When will we finally be free?

When will we finally be free?

Canada should be free from Quebec, yep. If you can't achieve that goal diplomatically, just nuke the fake French.

When will we finally be free?

Anglo Canada was a mistake

When you stop fucking voting no to independance referendums

Dixie land speaks the same fucking language as the rest of America though. The rest of Canada hates us just because we aren't cuck faggots that refuse to sacrifice our culture

Stfu faget

I have nothing against Texas, but don't you think you're going a bit too far? Even Louisiana and S. Florida is a bit too much.

Because a culture is defined solely by the language, right? Right?

No, it isn't.

when you guys vote out (never) canada will be free from your whining and leeching

Every Quebec separation referendum has been subject to electoral fraud. The rest of Canada hates us, but they are terrified to lose us

I thought it was da angloos fault because they voted no

How would Quebec do without Canada? Is their economy big enough to support themselves if they were independent?

That too.

non mon ami canadien

We speak the Sam language, but we're more socially and fiscally conservative. Many of us also feel as thought the government is getting too intrusive and powerful. Our economic, social, and political interests are very different from other parts of the U.S. Furthermore, we have a unique culture that is vastly different from that in the north or pith west and we want to preserve it.

It would destroy Canada. I don't care if Quebec fails as long as we take these anglo faggots out with us

*same language
Fucking autocorrect.

meant for

>The rest of Canada hates us

Do you honestly believe this? Please tell me youre not as fucking stupid as you sound by actually believing this. Im asking this seriously, do you 100% believe every Canadian in all the other provinces and territories have a collective hate against Quebec?

How often do you think about the Yukon? Never? Well thats how often we think about you and ever other province that I am not in. Jesus Christ have some rational thought once in a while. Have you ever actually asked a person in real life from another province if they hate you or do you just assume that because your tinfoil hate is welded to your head now?

>do you 100% believe every Canadian in all the other provinces and territories have a collective hate against Quebec?

Don't worry, we hate you more

You're not fiscally conservative, you're corrupt and uneducated

White southerners have no culture btw

quexit when

quebec more like queerbec haha

Just because we aren't "cultured" doesn't mean we don't have a culture.

he's right you know

You cant be free
Your UK queen want you

hopefully soon. enjoy being a third world country

when you stop spamming Sup Forums with your dumb whining

Why does Nippon always burn so badly?

The Japanese are secretly the true bantmasters

Yes.They can sell their hydroelectric surplus and create a tax for non-quebecois boats who want yo enter or to exit the Great Lakes

If Dixe were separated, USA would be freed from the grasp of dumb uneducated southern voters and would arguably be a much better place -- probably a lot more like Canada.

The only problem I can find with this alternate history is that the south probably would have sided with Hitler during WWII, which might have mode things much, much, worse.