Why are Bulgarians and Romanians darker than other Europeans?

Why are Bulgarians and Romanians darker than other Europeans?


Quality thread :D

You should try on the people of Sup Forums don't seem to be very interested :D

Bulgars are known to be a Turkish tribe. Romanians are half Italian, half Gypsy.

>Why are Bulgarians and Romanians darker than other Europeans?
germanics and vikings didnt invaded them and raped them

>Why are Bulgarians and Romanians darker than other Europeans?
Gypsies were banished from India 800 years ago. They are not Caucasian like you and me.

What a weak thread.I guess everyone is over at the Brexit threads shitting on the Brits.

A bunch of twats and attention whores.Have you no shame hogging all threads on Sup Forums?

And here i was hoping someone would tell me why i am darker than other Europeans.




>Bulgarians and Romanians
But they are christians Not Turkey

Could I pass as a local there

Sure.We are neighbors with Greece and Turkey pretty much anyone can pass as a local here.

As long as you are not a negur.I've seen only 6 or six while i was visiting a friend in the capital.

>But they are christians
Most of us are very mild Christians with a lot of Atheists going around.

Pajeet please, us gypsies should stick together.

Bulgarians are very white in Turkey.We calling them "Swede".Type google" Bulgar kızları" (bulgar girls)

>romanians and bulgarians
would rather leave the EU than call them gypsy

lel brits

But Indians are caucasians, strictly speaking.

Are you Iranian? You look Iranian.


Sofia is a pleasant name for a city full of disgusting Bulgars. It's like having a town called Puppyville but it's full of violent niggers.