Be Korean

>be Korean
>school days last 16 hours
>study 8 hour each day at home during weekends and holidays
>parents beat you if you get grades below A
>kill yourself when you get a grade below A

>still lose to Finland in Science

Explain this, Koreans. How can you lose when the average Finn just drinks ES and posts memes online most of his time and never studies?

This is the type of people you are losing to.

You mean you're cheating on it?

Drinking ES and posting memes increases your intelligence

Internationally speaking, it's not dishonorable for an asian to lose to another asian

>school days last 16 hours
>study 8 hours a day

only the middle class to upper middle class does that

the lower middle class and lower class students perform like your below average student anywhere else in the world

It's easy to provide good education for low population...

UK will be top 5 when all the brown is discarded.

Korea was the poorest country in the world 60 years ago
Korea has had democracy for less than 30 years


>only asians and bankers better in maths


I must take a finn girl to america and breed with her for the good of my country
It's simple patriotism

And they will bounce back if they don't make any changes soon, according to the words of Koreans I have talked with online in the past few months

>tfw top country in all three categories
Are other countries even trying?

das rasis

we're all the same niggu

Actually the latest PISA study showed Koreans spend the second least amount of time studying out of all surveyed nations right after Finland.

>Poland beats most European countries

Westerns are brain dead so they drain brain other countries

If I were a Korean student, I would die.
Japanese high school students mostly enjoy respective clus activety.

das rite ma fellow kang

>only the middle class to upper middle class does that

>some Koreans literally don't sleep

this guy might be actually the one who is low income and works hard in a cement factory or such.
one korean poster on Sup Forums is that.

"only the middle class" still sounds odd though, since the majority of koreans are that.

Old commie blocks had a decent education

I have once read that korean students get 6 hours of sleep on average. Of course 18 hours is an exaggeration, but they surely do study a shitton.


das rasis

skin deep nigu

>Finn just drinks ES
energy drinks should be forbidden from use during PISA in the same way doping is disallowed in sporting competition

It's not even your country, stop being such a cuck

>that heavy implication that immigration is dumbing down funland


wow, we're pretty high in those. surprising

That's why it was never published in the mainstream media desu

>below Russia

you should focus more on diversity and lgbtbbq awareness education in elementary school.



Korean have small penis and small brain.
Korean is pig.
Japan conquer Korea don't even struggle.
Average Korean small penis small brain small country.

its because mongols are the top asians obviously, no one can compete with fins

why are we so dumb?

trying to think of a witty response that will get me at least five replies but I'm drawing a blank


i'm disappointed man, that was a pretty low hanging fruit

>parents beat you if you get grades below A
>kill yourself when you get a grade below A

and the other way around

How do you know what fruit is you fat bastard.

That's the best I can do past 11pm.

This. Idk why Koreans only imported bad things from the West such as PC and rapefugees. The politicians (and all the people who voted from them) are only making bad changes to happen.
prob b/c no nigs and mudslimes

>be FInland
>be the best at everything
>people still don't give a shit about you
your life must be suffering

Fact: Finnics are the most Powerful race in the world

Not bad, I cracked a smile

Sweden isn't on any category on Op's pic. Wooooooooowwwww!!!!

We are on the bottom of that list
We are full retard
That explains why me beeing the lazy fuck I am have such "good" grades in uni
