
fuck off kike

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Found someone who still hasn't sold his british shares.

Fuck off muhammad

I don't see the problem. It's expected that markets react poorly to uncertainty. That doesn't make Brexit bad.

The jihadi capital of Europe and home of the EU (heh) has no right to talk.

>That doesn't make Brexit bad.

It's now apparent that the idiots who led the Brexit campaign have absolutely no idea what to do next. The while affair looks right now like Boris' and Farage's publicity stunt that backfired spectacularly.

Cameron swerved them, the absolute madman


t. Muhammad Ibn Muhammad abd Al-Jihadi

I'll only believe in all this doom nonsense when it happens.

Globalists get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

The Anglo will rise again and destroy the German once and for all

>not even a week after leaving

Yuropeens desperate as fuck.

This. If the media could get away with it, they'd tell you that brits can no longer wipe their own ass because they left the EU

How will British people wipe their own ass now that they are no longer part of Europe?


I can't even be smug about it anymore. Even if the British people are stupid beyond belief, the government should protect them from self-harm. I have friends living in the UK and they're going to have to suffer in ruined country.

*raises paw*

Um excuse me, Belgium? You can't be smug about anything.

Fuck you we have the best beer and chocolate.


are you wallonian or flemish?

Only brexiters believe you can safely land on clouds

And only Bremainers believe you could crash a plane onto a building and survive lmao

It was the same person who drew the cloud, in the original cartoon there was no building.

neither of them were in the original picture, you buttmuffin.

That's what I am saying - the edited version doesn't make any sense.

we're crashing this union with no survivors
netherlands is next you heard it here first

how does it not make sense? he's jumping from a plane that's going to explode onto a safe haven.

That's my point, even in this made up scenario, this "safe haven" isn't exactly safe.

There's one union that's crashing with no survivors.

And it's not the EU.

it is in the context of the cartoon picture.

>the government should protect them from self-harm
But that's anti-democratic (TM), you silly autocratic euroburocrat. The mob wanted to decide, and the mob decided. Now they deal with it.

Alright let's get on with this:

UK did the right thing by leaving EU, fundamentally it was bound up by too many economic regulations that for
a country that seldom operates in EU market were little too suffocating. Briefly they had to abide regulations from
EU for trades that didn't have a fucking shit to with EU.

Pound is devalued :OOOOO. Who could have expected that uncertain and close political referendum would do
something like that.. Of course it will fucking happen that's a proof of liquid and healthy economics, it just did a minor
>When you are rowing a fucking boat and decide to scratch your ass. Your fucking movement will of course fucking rock the boat a bit.
Jesus fucking Christ you retarded bastards.

The same is happening to all non-british pound based economies and stock holdings that trade with GBP. Which in turn and in a while
all is gonna fucking stabilize.
t. Hurr Durr I know nothing probably becauzse I am stoopid Pole, but I dont hesistate to comment on everything nontheless
They have to fucking wait. It's a big thing separating shit that went on since EEC fucking days up until fucking now.
They have shitton of fucking new trade policies and deals to do. And these deals better be made after long fucking thinking.

That's where cuntass nigger loving piece of shit European Union comes in and gets all wobbly and says:
"LMao BRitain leave like right now or I am gonna throw you out, cuz you know this whole thing you leaving me makes me look very fucking stoopid like
some giant fucking piece of shit and other states could get stupid ideas like leaving as well. So I am trying to speed up this whole thing so your
economical transition to EU-less economy fails and makes you look like a giantass fucking disaster which may show others how fucking bad
idea it is to leave me. lkmao XD right? now get the fuck out."

>a country that seldom operates in EU
>half their fucking economy depends on the EU
All right, you're retarded, no need to read further.

Could you take a fucking look at the share of their trade that is dependent on EU based countries?
Now compare it with.. let's say France or Germany.
Get your paper and pen out and write down how big of fucking difference it fucking is.

Now leaving EU is not gonna result in Britain stopping all it's EU trade. On the contrary.
Germany and all the other states with big export(mainly)-import economies will try to strike the best fucking
deal with after-Brexit UK. Why? Because the bunch of niggers that operate those bastards could lose a fucking
billions if bad deal was struck.

Now take that pen you wrote it with and jam it into your fucking artery because you don't deserve to live.

czechman bringing the heat, goddamn

Can any Brexit supporters lay out how this is going to benefit the country longterm? I understand the desire for full sovereignty, but how is whatever remains of your country going to deal with the mountains of red tape it's just buried itself in?

just wanted to say, you are my favourite country

i love you czechia

could allow britain to set up tailor-made deals and discard tarifs/business practices it didn't like that eu forced upon it in order to be included. really depends on the sort of trade they get.

You are comparing export-import market of UK to entire EU. EU need to find the replacement for UK. UK needs to find the replacement for entire EU. Guess which is easier to find.

Could? Seems like you'd want to be pretty certain before doing something this big. Seems like semi-favorable trading conditions under the EU are better than having to start completely over.

take a look at this fucking tweet for example
Hanz and Franz Schekelbergs already shat themseleves and are ready to suck
UK dick just to get a good deal.

Its a fucking big market UK and Germany could fuck itself over big time by being unable to
strike a good deal.

Now better fucking let Bongs goddamn think this off and fuck over both Hanz and Pierre
big time.

Dude like are you fucking retarded?

there is a very simple replacement in capitalist economy if there is a demand.
China and US will happily jam in their cock into the vacuum EU would create. Which it wont cuz
as stated before that would cost Schekelbergs a fucking fortune and Schekelbergs would
rape the whole EU commission for making them lose money.

pic. related is average bitch that every bong will be able to import from Slavic lands for low price of one week salary
after UK fucks EU economically big time

UK was literally the most important country of the EU. They will rise higher than ever before, the British empire is back!

>he actually believes this
England (not the uk) will not regain its glory days of "muh empire". It'll simply be a prosperous European nation state for a while.

nobody has a fucking clue what is going on, that is why the pound dropped so quickly; there's no definitive reason, nothing actually happened when the referendum results were in (it's not legal per se, their government could technically veto it but it would be an effective political suicide), but everyone is freaking out because there was no plan set up because nobody, least of all the politicians, expected brexit to actually happen.

Norway fucking pays EU to be able to get trade deals.

I guess they could've just phoned China instead or EU just begged them to be there. Of course EU is completely unable to find anyone for their exports/imports outside of UK too since we lack the Britbong magic.

We're fucked aren't we lads

Norway are smarmy cunts that can afford to pay EU to leave them the fuck alone.
And it is still beneficial for them because they don't have to abide EU policies.
It's like paying the class bully small cash instead of getting beaten the fuck up and robbed.

Switzerland is better example than Norway since I would argue that main plus of UK is it's overwhelming
banking sector compared to other European big guys. Too bad I know much less about banking than
I would like to admit so I will not argue in this field.

U'll be fucked by this if it works out for you as planned.

Switzerland still has to open their fucking borders which is what most of the leave.

British banking sector also seems to mostly think about moving somewhere into EU, they could stay or they could leave.

>Switzerland still has to open their fucking borders which is what most of the leave.
How is that relevant?
I thought you were trying to say that they economically dun goofed.

I am failing at following your critique of BREXIT.

And concerning Banking sector 'n' shiieeeeeeeeet. Moving banking sector probably isn't what you think
it is. It's more about economic gravity than about a decision.
Germany fails at providing any big banking center comparable to London by big fucking margin.
France has Paris.. that's about it, but that would mean Germans giving up on control of financial
sector which eternal Hanz won't ever do.
3rd option is some irrelevant neutral shithole like Brussels was before it got stamped as EU capital
because French and Germans didn't want the other to be.

Scotland should go back to the EU while they can since they're the ones with the oil.

>they're the ones with the oil.
that's precisely why they should do their best to avoid EU at all costs.

>just to get a good deal.

That "good deal" would basically be a de facto EU status that ignores most of the Leave promises, since it would be access to the common market in exchange for free movement of labor and acceptance of most EU regulations.

It would be the politicians' way to mitigate the negative impact of Brexit. The UK would have "left" the EU but little would change except the movement of euro-denominated finance away from London.

>there is a very simple replacement in capitalist economy if there is a demand.

see atlas.media.mit.edu/en/profile/country/gbr/#Destinations

The US and China are not going to make up for the reduction of trade with 50-60% of Britain's trade volume. Not even close.

>How is that relevant?
Because Brexit was mostly about muh freedom so bringing up a country that still has schengen implemented is a bad idea. It also shows who has the upper hand in negotiations.
>Germans giving up on control of financial
sector which eternal Hanz won't ever do.
It kinda sounds like you are just blaming everything on Germans and think Merkel is next Hitler. What are they gonna do? Occupy Paris?

I love how most people who vote brexit think England will become 100% white. No it won't
The immigrants who will stop coming are mostly poles and Romanians and the Pakistanis living In he UK wont go anywhere and will continue breeding. Have fun with a bad economy and the same number of Muslims

The EU gave them money and they could probably get a better deal for the oil.

If Scotland leaves the UK, Spain literally won't let them go back into the EU

>The US and China are not going to make up for the reduction of trade with 50-60% of Britain's trade volume. Not even close.

Implying EU will embargo UK and say: "Lmao fuck 450 billion €, we would rather show how manly we are."

I mean not really.. EU has firm grip on it's prices and taxation which you usually want to control
yourself when you can and not let some eurocratic fuck decide on it.

No, there will not be an embargo.

What will actually happen is that if a trade deal with common market access doesn't go through, everything will revert to baseline WTO rules which imposes higher tariffs and barriers.

Only 6% of UK businesses export to the rest of the EU, but now EU regulations don't apply to 100% of UK businesses so job creation will increase regardless as the UK was never export dependent like Germany or Japan

No, Germany and France will bow down before UK and try to strike some fancy deal with UK
to prevent major ass fucking on the side of German and French exporters.
you dont need much more than this to prove how fucked Germany and France is.

>it's my favorite country because some guy from there said something on Sup Forums

This flag roleplaying is bar none the worst thing on Sup Forums. Still better than the full blown autism of Kaysee, but only barely.

>now EU regulations don't apply to 100% of UK businesses

I literally explained why that would be wrong. Market access to the EU would require harmonization with most EU market regulations.

In addition, Switzerland is highly dependent on free movement of labor.

See my reference to "de facto EU status" in my previous post.

In that case, Britain would just get a slightly inferior version of the trade relationship they have now, with the addition of this current Brexit uncertainty.

>Only 6% of UK businesses export to the rest of the EU
I fear thats rather low number and it probably accounts only for material things and not services and other
bullshit which also gets regulated and taxed.. I would guess the real number around 40-50%, but yes
UK is not that export dependent.
Furthermore EU has really big stagnating problem with unemployment and instead of taking it head on
it instead promotes socialism or downright communism against which people can not defend unless
they get provoked enough to invoke article 50 and bail the fuck out. (Frankly because EU is kleptocratic bueraucratic immovable dictatorship)
Bongs instead address it and try to do something with it which is nice change of pace.
Well they had special snowflake status in the EU already but were still under the commandments of EU
thus leaving them no space to dance around. Now the situation is exactly opposite EU is bound by
EU commandments thus they have to abide their WTO policies and Bongs can really do whatever the fuck
they want cuz they are in position of power. :)

Do you not know what the WTO is? If the UK doesn't join the WTO after it leaves the EU, British trade will take a huge hit not just with the EU but with the entire rest of the world. To put this in context, it was after China joined the WTO in 2001 that Chinese trade really exploded.

The UK basically lost its special snowflake status, since the recent deal Cameron made is invalidated with Brexit.

Russian spotted. Don't ask me how I know.

how do you know?