DutchEmpire and Portuguese Empire, which was glorious?

DutchEmpire and Portuguese Empire, which was glorious?

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Dutch "Empire"

Don't you dare mock the greatest empire known to man.

He's innocent then.

Alberto Barbosa empire.

The one that is still relevant and not filled with gypsies.

>brazil food: bread

What did they mean by this?

I thought it would be bananas

So neither?


The one that made the most money.

the mongol empire

I like traditional Dutch culture (except for the language which is pig-disgusting, and also the fact that the Netherlands nowadays is COMPLETELY fucked and beyond saving, thanks to pic related), I love their God-tier infrastructure, I love how they literally wage war on water and actually win (the absolute madmen), I really like their history, in general I simply really like the Netherlands.

But one cannot deny that Dutch colonies were (and still are) absolute dogshit. They were good at trading and sailing the entire world making a profit wherever they went, but they really sucked at actually building proper colonies.

netherland is shit country, very third world

how dare you

t. alberto barbosa
stinking colonials

The truth is, you can't compare the two. Ours was an empire created only for the purpose of effective trace, Brazil is a country formed by mass immigration from several countries, with south Brazil even rumoured to have mostly European immigrants.

Brazil map for the Portuguese empire is wrong, it's using the current borders.

Pic related is from 1822, the maximum control the Portuguese had over South America.

Regarding food: it varies too wildly, but I think "bread and rice" would describe it better.

*effective trade


I like your country and language but admit it, the Dutch Empire can't be compared to the Poortuguese Empire.

Portuguese without a doubt

>I like your [...] language

Dutch were smart and just wanted the monis. Spain on the other hand wasted the silver on cathedrals, roads, universities and other shit in Latin America.

>I like your country and language
>actually liking Dutch language
Dude, Dutch manages to be uglier than English.

>with south Brazil even rumoured to have mostly European immigrants
Top kek. You people really believe brazilians are banana eating monkeys

South Africa was great until the eternal anglo came in and started raping and killing by sheer force

Now let's ask what was the worst empire.

The british 'empire'.

Most of the Spanish monis from America ended up in Europe's wallet. You can blame the Jews, the Habsburg's and the Bourbons


Spain wasted most of their gold and resources on pointless religious wars within Europe.

You've got to admit that it was retarded to focus on gold.
Gold's only value is as currency and jewellery, you could have known the value would deflate if you suddenly introduce a lot into the European market.

On the other hand, the silk trade (Brits) and the spice trade (Dutch) had a constant demand, providing more potential for prolonged wealth.

>Letting yourself to be ruled by a potato farm animal like a Hapsburg
You're worse than the Murricans and their Mbongo Obama chimp.

The one that contributed most to Japan.

Hint: it wasn't the Dutch


It wasn't my fault, I wasn't there. Was it retarded? Ye. But let's now seek and realize that Spain was already a puplet state by then.



is this even a question?

someone post the pic where we kicked some dutch ass

Let's agree on which empire was objectively the worst of all European empires.


It was same shit, different era. Portugal was the richest (via trade) nation on earth, then Dutch overtook it (and became even richer).

I agree.

The French empire is the greatest at the moment desu.


>doesn't include Quebec
Would be an easy win for worst if you counted Quebec

oh god agreed

Arigato < obrigado is most probably folk etymology, but here's a list.


>Gold's only value is as currency and jewellery, you could have known the value would deflate if you suddenly introduce a lot into the European market.

About that.

>The most complete and methodical developments of a Salamancan theory of value were by Martín de Azpilcueta (1493–1586) and Luis de Molina. Interested in the effect of precious metals arriving from the Americas, de Azpilcueta proved that in the countries where precious metals were scarce, prices for them were higher than in those where they were abundant. Precious metals, like any other mercantile good, gained at least some of their value from their scarcity. This scarcity theory of value was a precursor of the quantitative theory of money put forward slightly later by Jean Bodin (1530–1596).

Not so fast

That's not the Deutsches Reich


i guess it was technically a tie, though we did win more battles

but we literally just wanted the money

Arigatou and obrigado are unrelated, Leaf-senpai.


If "obrigado" was borrowed into Japanese, one would expect something like *oburigado or even *oburi (Japs often shorten words). But no way a /d/ between vowels would become a /t/.

>lost the east where most shekels can be made

Sorry maat try agian tomorow

Fuck you Poland

Dutch Empire: 1602-1975
Portuguese Empire: 1415-2002

>Battle of Nuremberg not even listed

>mass immigration from several countries
Nah. It's mostly Portuguese-African-Amerindian. The Italians, Germans and Japanese are minorities.

>brazil doesn't have any gold
also i'm pretty sure macau and many cities in india were still ours for quite sometime

>literally had a province named General Mines
It was Argentina tier.

Neither. American Empire is the greatest.

I would say Portugal had a more glorious history, but dutch were better handeling it and taking better profits.

why are austria and ireland not colored?


Because theres already plenty of irish in America and we have germany, so we dont need austria.

Different types of Empires.

Portugal wanted to make money but then tried to follow Spain into having massive territories. So we got giant pieces of land in Africa and of course Brazil (plus smaller colonies).

The Dutch only wanted to make money and they excelled at that.

The Dutch kinda won for me because they managed to apply it to the country and not sink into madness after the 1800's.

Empire wise (muh territories) it's the Portuguese.

yeah, we got to discover and conquer a bunch of places before anyone else, but the Dutch actually got rich

>Implying we didnt got rich.
In the XVI century Portugal was 30 times richer than England.
So end this "muh monies" meme.

yes, we were rich, and then we became poor

He says, speaking English

Can you read?

The one that made money and isn't full of Niggers.

We just used our colonies to make money amd didn't really used them to settle. Sri Lanka was taken away from us by the British when we we're conquered by Napoleon and it was never given back again. Dutch is still spoken in Suriname, but only mixed people live there. The only good place to settle was the Kaapkolonie (South-Africa), but the Brtish took this place away from us and replaced the white population with niggers

So I guess Portugal then.

Don't be so hard on yourself, Geert.

Why ? The Belgians were worst

the Dutch were economically superior, even to the extent of being the only western trading partner of japan during their closed period
however, the Portuguese set the bar for the level of exploration of a colonial power

We also spent the 4th largest gold treasury of the world in weapons during the Civil War.

Didn't the Soviets robbed some as well?

>tfw we have a song about Piet Hein who jacked your treasure fleet in 1628


Do you guys have anything like that?

the transition period was under spain. We went from (rich) trade empire to colonial empire under spanish rule. Our operations in india went from monopoly trade to borderline piracy.

>Pernambuco and MG will never share a border in your lifetime

the portuguese were trading in japan long before the dutch came in. It took more than 100 years for another european power to know how to cross the cape of good hope, those were 100 years of monopoly for portugal. The japan isolationist period happened exacly because the jesuits (that followed the merchants around) became too powerful there and something had to be done about that.

The reason the dutch took over was that the portuguese got btfo by england during the dutch revolt. And the dutch oportunisticaly took over most portuguese ports overseas while the portuguese army was fighting the spanish in europe (which also were at war with the dutch).

Ironicaly enough, england took those same ports from the dutch in following wars.

The Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and British were at war so often you can't really call any one opportunistic. They all profited from wars between any of the other parties.

It was well worth it because we kicked Ottoman ass quite a few times, senpai.

>you were born just in time to witness the Dutch Empire 2: European Boogaloo

Toppest of keks

delet this

Austria is Swiss-tier neutral, as is Ireland.

>CIS platina

>u r gay
everything makes sense now.
