How do I stop being embarrassed about my country?

How do I stop being embarrassed about my country?

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What is it that you're embarrassed about?

Southwest is the best part of the country

you're an embarrassment

You are the change you wish to see in the world.

American arrogance, how genital mutilation is acceptable, our flat accents, general international ignorance, high obesity rates, shitty rigged electoral system, military worship

The Pacific Northwest and New England are the only good parts.

I demand that Erie, PA be excluded from the Great Lakes region due to their Pittsburgh hillbilly accent.

Look man, America has its share of idiots and leftists but sometimes you have to see besides the point that every country has its people that make it crappy. That doesn't mean I'm going to cry about it demanding for attention like you.

could you try not to sound like a crazy person for ONCE

>implying leftists are the problem

Have you seen the south?

The Sierra Nevada and Cascades aren't the Rockies.

They are one half of the problem though.

I don't let politics control my thoughts about places though. Only weak-minded people do that.

They're similar though, at least the Sierra. And I didn't say they were specifically Rockies, I just pointed out that the Rockies are the anchor of the west.

Grow up, and recognize that generalizations ( including your own apparently ) and confirmation bias are ,at best, lazy thinking.
Beyond that, set a better example as counter to those things. And travel for fucks sake "Knowledge without Mileage, is bullshit"

One more thing...don't worry so much about other people's dicks. Unless you got a GF, absolutely no one cares about yours.

Should I chop mine off because it was cut? That's the problem. My parents got sucked into the whole American "cut is clean" propaganda.

You forgot the third world-tier violence and homicide rates.


Okay, pal.

Well isn't this the pot calling the kettle black? Even São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul are war zones compared to Engelwood.

Have you seen California? I'd take rednecks over those freaks any day of the week.

Let's be realistic, before you came to Sup Forums, did anyone you know care? I mean I get that it sucks you weren't consulted but, Outside of possibly the most superficial of worthless bitches , I can't possibly think of one person who would be bothered.

tl;dr It's either that or get surgery if it really bugs you that much bro.

It's more that I'm bothered by the lost sensitivity. Nobody's ever said anything that I've slept with, and I've even been with my fair share of european girls.

>What is the economic engine of your country

>The Pacific Northwest and New England are the only good parts.

no they're not you liberal faggot

Because Mississippi is utopia.

>European Girls
>constantly whines about American nationalism


And I'm from one of the regions you actually like.

Let me guess, New Hampshire or the dry side of Washington.

That's the broadest definition of the Midwest I've ever seen

That, or realize that every country has its fair share of stupid shit, just in different flavors.



Vote OUT

"How do you know what you've lost if you never had it?" Best you can do is, not make the same choice for your kid as your folks did. You can call it propaganda. But as an established practice or choice for parents, it's been around and in practice for thousands of years. For religious or other so called health reasons. If you want to start a one man crusade that's fine and all, but you'd be better off putting your energy into having the paperwork to back up what you say ( i.e. a degree in some relevant medical field ) or you'll just be dismissed as some kinda quack. And no relevant situationed couple will listen to what you have to say. And if not well, at least such a thing will bring in money etc

tl;dr get some accreditation if you wanna educate some bluepills

I just hate the idea that I got cut and didn't have a say in it. It's a principle thing for me.

Might get surgery one day if I have money, might not. I wish I wasn't cut but since I have to live with it, I'll just live with it.

Don't have to tell you exactly, because you're a limp-wristed cuck who hates himself who literally believes in shitty memes recycled across the Internet and clearly hasn't left his meth-infested shit hole in the South and, once moving elsewhere, complain about fucking taxes while moving there.

People like you are the real cancer my country has.

As a Pennsylvanian, I would like to say that, while anyone who sounds like a yinzer is not to be trusted, there is a far worse accent at the north end of the Great Lakes.

>how genital mutilation is acceptable
only one I agree with you on tbqh this shits gotta stop


Well, just be thankful that we're not the UK.

Look at the UK and laugh.


These people have the right idea

>MFW our nations father literally stabbed themselves in their heart.

It's richer than bongistan



Don't bother. I'm from Seattle, born and raised, and you are an official cuck.

Same here. Where at bro? I'm in Wallingford m8

oh, originally from lynwood though

Greenlake. This city is shitlib central, but hell I still love it.

>isn't west at all

>tfw you have a complete foreskin
I'll never be a goy. Why even live?

do not worry, it is never too late to be circumcised

Have you tried not being a faggot

Old terms tend to stick, just like the south, the midwest got it's name before our country was fully explored/claimed/annexed.


>Have you seen the south
have you seen LA?

>American arrogance, how genital mutilation is acceptable, our flat accents, general international ignorance, high obesity rates, shitty rigged electoral system, military worship
>The Pacific Northwest and New England are the only good parts.
are you done virtue signaling or do you have more?

My favorite thing about America and Americans:

You can hear both liberals saying how much religion is ruining america, and conservatives saying how Obama is a socialist muslim, but the moment someone says "man your country sucks" they immediately get on the defense and are patriotic as fuck. It's honestly great, I wish we had more of it up here.

this post was so funny to me

Have YOU? You yanks keep scrambling to move here because it's doing so well lately.
Fuck off.

this desu

>American arrogance
Comes with the territory of being the World superpower. The Romans did it, the British did it, etc. It's tradition
>how genital mutilation is acceptable
Speak for yourself, just because you don't hear people outraged about it, doesn't mean people accept it
>our flat accents
"flat"? This country has several accents, most of which are easily distinguishable. We have great accents and culture which comes with half of them. If anything, this is something you should like. You're probably just bored with your area and it's people
>general international ignorance
I'll give you that
>high obesity rates
Only in certain parts of the country, and if you have a problem with it, move up the ladder and move to a better location.
>shitty rigged electoral system
Debatable. Majority should win I agree, but it's still debatable.
>military worship
Thank terrorism. Before 9/11 our military, especially certain branches, were treated like shit.
>The Pacific Northwest and New England are the only good parts.
Now you're just fucking high

You need more experience


Mississippi is shit because of starry-eyed liberal utopians who thought former slaves would become fully fledged American citizens by decree. Burn in hell.

This. He sounds like someone who rarely gets out and hasn't experienced most of what this country and what life in general has to offer.

He probably thinks he'd be better off living in another country, similar to the typical teenage "born in the wrong generation" type, and "everybody but me is stupid".

I know that's projecting much, but given his several reasons, it's highly probable.


The Pacific Northwest and New England are the only good parts.

This part I agree with

The rest, eh, not so much

Beyond banter, everybody like you guys.

love u 2 mom


that's not true at all lmao, but thanks anyway

If youre gonna lie to me tell me theres a model in a car outside waiting to tongue my balls.

Quit being a queer, queer

t.flyover state

>open-border loving transexuals built silicon valley and hollywood
wow really makes you think huh

fixed your map OP

missouri, illinois, indianna, ohio and west virginia are not southern

I think you mean

t. anywhere but that shithole LA

>It's another episode of first worlders complaining about their country

Well not enough of the third world on the internet for them to complain about their problems.

LA is awesome? Why so bitter, are you a rube from Kansas? It is better than boring San Diego and free of Redneck military trash.


Be a man and ID yourself by state. If you are from Nevada then New York is not your country,