Britbong here

britbong here
gonna be spending a year at the university of texas, never been to america before, so i could do with some advice

Don't try to make your own clocks

Enjoy humidity and rich rednecks.

As a Texan,

Don't do it. Austin is an SJW shithole

make sure to stay hydrated

Watch out for the black bouncers if they get you alone after closing

Faghorns pls go

gain a lot weight and buy a mobility scooter to fit in, americans are very hostile towards people who don't look like them especially rednecks

i live in brighton right now so i'm pretty used to that
am i gonna have to start watching handegg?

Careful on the first day of classes before you can get into the class you have to have your penis inspected

i hope i don't get rejected for not being circumcised

Nah they just check males for any markings or weapons down there that could identify them as a shooter or suspect etc

nah its fine senpai UT has open carry on campus
apparently some guy shot a bunch of people off the top of the tower and it became a national tradition

You know you are going to a football school right?Eventhough they suck.

UT Austin student here, what are you studying m8?
Bring clothes suited for hot weather m8. Austin isn't as hot as where I come from but just walking around campus works up a sweat.

Hit up 6th street, you will get pussy in clubs because of your accent.

Join student orgs, seriously. UT has a fuckton of students so its very easy to feel lonely here.

Always be willing to meet people. Yes, UT has a reputation for a being a party school but you can't get into many parties without knowing people.

Don't be a bitch and actually manage your time. UT doesn't do handholding and its really easy to fall behind in classes if you don't manage your time.

Get your housing sorted BEFORE you get here. I'm sure you done this by now but if you haven't get it done ASAP. We are full and its going to be hard to find a place near campus for cheap.

If you like to meet up during the fall semester we can but I am going to be fairly busy because of an internship, research and focusing on classes. Maybe on a weekend I'll bring you to a party.

>Austin is an SJW shithole

When will this meme end? Just beacause a lone city (no pun intended) is left leaning in a state filled with conservatives it does not make it SJW.

Which UT are you going to?

Are you Texan?

I am. I am a liberal left Texan too.

Austin is an SJW shithole

I want Gay and M to stop caring about us so much.

Buy a sombrero and grow a mustache. Texas is Mexican clay.

neuroscience, i've got my housing sorted, staying in pearl street co-op, british universities don't hand hold you at all, its all about "self directed learning" or some shit like that so i've got time management down, yeah it'd be sick to go for a pint some time

>Are you Texan?
Honorary, yes.

>I am. I am a liberal left Texan too.
Really? So prove it. Say something liberal and mildly communist that'd surely enrage conservatives. You have my undivided attention.

i know literally nothing about american football

You're gonna love it if you love a party atmosphere. I actually don't live far off from there. The people living there are really friendly as well. I got an flat on West Campus near there. Also yeah I agree, just leave some sort of contact info and we can meet up sometime.

[email protected]
i'll get your facebook from there
i've got a week to kill between flying there and moving in though, got any specific bars you could reccomend?
that place on rainey street with the 100 beers on tap sounds pretty good

Our political spectrum is shifted pretty far right, so even if I was extremely left I would just be more of a Progressive than I am now. SJWs are the authoritarian left, who tout shit like censorship to give people "safe spaces". You can find a lot of these in Austin because of the city's culture

Anything specific? Well I like Posse East and The Local. Crown and Anchor ain't too bad too.

I'll have to reactivate my facebook so I can friend you. I deactivated it because I couldn't focus plus some drama I had between two girls lel. Don't wait up on me though. I'm fairly slow to do anything since I am a lazy bastard. Either way at pearl you should have no problems making friends, you will love it.

My friend studied in Houston too, is there some sort of scholarship you are in texas for or what?

>SJWs are the authoritarian left, who tout shit like censorship to give people "safe spaces"
Yeah, I've seen that myself. But I wasn't questioning SJW's, I was questioning your political leanings, thus your post hadn't really answered my post properly.

That said, I do agree that SJW's had gone out of control and something needs to be done about them. But mostly they're just polluting universities aren't they?

safe, cheers man
well i'm not gonna know anyone to start with so really i'm looking for somewhere it'd be easy to talk to people

anywhere with local bands would be good too

exchange program
its actually really easy to get onto if you got a 2:1 in first year and you do a real degree, its an extra year though so not that many people apply

my other 2 choices were indiana and alaska lel

Ah, the extra year would have put me off. Best of luck though

>Bring clothes suited for hot weather m8
blatantly just buy them there OP. americans dress different to us anyway and they're much cheaper there.. Save the room/weight in your suitcase for tea/marmite, some dapper clothes and other Britshit to impress the yanks with.

I dare you to take the chilean flag whit you and wave it while screaming "independence for Texas!!!!!!!!!".

Totally forgot about this. This is true. Do not buy all your clothes from the stores at Guad (that strip of stores and restaurants near campus) unless you enjoy getting ripped off.

I did not want to hijack OPs thread but if you insist,

As a Texan, obviously we need tighter restrictions on firearms. I love weapons as much as the next guy but I don't trust other people to be as responsible as I would be with them. Strongly against Texas effectively shutting down all abortion clinics through insane regulations, along with the lackluster environmental regulations for the big oil industries here.

As an American, there is nothing more important than campaign finance reform. It is the defining issue of my generation, with climate change being close 2nd. Our government effectively functions as an oligarchy, and public opinion means jack shit if proposed legislation conflicts with the interests of huge corporations. If we don't fix this first, we will continue getting scraps from the higher ups.

As for Austin, yes it is mainly prevalent in the University level. But these people will go out into the real world eventually. I go to Uni in Houston which isnt nearly as bad as it is in Austin, but even then I hear some pretty stupid shit on campus. I fully expect this shit to be a problem in the near future, especially if the surging waves of Progressives running for office get enough representation in America.

> traveling half a world away to study in Houston
For what purpose??
You'd be better off going to South Africa.

>> traveling half a world away to study in Houston
>For what purpose??
If its UT Houston Med School then fucking definitely since its a world renowned school and hospital at that.
Rice is pretty good too.

Someone I know went there for 2 years and is already 40k in debt.

I dont know if he went full retard and fucked up or if thats just how it is. Regardless,

>coming to America for University
Our education system and tuition is so fucked

Rice is an ivy league school. What do people expect? Of course its gonna cost a metric fuckton.

I agree with being against coming to America on tuition but not education. Our uni's are bretty gud but tuition is a fucking nightmare. Chalk it up to the existance of rich international students. They can afford it .¯\_(ツ)_/¯

my nigga, you truly don't understand

Played college ball, ya' know

Don't try reasoning with him, he's an American.

>I did not want to hijack OPs thread but if you insist
I do. Also hijacking threads is fun. OP gets free bumps, what's not to like?

>As a Texan, obviously we need tighter restrictions on firearms. I love weapons as much as the next guy but I don't trust other people to be as responsible as I would be with them. Strongly against Texas effectively shutting down all abortion clinics through insane regulations, along with the lackluster environmental regulations for the big oil industries here.
>As an American, there is nothing more important than campaign finance reform. It is the defining issue of my generation, with climate change being close 2nd. Our government effectively functions as an oligarchy, and public opinion means jack shit if proposed legislation conflicts with the interests of huge corporations. If we don't fix this first, we will continue getting scraps from the higher ups.

Impressive. You've shown awareness of your country's political dealings and the effects big corporations have on it. You passed the test. That said you could've mentioned PRISM or prisoner tortures, and the frightening similarities between the american government and totalitarian states.

But anyway, do you honestly believe voting left would solve these issues? Or do you admit that there is a problem with the system?
also totally unrelated, what do you think of Hillary?

I'm a somewhat left-leaning person myself, but college towns are horrible when it comes to that "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" lefty-populist bullying.

OP here
its only costing me like a grand 'cause they love exchange students for some reason

I honestly dont have very much faith in the voting process. Not enough people are informed on the issues of corruption, however Hillary might be just what we need to expose the state of politics in America. She is one of the most corrupt politicians in recent U.S. history, with her speaking fees/flip flops/Clinton foundation. I will never vote Hillary on this alone, because she is an opportunist. She will pivot to her hawkish ways for the general and run to the center/right to defeat Trump. She's already telling Bernie supporters to essentially fuck off or fall in line with her actions.

But back to voting, it doesn't help that voters are easily swayed by mass media and political ads. People are for good reason dissatisfied with the recent administrations and they are hurting economically, making them prime targets to rhetoric and fluff.

Party leaders are already bought and new representatives are much too eager to fall in line for the lobbyists and their paycheck. Running against an incumbent is incredibly difficult since they fund their campaigns with money raised by every single member of their party.

All this combined means it will continue being a cycle of the American people being fed lies and empty promises until enough people start making noise. We're seeing this with both Bernie Sanders and Trump, they have huge appeal because theyre fighting against the established system. The system has rotted from the inside due to decades of deregulation that now allows for legal bribery.

Of all the places in the United States, why motherfucking Texas?

A little less coherent than I had hoped but I have not slept in 24 hours...

i chose based on the university more than anything else

>I honestly dont have very much faith in the voting process. Not enough people are informed on the issues of corruption, however Hillary might be just what we need to expose the state of politics in America. She is one of the most corrupt politicians in recent U.S. history, with her speaking fees/flip flops/Clinton foundation. I will never vote Hillary on this alone, because she is an opportunist. She will pivot to her hawkish ways for the general and run to the center/right to defeat Trump. She's already telling Bernie supporters to essentially fuck off or fall in line with her actions.
Iiiiiii don't know. I think she's part of the problem, and would only exacerbate it, if she were to won the election. She's so fake... I, I can't even describe it. Nobody comes to mind. No expression either that'd fit. She's literally the fakest person I've ever seen.
Just no. I'd rather people vote for carnivorous ayyliens from outer space. Anything but her.

>All this combined means it will continue being a cycle of the American people being fed lies and empty promises until enough people start making noise. We're seeing this with both Bernie Sanders and Trump, they have huge appeal because theyre fighting against the established system. The system has rotted from the inside due to decades of deregulation that now allows for legal bribery.
True, but ever think about how in Europe people are turning away from mainstream politicians too? Sure in part some of it can be chalked to right wing propaganda (paid by Russia), but I think people are genuinely realizing that the system is broken, and not just in the U.S but everywhere, because democracy is a failed institution since its inception.

If people around you clap, start clapping. Failure to clap is a federal offense, punishable by life in prison without parole.

In my opinion I dont think modern representative democracy has a place in a world full of distractions anymore, at least until democratic nations find a way to inspire a pride in culture or nationalism. There is so much media in the world that people now have the option of running away from their problems instead of voting in their own self interest. Who would find fun in trying to navigate through beaurocratic channels just to find out what this bill/trade deal will do or who is supporting it when theres a new episode of GoT?

I mean sure having elected officials do that for you was the entire point of a representative democracy, but clearly it is susceptible to corruption. That needs to be addressed first and foremost because without representatives, people have literally no voice in government. I feel that should be the role that education should play in any society, but here in America that system's inefficiency speaks for itself through rising tuition and the student debt crisis. And thats not even mentioning the notorious low quality education before the Uni level in the rural parts of the U.S.

It's overall just a very difficult situation to gauge, theres so many different factors and examples unique to the many different democratic nations of the world. Obviously I can only speak for America, but I feel that there is an inherent incompatability with democracy and the massive population potential that modern nations have.

Honestly you will probably really like Austin TX, have a couple friends that went out that way it's fun for young people.

Yea there is a pretty big SJW contingent in Austin but you can ignore it obviously

I go to OU

Also fuck U

you might want to bring sun block
It does go over 37c over there sometimes.