Iranian AMA

I am an Iranian currently living in New Zealand on a scholarship (not immigrant). Ask me anything m80s!

Other urls found in this thread:

are you a girl?

How different is it in NZ from home?

Are you racist to Arabs, blacks, Turks, etc?

Don't give me a meme answer like "no I love every1"

No. My name is Reza.
It's colder, much colder. The people are not as friendly here but still quite friendly. I've only arrived five days a go so I'm still settling in. I currently live in Christchurch and I must say that there are a lot more tourists here than Shiraz (where I was born). But so far I don't miss Iran much since everything here is an upgrade albeit a little more expensive.

What is it like to live in Iran

opinion on Shah

What are your political views?
What are your religious views?
Favorite country?
What race do you find most attractive?
How was life in Iran?
Favorite music genre?
Favorite movie/tv show?

Racist, no. But I don't particularly like Arabs. I had a bad experience with some Yemeni Arabs a while back in Malaysia. They didn't bathe and take care of their children and every time the condo managers cleaned the pool they dirtied it. Also every Egyptian that I came across seemed to be crazy but I don't know about Saudi Arabia and the Emirates so I'd rather not give my opinion on them as I have insufficient info.
Blacks, I have no problems with them and as for the Turks, I lived alongside them in Shiraz and they are simply wonderful people despite all the jokes and insults (which are untrue) that Iranians tell about them.

Do you think Iranians generally have a positive or negative opinion of Canadians?

He was a dictator and there was no question about that but in the long run, all he did was for the betterment of Iran both culturally and structurally even though the people didn't see that in him back then.

It's a lot cheaper than you'd expect. Gas costs less than you guys lol but there are a lot of ways the Iranians can trick you when it comes to business. We may seem friendly on the outside but a lot of us are in it for ourselves alone when it comes to work and business situations. Think of the Iranian people as Lord Baylish from game of Thrones and you have the people I had to deal with everyday back in Iran.

some of you iranians are okay, don't go to america tomorrow

Thanks, Jimmy Carter.

How to get iranian gf?

Also due to my studies I may visit th country in the future, is it safe for non-muslims?

Political Views: I don't really get into that stuff but I'd say Iran needs change and not only the government but the people too. There is a lot of thievery when it comes to infrastructure maintenance and building loans from the bank and that needs to change ASAP.

Religious views: I was born into Islam and forced to study it throughout school and yet I find myself rejecting it even more everyday. That brings me a lot of confusion but now I have accepted that I follow no particular religion but still believe in god and live by a certain set of principles.

Favorite country: Iran! I know that sounds too cliche or vain but I must admit I really love my country along with its poetry, gardens culture and food.
Race that I find attractive: I like the Kiwis here but I like Iranian girls even more.

How's life in Iran: Favorite music genre: I listen to Metal and alt Metal mainly, a little disturbed here and a little SOAD there. Not really into that NU metal and and cheesy shit like that.

Favorite TV show: GoT, Dexter and maybe Person of Interest(?)

Sorry it took so long brah!

what languages do you speak?

lol, long term relationship with an Iranian GF can be hard and expensive unless you are in it for full time commitment. And as for how, I dunno just talk to them. If they notice you're a foreigner they might like you a lil bit more

I was more interested in the other question though.

It's okay, thanks for answering my question?

Someone who believes in a god but not of a certain religion is called a Deist.

Just telling ya so you can explain it quicker in the future

What did he mean by this?

Sorry m8! something came up and I couldn't finish the reply. It's safe for non-muslims as long as you steer clear of Mashhad and Qom. anywhere else and people will even invite you into their homes and give you free food. So long as you're not rude you'll be treated nicely!

Not my first language :/ but tnx

People keep telling me to go back to my own country (not IRL) so just wanted to clear things up.

A deist is a believer of Deism, which is the belief in the existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not intervene in the universe.

Unless you think god no longer does anything to influence the world, you're more likely just a theist (the opposite of which is obviously an atheist).

Do people go to the club in Iran? Are the girls also open for one ofs like one Nights stands or simply making out?

Thank you.

Also what's wrong with Mashhad and Qom?

I think god interferes with us but just not in the way that he makes people chop off other people's heads and throw gay people off of buildings

I'm not that guy but you are just a plain theist then, maybe you will find some sect of Islam or Christianity that you agree with though.

I get that sentiment.

But that makes you and I theists, or people that just believe in God.

Good way to get stoned for violating sharia law.

There are no clubs in Iran, that's illegal due to religion run government. Some of them are but they're rare and far apart. Most of them are quite reserved and not due to religious reasons and mostly because of the family honor and what not.

What's you favorite color?
What's your favorite food?
What are the exact co-ordinates of your nuclear plants?
What is your favorite drink?

They are religious cities with religious people. It's not dangerous but you won't meet as many friendly people there. Just visit Isfahan, Shiraz, Kish, Bandar Abbas and the north.

Hi Reza, hope you're having a good time in NZ. Are you studying at Canterbury?

I hope that you've been able to see a bit of NZ. From Christchurch you can do day trips to Akaroa, Hanmer Springs and the Ski Fields and they're all worth doing. If you have time then head up to Nelson and around Golden Bay.

what's the sensation of living in a shithole worse than brazil all your life then going to the 1st world? It makes you suicidal?

Color: Green and purple

Food: Ghormeh Sabzi

Coordinates: Seven miles south from Netanyahu's asshole, directly above his blue balls. Our plants aren't very big, might need a magnifier to see the reactor "chimney"

Drink: I don't drink. so, Cola (?)

At least I don't get cucked by Germany.

>I listen to Metal and alt Metal mainly, a little disturbed here and a little SOAD there.
Salam bache kooni
Tell me what you think about Babymetal

What are the best cities in Iran in terms of beauty?

Not human beauty but buildings, nature, temples etc.

>Islamistis hate fun
I should have known better. What are some activities young people in Iran do to enjoy themselves. Also where do they go to meet and get know girls?

میشه تو استیم برام ارما 3 رو بخری؟

Ehhhh negs ye kooni dg messe khodemoon peyda shod. salam ESHGHAM!

I don't like them. I don't hate them.

Do you know that people can easily find you with the information you gave here?

Tnx! Yes I study in Canterbury. I'm planning to take all the great walks once it's a bit warmer!

>Also where do they go to meet and get know girls?
I have a German friend IRL that's always asking me, "So, how's meeting girls going?" whenever I see him. Why is that always the thing German people are most concerned about?

What are you studying?

>Worse the brazil

Whatever helps you sleep at night monkey.

>live in Christchurch

There's your problem. Everyone is a lot more racist in ChCh


Thoughts on Assad and the Syrian war?

Would you say he's like the Shah in that he's a necessary evil?

go be fucking beheaded for being gay abdullah

I'm not giving you that much info bruv! :)

Gorgan/Yazd/Isfehan/Shiraz/Tabriz/And people might get butthurt but Tehran.

k then

Ziad etelaate khusoosito nade be mardome gharibe, khatarnake.

Would you ever go see them though, at least at a metal festival you're attending? Watch them totally destroy Download Festival here in front of 80k fans.

Its OK as long as i be able to fuck your hairy monkey asshole you zika headed double nigger.


>be brazilian
>die for being brazilian

They game, go to cafes, parks and restaurants, just no clubs. Although there are a few underground clubs and people who have parties in their homes but that's REALLY dangerous as it could get you whipped.

Dadash you're still on Sup Forums? I thought you left because summer.

How is life bro?

sorry i didnt reply, go here:

I'm always here.

>How is life bro?

Have you heard about my bad LSD trip yet?I posted about that weeks ago.

Too edgy 4 me

No, I guess I'm the one that left for a while. I still post as a Canadian sometimes but mostly lurk. After the nuclear deal hype settled there hasn't been many Iranian threads to shitpost together with.

How do you feel about Iranians living in the U.S?

What is your favorite pre Islamic Persian empire?

Why was ancient Mesopotamia better than ancient Persia?

Too bad desustorage is kill otherwise i posted the archive link.

It was a long story.

>I still post as a Canadian
Why you're posting with >a leaf flag?

>After the nuclear deal hype settled there hasn't been many Iranian threads

Wrong,theres been alot,also chubak returned and number of Iranian posters doubled.

Iranians in us: No particular feeling. They're living there and I'm living here.

Favorite Empire: Achaemenid, atleat they didn't lose to the Arabs like the Sassanids

And the last question?

How do most Persians feel about Arabs?

and as for your last question: I'm not a historian m8


I do see a lot of hate but I myself have no particular beef with them. The Yemeni are a bit uncultured though.

When will you kick out those worthless Muslims and restore Persia's monarchy so women can where mini skirts while walking down the street to college?

Wow I missed a lot. See you in the next Iranian thread dadash. You too.

>despite all the jokes and insults (which are untrue) that Iranians tell about them.
Like what? I didn't think Iranians really had anything against Turks.

Soon, I hope. But you must realize that after the first revolution the people thought everything was going to get better but the blissful state declined and now people are cautious when it comes to reform because they don't want anymore bloodshed like the green movement back in 2008.

lol fucking wagecuck.

There is a stereotype in Iran for the Turks and the Lors which wrongly accuses them of being stupid and illiterate all the while Turkish kids usually do better in school. I'm not talking about Turks from Turkey I'm talking about the local Turk population.

you didnt answer my assad question laddy

I had a lor freind and he really believed azeris are rulling Iran and they are keeping the lors down,he was in basij and when i told him during "Anghelab" faggots breaked santors and shit he at first didn't believed and said "You can't take santor away from us Lors"

He was a funny guy.

I didn't answer cause I have no prior knowledge. But I think from what I've personally heard, Bashar Assad is worse than the Shah.

There is always the rotten apples, I had a friend (online) who was a lor and he was quite nice.

you should really go back to Iran

Yes, and please stay in Amerilardistan and suckle on the government's teats as it dies in the hands of Shillary.

I guess the thread is rip. See ya bois.

t. Pedro ibn tyrone al choung.

How hard is it to get weed in Iran

>no. My name is Reza
Post qt neck and tummy

You can get heroin on every corner, forget about weed

Not hard at all,come to my city and get it for you underone hour.The best part is you can also find pure tasteless acid that is hard to find in other countries.

lol, no, I don't.

I had positive views of Canadians but after i learned they fucking club seals i wish them genocide.

Sounds like somebody has experience


Daddash suck my cock and get beheaded for faggotry you AIDS ridden bitch

Iran is one of the most drug-addicted countries in the world. Forget weed, you can score any kind of drug you want

Oh. I didn't read through all of the comments in this thread

Bia saresh ro begir jendeh.

torke char neghal