How do we save Britain?

How do we save Britain?

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Queen needs to seize power from these monkeys

We need a 2nd referendum t b h

just nuke our shit up senpai

Best out of three, eh?


And against was also voted by a number close to 17 million, do you get why people are blocking it now? It was far too close to actually prove anything

How is 4% lead far too close?? George Bush was elected president with a -0.5% lead.

bush lost the popular vote

that's his point

He had to have the Supreme Court back him in that election, of course it was not a resounding mandate



I misread it, my apology.

happens to everyone, have a nice day

there will never be annother refferendum
neither party wants it nor does the EU

people can moan all the like about their neo-liberal paradise falling apart around them.

what about the petition with millions of signatures? iirc parliament at least has to debate it now

Go full balls to the wall and basically remind everyone the referendum is non-binding and that they won't invoke article 50 because the population made a retarded decision.

I honestly think if she stepped in the plebs would listen to her.

>"We're going to keep voting until we get the result the leaders want."

>European """""democracy"""""

>the British prime minister resigned and the Pound crashed and their EU commissioner resigned but we were just joking guys we will still stay
If that happens I have lost all respect for British politics.

We can't. We've lost our jewels. And now we'll happily take our place as a non international player. Just a small island nation with sovereignty and true democracy.

They can't stop the train no. There are no brakes.

Was that the one that was manipulated by bots?

>2 people quit and new trade deals became required
>lose faith in their politics

You know for a nation of political extremists you guys sure are spineless

It is being investigated for fraud by parliament because people started getting foreigners to sign it. Nobody is taking it seriously.

>Implying there is any thing respectable left of British politics.

well the same people that are pro-EU are anti-monarchy because its undemocratic, pretty tragic

the petition is bogus. it has about 50k signatures from vatican ips.

Even God knows is against brexit it seems

>No Scotland,North Ireland or London
Ah yes what could go wrong
Nobody gives a crap about what you respect we're staying in

>God knows is
This is what I get for not proof reading

this 2bh

She's probably got more balls

>new trade deals became required
If you mean with the EU, I can't see them getting much. Free trade with the continent means accepting the migration and almost all of the regulations that they just rejected.

The Pope was spamming it.

Unless it's 2 leave votes then it's best out of 5. If it's 3 leave votes it's best out of 7.

>yfw the queen takes over and leads Britain to become an empire again

>Mentioning London
How can you possibly remove the heart and brain of the body and expect it to survive?

So let them sit without trade in the EU until France and Germany get sick of being the only big economic players feeding all of their bullshit and then take new deals when they realize they cut out the world's 5th biggest economy in a temper tantrum

>we're staying in

how do you reject result of fair referandum in democracies

The pro EU become undecomcartic when they lose and don't get their way.

He is lying. We are going. Even Blair, the arch-europhile says a way to stop this is impossible.

>Thinking London needs little England to survive
Holy crap I'm fucking dying rn
It's called the establishment and guess what? They're on our side so fuck off.

cant. Britannia is lost.

>nigger calls on the parliament to "stop this madness"

>how do we save britain

deport muslims, hindus, chinks and blacks

Is that why the proportion of youngsters voting for remain was so high? More minorities among the young so more young voting remain? Why do minorities do it?

>l e a f
>keep the base sikh bro trus me
fuck off England for the English

There will never be another referendum. Anything can happen in the next two years though, let's sit and wait.

>it's a butthurt Swede uses a proxy episode

>Is that why the proportion of youngsters voting for remain was so high? More minorities among the young so more young voting remain? Why do minorities do it?

Turnout for "young" people was low. It's true that minorities are a bigger proportion of the younger cohort. It was probably young pakis who were more motivated to go out and vote.

>implying they aren't

>Turnout for "young" people was low. It's true that minorities are a bigger proportion of the younger cohort. It was probably young pakis who were more motivated to go out and vote.
how do we save britain

If they do a 2nd referendum or take too long to disband from EU, it will prove nationalist parties they're right and they will gain even more support for next elections ; libcucks in Brussels want to absolutely stop that and are pushing for a fast withdraw (which won't happen)

We dont