What is there?

Are people who are living in there white?


Why do you ask this question my jap friend

If they aren't, why are white people called Caucasians?

I don't really care desu
I'd still smash and marry pic related

but they look like gyp*y

No one care about that region in here so i'm curious about it

region is where proto-indo-europeans came from

But why do you care if they are white

>What is there?
muslim people with soviet influence


cock-asians desu

Nope. We don't.
I am a Caucasian and I look european. Most people think that I am Eastern-European or from Balkan.
Northern Caucasians are whiter than Southern Caucasians.

Indo-European doesn't automatically equate to White. Latinos, Spaniards, and Pakistanis speak Indo-European languages but they're non-Whites.

Finns, Hungarians, and Basque people speak non-PIE languages but they're White.

Georgia & armenia, two based countries better than your atheist shithole.


Well they are literally Caucasian so yes.

A lot of them don't speak Indo-European languages, however. AFAIK there are like 3 native language families - Northwest-Caucasian, Northeast-Caucasian, and Georgian or Kartvelian. They're all really unique language families, though all three tend to be ergative rather than accusative - which itself is fairly uncommon - and Northwest-Caucasian languages specifically are weird as shit and have tons of consonants and very, very few vowels. Like Abkhaz for instance has like 3 vowels and... what, 68 consonants?


>Are people who are living in there white?
>If they aren't, why are white people called Caucasians?
That refers to armenians and other asians nations that migrated to the caucasus that aren't native to it. the natives are georgians, circassians,chechens,ingush etc.

We studied that. its supposed to be where the first indo-european tribes came from to spread their language to the west, in Europe.

tl;dr what came before latin

>Not white
Please stop with this meme it's so fucking cringeworthy.

i think people just automatically think that everyone that speak spanish is mexican, or that inmigrants in europe actually want to come here LOL
racism isn't subtle in Spain

It's annoying honestly. The "Everyone who's Southern European isn't white!" is the most annoying meme on here honestly.