 10 years.

Only niggers will find that attractive

Alright real nigga hours /brit/
How can "we" get back to "real /brit/" instead of all this political bs?

Americans are so delusional it hurts.

Give it a couple more days for the whole Brexit thing to blow over and it'll be back to /brit/ as usual

Scotland might leave but the NI situation is very different, wouldn't mind if they both fucked off though, kingdom of england and wales best day of my life

You dirty liar.
Even though can't say I was disappointed.

If he's an expert in physics he should have known that fall would kill him.

Pop down to the winchester and wait for it to all blow over.


The last NI referendum on whether or not to join the Republic of Ireland ended in 97% voting to stay with the UK

What would we call ourselves? Still British? Just English or Welsh? Wenglish? Welanders? Engles?


>As ministers in France push for Britain’s swift exit from the EU after the Brexit vote, ordinary French people have taken to social media to say “good riddance” to the English.

>“When I see the s**t the English have landed themselves in by voting out… I’m laughing,” wrote Sebastien Coicaud on Twitter.

>And journalist Christopher Nunès wrote: “I’ve always had a low opinion of the English. A nation that can’t behead its Queen is not to be trusted!”

>French foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault called for talks on Brexit to take place immediately, echoing demands from other EU leaders to negotiate Britain’s exit from the bloc as soon as possible.

>Jean Quatremer, Libération’s Europe correspondent, in a column thanked his English and Welsh friends “from the bottom of my heart” for their decision to leave the EU.

>“Thank you for your sacrifice!” he wrote, calling the result “a vote of incredible courage, which has politically devastated and will economically weaken your country – the rest of Europe can only be thankful.

Your time has arrived custodian.

"The lads"



>they are all government people

What am I looking at

It's tragic, that's why I wish I was with you, with good boy pockets in my pocket, breathing down your shoulder while you fend off the Americans on anonymous message boards.
I need to move to England first thing after my cock rocks.

Alri Merkel haha x


Frexit next.

>being this much of a window licker



Ah yes because when I think of a successful country I think of France.



>be French
>get shot

Literally overtook your economy in the last week


I can agree to that m80
I'll buy the first round :)

I would like to try British ale, we only have tasteless drinks here.

I want this. We need to war with our lads unhindered.
It's in both our natures.
