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korean pop

first for bremain

karen kujou

Please to give me the information. Where did the Britain go from a Europe?

Apology for my English none sharp



look at this horse

first for hk


first for new british HK

> vote to leave
> we will hear years about how they want to leave any minute now
> dont actually leave
thats the problem, we really need something in the treaties to kick nations out

cannot stand women

why do i feel the need to see another fanny when I already know what to expect

that's a very aesthetic horse

>pl ahnstl etWo echatp ittaa leilscei hoenv gdreozwiisn-gV UgSl onbaa ls tdie meacnudd ofropr otth eg noiuntn-aslipz esdi cnaortss.A

>fiiccaelplsy ,tercannesffeoDr mfion gy rtthsrienei M" seuhpte ry-bh aentgiesr se"h.t Ctoan setsruu cntii oynl twnoerrkr uics speliatninleidc atfo echotm mfeon ceem oisn g2n0i1s7o,p rwuiptehr f,uslelr cvae h0i9c lses oprrcoad uncatpiso nl lciowm myernocticnagf iwne n2 0e2h0T.

Ahh yes.

t. CY

first for me

me if i was a horse lol im a little princess

fuck these bong bitches. i will never leave to poland they cannot make me leave. i will stay in uk so fuck u bongs

Aint gonna fucking happen.

Cucks who wish to live under foreign rule dont get to choose who rules over the

>Daniel Hannan is a complete nobody and his views aren't representative of the Tories who will actually be running the country and negotiating our withdrawal from the EU

Brexitcucks LITERALLY believe this kek. When Boris Johnson is in number 10 and saying immigration will not go down and the money saved from contributions won't be spent on the NHS they still won't believe him.

Off to Maccers for some grub

They don't, Sturgeon is bullshitting. All SNP MPs can do is vote against it, Holyrood has no power on foreign policy.

Royal Assent is the queen approving an act and making it law of the land.

They can't realistically go against a national referendum and expect to keep their job.

>Rorkes actually think they won

Kek. We don't leave until we leave.

how does brit/pol/ feel about the female species?

NEED a German gf

First for soph aspin

Paige is the ultimate british qt.

gg wp

Off to McDonalds for some food

>the tories will end free movement

oh yes just like they reduced immigration

Why yes, I did post a hardly known guy called dan saying words again

It really backs up my statement

You guys call white people the "master race" yet you need other races to fuck your women.



9 out of 10 HKers would return to UK
rescue us from china


Not only is an MP voting against brexit on parliament career suicide but the queen will just abolish parliament and hold emergency elections if parliament fails to trigger article 50.

"It's just advisory bro" is bremainers panic.

Every time I poo there's a bit of poo that desperately clings on to my hole and will not let go

Would you do my sister lads

that's beautiful x


don't disrespect dan
do you know dan
you'll get a box from dan


If the government decided to ignore the referendum and not leave the eu, what would the reaction be? Obviously people would be angry, but do you think it could cause a civil revolt in the future?

>majority of people post cara or maisie over saoirse

i'm embarrassed to be posting amongst you cretins


>you'll never fuck her


>Dan Hannan -one of the leaders of the Brexit campaign- says free movement of labour will continue after Brexit
>this despite months of "take back control of our borders", "immigrants are depressing wages", "we need to build a new city every year at this current rate", "there's not enough school places, homes, GP appointments" etc.
>It suddenly dawns on the cucks of Sup Forums who shill for the Conservative party that leaving the EU was just about removing worker protections to create a race to the bottom
>this allows big business to rake in even more money
>British people are now worse off than they were before inside the EU
>They have to compete with unlimited quantities of immigrants with absolutely no EU protections


would that we could my friend

>bremainers are STILL shilling

i wonder what kev did for his 31st birthday

that is called a dingleberry i believe

Absolutely, she's cute

it's not about whether we leave or not. we will. it's about whether the settlement will look exactly like being in the EU. it will.

do it yourself then

>Le Scottish roller coaster accident

>all those badges

fuck mate dont think i'd make the cut but i'd give it a red hot go

put your flag back on


>that bone structure

lmao no

she's a gypsy slag mate

People would go mental and the Queen would be forced to intervene by dissolving parliament.

She did it in Australia, she'd do it here too if MPs went that level of batshit insane

>the queen will just abolish parliament and hold emergency elections if parliament fails to trigger article 50.
KEK, Brexiteers are really this deluded.

The referendum was advisory, NOT binding. The Queen has no right to abolish parliament for overruling a load of uneducated chavs who want to ruin the country. The Monarchy would be abolished.

Post slags.

still can't believe we've actually done it
nige must be absolutely ecstatic
we've done it for him lads we've made him proud

Parliament being disolve and every MP losing their jobs.

all butters

just look at this coat of arms

you think a girl with all them badges would go for a lowly pauper such as myself? methinks not

just swiped right to lottie

it was not a match haha

MPs serve the public. Going out of their way to ask the public then defying that literally will not happen

triggering it would destroy the legacy any PM

Ok, lads. Seriously. A lot of leave voters are regretting their decision, the leave campaign lied to them, and Scotland is threatening to leave the UK. We need to put an end to the madness and ignore the result.

England belongs to me

random mep says some words

this will truly change the leadership of britain


would have sex with each and every one of them

matched with a lottie the other day
she wasn't particularly a hottie though

Can't imagine that the Tory party will do that well in 2020 if they don't reduce immigration

>implying free movement is staying when we just held a national referendum to stop it.

Ah yes commiting career suicide and handing the country over to ukip in 2020 very good.

go live in russia if you hate democracy so much

no, the only people that protest are

your third eye is soldered shut

Realistically how can a Pro-EU MP (which is like 75%) vote on legislation that takes the UK out of the UK when he disagrees with it? What can the chief whip even do?

it's he resigned from a company and took all the best people and stocks with him

Where does it say this?

fingered her behind a club in leicesterhamshire once


>A lot of leave voters are regretting their decision
1% are unhappy with the result
4% of remainers are happy with the result
there are literally more remainers who wished they voted leave than leavers who wished they voted remain

no one will remember any of this in 2020

It's clear now that a majority of people do NOT want to leave the EU; the vast majority of young people don't want it, and large numbers of people who voted Leave regret doing so because they didn't know what they were voting for or did it as a protest vote.

It would be morally and legally right for Parliament to ignore the result. If it lets a bunch of uneducated chavs and coffin dodgers rule the country it is not fit for purpose anyway.

We are a representative democracy, we elect MPs to make decisions for us.

Yank-tier comment. Just kill yourself, thicko chav scum.

solid post

>The Queen has no right to abolish parliament

She literally does though.

She's also pro brexit.

six million

my condolences

absolute madman


>ote on legislation that takes the UK out of the UK
*out of the EU

my cock is throbbing desu

*eyes you out on the dance floor*
*starts dancing towards you*

>on my planet we don't let democratic elections decide how to run things
>and we certainly don't have failsafes if the democratic government don't obey these elections.

But we're not on your planet.

How much are they paying you?