Ango men + Nordic women = master race

Anglo men are the best looking men in the world. Sure, you can post a few exceptions, but it remains a rule that Anglo men are the world's finest. Not only the best looking, but the smartest as well. Most of the world's modern achievements come from Anglo men. Anglo men are the beautiful, white, and the definition of master race.

On the other hand, while some Anglo women are pretty, on the whole they are far below Scandinavian women in beauty. Scandinavian men do not deserve Scandinavian women, this has been evident for a long time. It is high time we Anglo men invade Scandinavia and take our rightful rewards. Together, Anglo men and Scandinavian women will usher in a new golden age for the white race, and take us to the stars and beyond.

These sweet little Scandinavian angels are just crying out for a powerful Anglo man to take them away and make them good, obedient housewives and mothers!

>We anglo men

Mate, I know what you mean, but this is a nation that just voted to shoot itself in the foot because lol fuck germany. We now have Bojo Jojo as our next leader for fucks sake.

I'm literally waiting for someone to make a australian criminal/rape joke.

Howling here tbqh.

Voting to stay would have been shooting yourselves in the foot.

Anglo men are weak. Gladly, they're rich.

>French man calling anyone weak


cavill is an outlier. most anglo males are nothing special, if anything, the number of plain and weak-looking individuals are disproportionately big among anglos compared with other ethnicities.

italians, especially the ones outside the mezzogiorno shit on anglos.

slavic females are also much more attractive than the nordics.

This what subhuman anglos fap and dream about

>Anglos are the most handsome
Yeah, sure lad

Swedish men have let their society degenerate to the extent that rape is running rampant. You cannot protect your fair maidens; beautiful Swedish women need real men; Anglo men.

Pink teen Swedish pussy craves big Anglo cock.

> anglo """"""""men""""""""""""""""

Obvious French genes, pure anglos would never look this good

>Born to a Greek dad and a German mother

Is there no depths to which you will sink in your quest to deny the truth?

German women also need and deserve strong Anglo husbands.

t. nip nong ching chong

Scandinavian girls needs real Anglo leadership to fulfil their true potential.

> eli
> german
I am not sure whether you offended me more or the UK

my gf

>op has become so desperate in his efforts to lose his virginity that he now pleads and begs other countries for help

How noble of you to still refer yourself as "anglo" instead of aussie, considering rest of your anglo brethren aren't doing as well as you are.
It is also why no one can take your post seriously, saying that anglos need to save scandinavian women from getting cucked while most of the anglo nations are struggling with similar problems as well.

Well, good luck anyway.

There are Aussies who aren't Anglo. They don't deserve Scandinavian women.

Don't worry Finnbro, Anglo men will not go after Finnish women, because they are not Germanic or Scandinavian.

Are you sure you shouldn't go for the Scandinavian males instead though?
Anglos are the second most cucked race in the world.

Scandinavian males are effeminate enough to be mistaken for females by some people.

But no. Beautiful, pure, blonde Scandinavian females for me.