Yellow fever is cancer

>see yellow fever fags post East Asian models, thinking all asians look like that
>goes to Google
>search Japanese School
>get pic related

"b-but muh azn waifus don't look like that ;_;"

>search Korean School
>get this

>search Chinese School
>get this


Are Hong Kong males the ugliest group of people on earth? All of them are
>body looks like a pole
>stick arms and pencil neck
>thick plastic glasses
>mouth's permanently half opened

Is it because of the long time inbreeding or just the natural progress of evolution?

How can white women even compete?

seems very cozy

I see a qt there.

I will never understand yellow fever.

I don't deny that they have alot of qts, but these qts does not look like the kind of models yellow fever faggots post here

I honestly think half of them are hot.
That's about the average across the board for me though.

Is it true that many of yellow fevers are looser?

I'd bonk peanuts girl

Are you pedo or something?
Why are you posting underage girls to get your point across?

All of them.

Fuck you.

>posting kids in a school means you are a pedo
wew, did you learn that from the burgers?

Still better than white girls. There so cute :3

There's actually half a dozen girls in that pic I'd like to fuck.

This is why Melbourne is great.
Only the attractive ones can afford to come here.

Nice job cherry picking pictures with many ugly kids. I recommend you guys to travel around Japan for a couple of weeks and you will notice that there are no fat and unhealthy people. Furthermore, there are much more qts on ratio compared to Germany especially because white woman tend to be very masculine. Ah, and the girls I had during the years I've lived over there had all amazing cooking skills, knew how to do laundry, etc. Are there even girls in the west who can cook? I doubt it.

search norwegian school get this

>niggers and arabs have white fever
>whites have yellow fever
>asians have anime cartoon fever

this is the understood order

>implying you wouldn't

>not liking fresh pussy

That's an engineering school tbf

Most of them has to be severely autistic

Models aren't technically students in the first place.
He could have posted average asian girls but instead chooses students as OP.
Please spare me the logic on why.

t. Yellow Fever

Because a class of students is generally representative of the population.

Are you retarded?

It's human nature to feel sexual attraction to adolescents. Never mind that adolescence itself is a modern concept.

Do all asians have huge calves?

Why does yellow fever fags hate white women so much?
Is it because they can't get laid?
Don't expect these gravure models to fuck you either

nah that's a japanese thing

I know.
I can't get mine to grow, no matter how many times I visit /fit/
feel bad desu senpai

Why are you looking up schoolgirls?

I don't hate white woman. I'm just telling you from my experience what's going on. I can imagine the girls in Norway are far better than in Germany. Also if you can't get a girl in your home country, then you won't get one in Japan. It's not the 80s anymore.

Yeah, because I guess anyone who doesn't study turn into a Jap goddess all of a sudden

Nothing wrong with this image

fucking weebs I swear

>hurr japs have qtr girls than us
>ur cherry picking!

>n-no I never said such

Learn to read, user.

Why does Asian class rooms look so Sub Saharan?

I did, Hans
That's what you said

i get more white girls than all ppl in this thread combined

They learnt from their former British masters

t. el white boi living in meme-kong

I only date and sleep with asians


*cough* race traitor

Hideous, i honestly never saw a japanese girl that has a nice face besides maria ozawa (half jap) and ahakane hotaru

>googles "cool japanese high school students"
>get this

my sides

Why are you posting photos of children?

AWwww Japs are sooooo cute ^_^
I want one of these as my pet

These are high schoolers, leaf

I swear to god that every school I went to was full of 7/10s and-9/10s

Whats with the rest of the world?

Not all of them, giftbox.

but they are

Well of course I would want a qt 10/10 Asian gf. Why would you assume, when I say I want an Asian gf, that I would take just any troll or an average girl? Of course I want an Asian girl similar looking to the models I'm posting. Same for white girls or black girls or latino girls.

The problem is you can never get any 10/10 asian girl

You should try the gym