
slovakia rules the tatras

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Is slovakia fertile or is it just a meme

oh boze konecne prsi vdaka bohu. teplokaust konci

no it really is

will v4 kick ass and chew bubble gum or vice versa?

recent Eurocup results say: rather not





you can go back to your containment board or thread now

should I buy 4 beers for lunch

srs question

>should i buy beer
what kind of a question is that ?

do you think krtek was on drugs? he was always so happy


>wake up to a thunderclap no more than 50m away
fucking finally, this shit is like 3 days overdue


Morning, I hate my job

morning, cheer up Kiraly

What do you do?

Boring office work

Me too man but I used to work in a warehouse and office work is much better

start posting you clucks

he has a well-rounded personality, he's problem-oriented and he doesn't let small obstacles in life keep him down
that's why he's happy


>not Gyöngyhajú lány edition

We're finally out of this football competiton stuff, so people can stop pretending they care about being Hungarian and everyone can go back shittalking Magyar Foci


Leftist terror. 400 neomarxist attacking peaceful right wing demonstration

Do you at least earn a decent payment?>pic related
I'd consider this nice banter from anyone except Austria

you're so fucking unique with your opinion user
it's like 20 other normie fucks from among my fb friends didn't post this exact same thing since last night


This was the first time in my live when I actually felt what it's like to root for your own team.
If you wouldn't be a pseudocynic asshole you'd understand the cause of this whole thing.


>32C yesterday people died on the street
>cold as fuck today + asshole wind

weather pls

hey guys Finished semester, work starts in two weeks, bored as fuck. I'd like to expand my knowledge, what do I do?

>expand my knowledge

I knew Czechs were fedoric as fuck but come on

master the art of the blowjob

I'm doing something every day, been drinking with m8s pretty much the whole last week. I just need to fill up the time between morning and afternoon.
My PC is potato so I can't really game.

disgusting normie

why you so mean to me /v4/

>expand my knowledge
i guess that was't the best formulation, I just want to learn new shit


stop translating Czech into English

I'm sorry I dislike full retards literally stopping the tram on it's tracks and yelling like chimps.

sup /v4/



usual levels of asshurt
how's britburkistan?

don't come here disgusting normie

why? It makes sense doesn't it?

>Scénář uzpůsobený současnému světovému dění se odehrával ve fiktivní Pilsnerii s hlavním městem Chmelingtonem.
top kek

In the throes of the greatest political crisis since ww2

it is the toppest of the keks, this whole shebang makes berlusconi's old govt look competent

hows /cz/?

makes sense to me because there's sformułowanie in Polish

in English you formulate scientific equations and so forth

>tfw normies call me a nerd and nerds call me a normie
what am I
what's the correct word in English then? Express?

there are at least 10 articles about brexit in every news source every day here
crazy stuff

>hows /cz/?
not as hot anymore, waiting for the HR woman from my (hopefully) new workplace to call me today
she w-will call, right? ;_;

ahojte kamaráti

Dear diary, another day, another rejection. I even scored well on the test. And I thought I had done quite well at the interview with the HR person. And then with the potential department heads. Apparently not.

express, put into words or simply say

real anglos tend to use short words in conversation

Nerds are normies you aren't an autist

a faggot

>normies call me
>interacting with normies
normie pls

>there are at least 10 articles about brexit in every news source every day here
keks, what do they say? britain fucked up or?

>HR woman from my (hopefully) new workplace to call me today

still early t bh familia, good luck

I'm older than the country you're posting as.

It's time to go back to school

last five
>End of Polish Vermin! Attacks on foreigners on the rise
>One fourth of Germans would want similar referendum
>Britain will face recession (?), says Goldman Sachs
>If we ever have similar referendum and vote leave, our country is going to collapse
>Britain is going to collapse if it stops receiving EU donations (lol)

>polack back!
yes there's been a few attacks on polish community centres and the like
>kraut out
no idea about this
no idea
>collapsing britain
not the eu donations but all the places that benefited from eu redistribution (Wales, cornwall, the north) are gonna completely implode

10/10 would brexit again


Not a good time for that, applications are usually sent in Jan/Feb. Also doesn't solve the, you know, work and money problem for 2/3 years.

I'm at work and safe the short interesting part in the rain this morning, it's been quite boring

Never a good time for anything desu
>work and money
part time job and be frugal

>it's almost midday

christ that was fast

>part time job and be frugal
Thanks for the tip, that never occured to me.

damn man, are you at pracák or something? considered looking for a job that's not necessarily in your field?
your posts make me fucking depressed you know

If its carrying you right now then why not continue with it and go to school

came in to do project work but the girl in charge of administrative tasks is a 150 cm Thumbelina so she needs me every time she has to move something bigger than an A/5 envelope
can't really concentrate if i have to stand up and cart boxes or switch water ballons every 40 mins

>they didn't inherit property
>they didn't invest their inheritance
>they have to work


in reality, it's just one very dedicated journalist writing those articles, he shits out like 5 every day, not even kidding
and he often builds them on unfounded facts
czech journalism in the nutshell

>your grandparents were poor and died early so you didn't inherit shit
>you have to sell your soul to the zog if you ever want own a property
fuck this shit, i'm going to live in rents and blow my money and stupid stuff until i'm 40 and then i'll call it quits


should I send him a message?

why didn't your grandparents join the commies and buy Jewish property at low as fuck prices? were they dumb?

don't be as dumb as they were, join Fidesz and loot some shit for your own grandchildren

Fuck off dumb frogposter


one can not resist a mullet this majestic

on the maternal side they were poor teachers and grampa was constantly harassed for not joining the party despite occupying a
>high prestige

paternal grampa was born into a family of successful enterpreneurs but commies took their business from them because lol kulaks
granny was to inherit a vineyard but it was socialized and she was forced to work there under a literal illiterate commie retard

fuck commies up the ass with hot iron rods

at least you have something to do

if you can't beat them, join them ;^)
you can't feed your kids with ideals

desu i don't mind doing menial shit at all, i'd risk saying that i enjoy it, but it takes time away from real work

The username is a little too forward

>tfw I will inherit 2 apartments because my family is so small and it will die out eventually because I won't have kids

>because I won't have kids
you can always adopt

like I want to..

he's divorced, cut him some slack


>he's divorced
Should not have gotten married in the first place
>not wanting to save a little black kid from straving

>little black kids
czechia is truly western now

maybe he was just young and naive

>not wanting to save a little black kid from straving
nice bait you got there


Hey, that match was really close until the very end.

>10' 1:0
>78' 2:0
>79' 3:0
>91' 4:0

Moving to Bratislava soon, any tips or tricks?

Like I said. The game could have ended in Hungary's favour but unfortunately they couldn't get it into the back of the net (really close too) and that counter attack at 78' just ended the match for them.

>she w-will call, right? ;_;
no, prepare for a pracák visit

nobody cares you gypsy fuck we still remained in longer than your team

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Atok Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Ignore It It's Fantasy Like Nigga Close Your Ears Haha

>Moving to Bratislava soon, any tips or tricks?
yeah, don't move to Bratislava