Now that Britain is free, is a United Anglosphere just around the corner?

Now that Britain is free, is a United Anglosphere just around the corner?

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Hope not, only like Canada anyway

Every flag looks better with a leaf

>Brit logic
>leave a union
>join a union

It's about time us lads reestablished the colonies anyway.

It's more logical to join a Union people you share language, culture, history and a Queen.


We'll uh...we'll call you yea?

for what? free movement of immi, well, labor?

>usa have a queen

It's about bloody time they will!

And Ireland.

Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia. Or was that Eastasia? Whatever.

We don't have a problem with unions, we have a problem with unions run by lefties

Kim Kardashian is their Queen already, no?


Average American probably has more favourable opinions of the Queen than your average Brit desu.

>all aboard the banter bus
>shitposting exports increase tenfold

kill yourself desu

Yes. But only free travel when the non-Anglos are all gone though.

>leave a union
the fuck they are

you have a problem with unions if your not the one who makes the rules



Drawing flags and maps is pointless without a concept and strategy to back it up.

Well no shit, how is that unusual?


Nothing suspicious here...

900% of Vatican city residents can't be wrong.

>Average American probably has more favourable opinions of the Queen than your average Brit desu.
Uhhh, no. We consider the monarchy fun to look at from afar. Actually having one though completely conflicts with our sensibilities.

The EU sucked for Brits because free movement of people was a one way street.

A lot of continentals have English as a second language, but most Brits can only speak English meaning they don't have the same opportunities on the continent that continentals have in Britain.

If we're in a union with the Anglosphere then a Brit could leave and work in Australia or America without having to learn a new language.

>We consider the monarchy fun to look at from afar.

That's what they are for, even in the UK.

The monarchy was cucked a long time ago.


Limit free travel to Anglos, and other Europeans and East Asians who have lived in the 'sphere for at least two generations. We don't want any "new Brits" coming over here.

Yes. This will be the flag.


>but most Brits can only speak English meaning they don't have the same opportunities on the continent that continentals have in Britain.
if you move to a country with a different language than learn the language that is spoken in this country, that's the problem with this?

We have a problem with unions run by Germans that's all.

eww, too convoluted.

Hope so.
Maybe we can fight back against the boats if we all work together.

I don't think a union is necessary for the Anglosphere. A Grand Alliance + free trade and open borders would probably work better.

>Royal Family came from Germany

Why 13 stars?

I'm sure that will go down well in a job interview...

It still takes a lot more effort when you might work for a business that uses english in the office and there's Anglo shows on the TV.

English is the global lingua franca - at any meeting where you would have say Indians, Germans, Brits, Chinese and Russians, they would speak our language.

I did it, took a job in Italy with no Italian. Now I can barely speak Italian and I've still worked there 5 years.

Don't let your little Englander mentality hold you down

no that's the thing. Most Brits cant be bothered to learn a new language so they'll limit their jobsearch to British jobs. But continentals can speak English too so they can include Britain in their jobsearch as well as their home country.

I wouldn't be surprised if Liz has a higher approval rating than Obama.

no you are just lazy! that is all, then you decide to move to a another country, there main language is not english, then it makes sense to learn the language first.

M8, they are 3 millions Brits living on the continent, you're talking shite out of your arse

Mostly rich old people in holiday homes. Not workers.

No he's right there are 300 million eastern euros currently in Britain

This, although a lot of them are useless OAP's who will just drain the NHS and take away housing when they are forced to come home.

Eh, not like Spain wants to trigger another housing crisis by kicking them all out.

queen latifah

wait I thought it was Beyonce


we're independent now, why would we go back to giving England control? If anything, we'll drop the Queen before we ever give control back to them

I keep seeing British citizens and politicians talking about the commonwealth as if they can just walk in and regain control and it's nothing more than insulting. You left the EU and now you think you're going to re-kindle the British Empire? get fucked.

if all the Anglo cunts opened their borders to each other then everyone else would be getting the shit end of the stick.

Seriously, keep the Brits in Britain, we don't need your poverty and unemployment rates shitting up our country

A fucking leaf shitting up a thread. Surprise surprise.

The unemployment rate in Canada is higher than the UK and they have nearly double the population.
Canadians are seriously delusional, it's been shit here for awhile m8.